Why is stanley called caveman in holes

Is Camp Green Lake real? The movie reminded me that Green Lake is a real place in Texas that has its own fascinating legal history. Green Lake is the largest natural fresh-water lake in Texas. Why is Zero's real name significant? Zero's Real name is Hector Zeroni and it is significant because Elya promised Madame Zeroni he would come back and take her up the big thumb shaped mountain because if he didn't, he and his family would be cursed by her but he forgot and when he remembered, Madame Zeroni passed away.

What is your holes nickname? He has a lot of bad luck because of a family curse. His nickname at Camp Green Lake is 'Caveman'. What happened when Sam kissed Katherine? Chapter 26 At this time it is against the law for a black man to kiss a white woman and the angry town comes to the schoolhouse to attack Miss Katherine and her books.

She runs to the sheriff for help and finds that he is drunk and preparing to hang Sam. When she asks him to help her he says, "Kiss me…. Why does Stanley dig one more hole? Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole? Stanley wanted to find the chest with the treasure in it. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?

So he could separate the water from the mud. How old is Stanley Yelnats now? Stanley Yelnats IV also known as "Caveman" by the rest of the campers, but referred to in the book by his proper name : Stanley is a year-old boy who does not have any friends from school and is often picked on by his classmates and the school bully. Where is Stanley Yelnats from? Stanley Yelnats from the book Holes was glad that the other kids gave him Caveman as a nickname because the giving of nicknames signified acceptance into the group.

This indicates he is fitting in rather well. The nickname Caveman also shows that Stanley is becoming confident. Staney Yenats is CAveman. When Stanley got his nickname, 'Caveman', he finally felt like part of the group, with all the other nicknamed boys. The book Holes by Louis Sachar is a well written book.

The book Holes talks about in adventure for Stanley as he meets a boy named Zero who he helps throughout the book. In the book holes, Stanley yelnats is given the nickname "caveman" which the other inmates gave to him because he found a fish fossil while digging out on the lake.

He got his nickname caveman because he is big and stood up to the lump in the 'wreak' room. There are 7 people. Stanley Yelnats is about in the book Holes. Stanley Yelnats is the main character in the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar. Stanley have friends:. The people that go to camp green lake is zero, caveman, armpit, zigzag, squid,x ray, magnet,twitch and barf bag but barf bag gets bitten by a rattle snake so he leaves and Stanley named caveman takes his place.

Stanley teach zero to read and write and zero dig the holes of stanley. Log in. Romance Novels. Holes - Novel and Movie. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. He got the nickname when he got in a fight with another camper. Study guides. Stanley continued to send letters to his mom to make his mother not worry. Soon after, X-Ray makes Stanley promise that if he found anything, he'd give it to him.

This is because of X-Ray not finding anything since he had arrived at the camp six months prior. Soon, Stanley discovered a bullet-like lipstick tube with the initials "KB" engraved on it--while pondering whether it really belonged to the famous outlaw--and proceeds to deliver it to X-Ray, albeit under duress - X-Ray was almost done and Stanley was going to still be working all day.

X-Ray got in his face, challenging, "Yeah? Show it to Mom the next day and get the whole day off. X-Ray had won, Stanley had given in, but he also gave him an idea that he hadn't considered.

X-Ray was impressed, and proceeded to show the lip-stick tube to Mr Pendanski the next morning, and called The Warden, who gave X-Ray the day off, a double shower token A couple of days later, Magnet steals Mr Sir's seeds and passes burlap sack containing them around. ZigZag threw it to Stanley, but it landed in Stanley's hole in the process "Aww, Stanley, you butter-fingers! Mr Sir soon drives back, having noticed his seeds were stolen.

Stanley took the blame for taking the sunflower seeds, and they went to the Warden's cabin. The Warden, expecting that Stanley had found what she was looking for, was annoyed because of the disturbance, and severely injured Mr Sir in the face by scratching him with her nails coated with rattlesnake venom.

She then tells Stanley to return to his hole to dig. After returning to his respective hole, Stanley realizes that Zero already dug his hole. Stanley agreed with Zero that if Stanley teaches him to read, Zero will dig part of Stanley's hole every day.

Zero also reveals that his real name is "Hector Zeroni. However, he saddened when Hector told him that he used to sleep in the tunnel next to the swinging bridge at the park. A few days after, Zigzag and Squid start to antagonize Stanley due to Zero digging a part of his hole every day. Zigzag then starts provoking Stanley, Mr Pendanski actually egging them on, so Stanley fights back, and Zigzag violently batters Stanley, in which Zero retaliates by choking Zigzag nearly to death.

This forces Pendanski to fire his shotgun into the sky to scare them apart. The altercation caused the Warden to come over and intervene. Zigzag starts telling the Warden what happened, where the Warden tells Stanley to dig his own hole. Following the departure of Zero, a new kid fills his spot, named "Twitch" for his fidgety behaviour.

Determined to find Zero, Stanley steals Mr Sir's water truck, while Twitch tells him how to start the truck - Twitch had gotten arrested for joyriding in a stolen Mustang.

Stanley starts driving, but soon drives into a hole and makes the truck get stuck. Stanley flees from the scene, where he eventually finds a boat that says "Mary Lou" on it. He looks under it, only to find Zero under it, still alive.


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