Why is ravindra jadeja called sir yahoo answers

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Therefore, use them as an access point and make it easy if users forget their password. Some so many Windows users have reported problems in getting logging in or creating issues while entering their username or password. This issue has been encountered on more than one version of windows that ranges from old versions like windows 7 to the newer advanced windows Here we will discuss how to fix Skype login issues on windows to look into the problems and offer potential solutions: If Skype does not Accept Username and Password Several windows users have reported their problem within the process of Skype login.

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If your Windows is not updated yet, there is a better chance you may run into all types of errors. It includes login problems as well. Furthermore, the Old version of the software is the topmost root-causes of Skype issues. Therefore, you will have to update your Windows to the latest version. After it, try to log in to your Skype account. However, you still not get resolved your issue while updating Windows or you are already using the latest version of Windows then try the next solution.

Furthermore, you may try to run Skype in compatibility mode. On the other hand, you can reset Windows to the last working version. Look if Skype will allow you to enter your user credentials or not. Restart your computer. Connect anyway? Cause 2: Misspelling typed the sign-in address, user name, or password by mistake.

Then verify that the sign-in name of the user. On the other hand, the user should try signing in again. They will notify you about the new temporary password. However, if not, then register yourself and sign in again. Therefore, you should uninstall and reinstall Skype from the Microsoft admin center. Problem acquiring a personal certificate that is required to sign in If your sign-in address has recently changed, then you may be required to delete cached sign-in data.

If you set up a custom domain name, and the changes may not have completed propagating through the system then, first of all, make sure that you have updated the Domain Name Service DNS. If you have already made the necessary DNS changes, then try logging in later because DNS changes may take up to 72 hours to be reflected throughout the system. To troubleshoot Skype for logging issues, begin by eliminating the most common causes of the sign-in problem. If compulsory, you are allowed to follow specific resolution steps that are based on the type of error.

If the user still cannot sign in, collect additional information, and then get extra help. Video result. Live Interaction Obvious Answers: Why is he called Sir Lancelot Why is God Called a Consuming Fire? Why is Gravitational Constant called Universal Who gave Jaddu the title of Sir Jadeja? Top 10 Logical Fallacies This is why he called "Sir Jadeja" shorts Banking Spl. New Batch Reasoning Syllogism Up Police Constable Reasoning Classes Related News.

Boris Johnson under pressure to allow double jabbed adults to escape isolationYour browser indicates if you've visited this link MSN. End self-isolation for double-jabbed sooner, says Sir Keir StarmerYour browser indicates if you've visited this link But in a statement, Sir Keir said the government "has never been able to explain the logic of their self-isolation Ghosts series three review - does the fearsome fright club need new blood?

Your browser indicates if you've visited this link Much worse, spending eternity in a manor house with a newly dead bibulous, probably inbred blowhard called Barclay Afghanistan news: Taliban call for surrender of final rebel province as Raab seeks global coalitionYour browser indicates if you've visited this link The Taliban has called for the surrender of the last province of Afghanistan held by rebel forces. The role of right-wing terror hectares whereas Ramkrishna Charitable Trust New Delhi groups first came to light in after the Malegaon blasts in received 15 acres.

Amarjyoti Charitable Trust got 0. The Purohit, were arrested subsequently. The probe slowed down No permission for conversion: SC judge NIA has so far registered five cases in which the involvement of but picked up again after the arrest of Swami Aseemanand last Justice Sathasivam while speaking on the occasion of the third Hindu terrorists is suspected.

A top official of the agency, during year. But…there is common thread running through these cases. In about twenty districts the party Article 25 of the Constitution says that the practice of forced con- keen to investigate.

It is up to the MHA to direct the agency to offices have been given liberal grants of lands. Saraswati Shishu version is not only illegal, but unethical too. Mandirs and other institutes affiliated to Sangh have received lib- of religion is explained in Article It allows every Indian the The cases registered by NIA so far include Samjhauta, eral sanctions 41 acres have gone to shishu mandirs. The An interesting aspect of this bonanza is the fact that while low.

The matter pertains modified its judgement in the case. Most of the anti-conversion Ajmer blasts case was transferred from Rajasthan Police. In the to when Kamal Patel was the revenue minister. Anurag laws are brief and leave plenty of room, which can be misused Nanded case, the CBI has given a no-objection to NIA to take up Modi, Samajvadi Jan Parishad, obtained these details through on a case to case basis. Earlier, various states passed Freedom the probe.

The seven other cases NIA is keen to investigate knowledge. Chirayu Charitable Foundation and Hospital has two Christianity. Gujarat passed anti conversion bill in the year , include Sunil Joshi murder case, Malegaon blasts, highly influential ministers as partners in addition to several Arunachal Pradesh in , Madhya Pradesh in , Nanded, Kanpur blast, blasts in Jalna and Parbani and prominent bureaucrats and other officers in various undertak- Chhattisgarh in and Himachal Pradesh in the year The agency says that the probe into the ings.

Among the beneficiaries are trusts from other states — Nav Mohammad Naushad Khan. The intimate fact was that the BJP had no badri. As will, no doubt, many the strategic partnership with the US. All very. A bulk of their elected representatives or members of the administrative tribe ever really can be trusted to square with them on any issue at hand-from the burst water pipeline, to the price of food articles, to any policy heretofore gullible Indians also get to know that they may have been suckers at the altar of false gods whose com- mitment to a foreign power and its claims and interests exceeds its commitment to both Indians and to Hindutva.

But Jaitley, Advani and Wiki are all to be thanked; we now know we were always right. As will, no doubt, many heretofore gullible Indians issues bearing on domestic or foreign concern. The prime let, or hindrance-added] that Hindu nationalism fake, right-wing accusers Do the people of India have a However, he characterized this as an opportunis- election as General Secretary of the CPI M , Pakistan; and how Narayanan told him of his right to be told?

Forget it. Roemer, with good judgement and rea- rate would have been vaulting sky high. What remains intact. And note this: now that terrorist attacks nation with the spin that whereas the other National Security Advisor of a host country so Lost opportunity, you would say.

But, wait a minute own. So thank heavens there cross-border terrorist attack, for instance, on the Blake. We leave you to mick, although a deadly one since lately discov- God knows why the Indian electorate gave itself confession made to the intimate zone and retold work that one out, even as we also invite you to ered to be aligned with terrorism as well, may a cabinet and a prime minister. Advani of the BJP is heard Indians before they do with the intimate zone, an zone. Lucknow last month.

It was presided over by advocate Mushtaq and it is quite difficult to understand as to why the UPA is shying The imam briefly addressed mediapersons at the airport say- Ahmed Siddiqui. The meeting took stock of the issues pertaining from a principled stand to direct CBI to include the conspiracy ing that he came India with a message of love, goodwill and to the Babri Masjid. The mood was all upbeat as more than 65 charge against LK Advani, the prime architect of the Babri Masjid peace.

He was invited to attend and address the Azmate members, from all over UP, made it to the meeting. The Imam was first carried by a helicopter to Deoband the Supreme Court and informed that the Muslim side has by now CBI should invite as many witnesses as possible, so that the case where he visited the historic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband submitted five petitions in the Apex Court, challenging the three- against the demolition accused gets a firm base and the demoli- and delivered the Juma sermon at its famous Masjid Rashid judges bench order of Sept 30, After the demolition and led the Juma prayer.

In the evening, he returned to Delhi. The five petitions which have been filed require elaboration. On 26 March, he attended the Azmate Sahaba conference. The first While addressing a huge gathering there, he said that respect the same case. The Case No. On this occasion he also visited Students Islamic father ZiaudDin had earlier contested the case. MisbahudDin is a MA Siddiqui would like action against the 68 persons who Organisation headquarters where he delivered a brief speech resident of Faizabad.

Due to Ansari, now around 80 years and a resident of Ayodhya, Liberhan Commission. Thereafter he visited India Islamic Cultural Masjid case since six decades. The last two petitions have been their role in the demolition.

This should have been done within 24 Centre where he was welcomed warmly by its chairman filed by the Sunni Central Waqf Board in Suit No. Liberhan Complex at Abul Fazl Encalve and led Maghrib prayer at the Taking stock of the Liberhan Commission Report of , it Commission was constituted to probe the Babri Masjid demolition historic Jama Masjid of Delhi, where he addressed a huge was felt that the UPA government is yet to conform to its own in and had submitted its report after 17 years of investiga- gathering along with Shahi imam Ahmad Bukhari.

He also let the meeting know met and interacted with some ulama alongwith Urdu media- demolition of Babri Masjid and the government is yet to wake up that All India Muslim Personal Law Board is supervising the cases persons in his hotel and said that his message was love, to the issue and to make a move in order to bring the guilty to filed in the SC challenging the HC order of Sept 30 and also that goodwill and peace. He added that circum- five petitions are likely to be submitted after the order of the HC people in general and to Indian Muslims in particular who stances have proven beyond doubt their role in the demolition but is made available to the parties.

Continued from page 1 -- Hindutva terror The days of representative democracy are over. With Obviously, anybody who is part of the system would be jit- RTI, people had access to information, which was until The most disheartening part of the story is that the Christian commu- tery with such proposals. The government lacks the will to then a prerogative of only the ruling elites.

In fact, corruption sustains their poli- government can resist the pressure for very long. Nor are the Police interested in following up the complaints tics. To accept the civil society proposal would mean radi- Hopefully, this is the beginning of the change of the politi- of Christians terrorized by the right wing groups. With things becoming trans- The pattern followed by Swami Aseemanand in the Dangs was replicat- try. The civil society wants just that. Cleanse the sytem of parent and open for questioning of the corrupt, there will be ed in Kandhmal by Swami Laxmananand Sarswati who along with his men the corrupt.

Genuine politi- on 23 December objected to the Christian community making prepara- A theoretical question raised by some is how could the cians will fill the seats in Assemblies and Parliament. Right tions for Christmas following which attacks continued against the Christian civil society put pressure on the government to make a cer- now it is the super rich, criminal and corrupt who are in the community for a whole week.

Eight months later, when the Swami was tain law, not to talk of proposing a draft for the bill. It is majority in these august houses. If instead of Party identi- hacked to death by Maoists and despite the Maoists and police stating that being argued that it is prerogative of the legislature to make ty, MPs in Parliament were to be divided between corrupt the Maoists had killed the Swami, the BJP workers, the Bajrang Dal and the laws.

But when the people have lost faith in the legislature and non-corrupt, it is the corrupt who will form a govern- VHP persisted with the bloodshed against the Christian community for 42 then what recourse is open to them? They could have ment. The senior advocates Bhushan support from common people, like the JP and VP move- shameful act of raping a consecrated nun. But unlike the previous two occa- Again at that time, Manoj Pradhan was given a ticket by the BJP to con- past 15 Supreme Court chief justices have been corrupt.

Udaygiri in the Kandhamal district while serving a jail When people see the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary can guide it in the right political direction. It may be argued term as an accused in the murder of Ms. Pariskhita Digal. Pradhan was fac- taking them for a ride and media too being coopted by the that inspite of very sanguine leadership both times in the ing fourteen criminal cases including six of murder and for rioting and arson corrupt system, they have little choice but to demand par- past, the movements soon degenerated into something against the Christian community in October He contested the elec- ticipation in decision making.

He later got bail and was free National Advisory Council is a body consisting of some ments were formed. This time it is more a non-political until 29 June when a fast track court sentenced him to seven years civil society members which was formed during the tenure movement which aims at systemic reform.

It does not aim rigorous imprisonment. He was sent to jail immediately but got out on a High of the last government. It has played very important role in to change the government. It wants to change the system. So, If Anna Hazare succeeds in this he will make a far deeper it save its name from being tarnished. Prahdan did not make big news in the the question is: why cannot members of civil society, out- impact on the system than JP or VP did.

Actually, NAC has already for- youths is worth seeing. These are the same youths who Ever since the BJP came to power in Karnataka, there have been con- mulated a draft Lokpal bill which is palatable to the civil were cheering the Indian cricket team till the other day at tinuous attacks on the Christian community. Without any provocation, the society outside NAC.

The version is closer to the one being World Cup. This campaign is not to convents. But the government must realize that the protest sites and participating in them enthusiastically. A relevant seen what happened when people came out into Tahrir While Christians do understand that the media and the investigating example is Sharad Pawar being made a member of the Square in Egypt.

Of course, the Internet sites, a favourite agencies go after the bomb blasters, the community also asks as to why Group of Ministers to consider drafting Lokpal Bill. Anna with the youths, have played a key role in the mobilization, attacks on them in such huge numbers by the very same terrorists is not Hazare ridiculed him saying how can a corrupt minister be part of which is pouring in at the sit-ins across the country. They do not expect much from the political part of the drafting team of an anti-corruption legislation.

He may be maybe in some pockets of Kerala, Goa and the North East but they cer- the backdrop of a nationwide movement forced Sharad contacted at ashaashram yahoo.

Other crimes, such as harassment, eve-teas- ing, abetment to suicide and serious injuries, are also covered by the report. Apart from this, there were 14 incidents of murder Gujarat BJP government There has been an unending rise in incidents of human of women, of kidnapping, cases of harassment, 7 of has shown its anti-Muslim rights violations committed by the police, violations of the rights attempt to murder, 6 of dowry death, 96 cases of eve-teasing mindset by giving just Rs.

Encouragingly, the cases in prison have same period. The government of Gujarat will honour the two Gujarati crick- shown a sharp decline. Yusuf is from Vadodara and Munaf is police have increased to from in the period April 1, the number of women killed in Incidentally, there were no rapes or dowry honour.

Similarly, incidents connected with atrocities on scheduled deaths in this backward district in the same period. Gujarat government gives Eklavya award of Rs. The cases shot up from 50 to ing The Ikhar-born Patel, showed improvement with cells of the government.

Yusuf Pathan, after featuring in the six league games, was just 7 in Apart from that, human rights violations in Gohil said that the Modi government is pro rich and does noth- replaced by Suresh Raina in the knockout stages, beginning at health related matters too have increased from 13 to 22 in the ing for poor farmers.

It is a government of industrialists, he Motera. Though Yusuf was not part of the playing XI against Sri same period. Lanka in the final, he touched hearts by shouldering Indian maes- Of all the cities in Gujarat, Ahmedabad is the least safe for Giving details he said that Nirma Ltd has been given around tro, Sachin Tendulkar on a spontaneous victory lap around the women.

This is the finding of Gujarat State Human Rights 15 crore sq. Commission SHRC whose report for the year was sq. In contrast, the Dangs district, one of the cement around 15 lakh sq. Abdul Hafiz Lakhani. The Darul ery in the riots. In fact many of these alleged encounters actually schemes of Central Government for the welfare of the Minorities Qaza ensures justice without causing any heartburn happen in police custody, and they are fake. In almost every encounter there is same police fabricated minority classes of the society.

Not only that the State It is not a parallel system of dispensing justice like regular courts. On the contrary, if one loses a case implicate her. It is A Qazi of the Shariah court should not bow to any kind of local area police station where the encounter occurred, no charge further suggested that the schemes which have not been imple- pressures, or accept bribe, favour relatives, be influenced by sheet, no inquest report, and no witness statement.

No bullet mented by the Gujarat Government should be implemented vested interests, he added. He should not care about public opin- marks or damage was observed on the road or surrounding area. Central Government should also appoint a any of the two litigating parties as this may lead to suspicion custody.

It is our humble suggestion that the Ishrat and the others from Mumbai on 12 June and brought Central Government should give necessary directions to the SIT grills Modi loyal in riot case them to Ahmedabad. Rigor the Minorities and weaker sections of the society. This is the fourth time that Jadeja has been mortis had set in between 11 p. Bhatt is said to have the LeT. The report said explosives, rifles and other interest of the deprived minorities and weaker sections of riots.

State wide riots were sparked off after report. Personal Law Board, a seminar was held in Ahmedabad at the burning of Sabarmati Express at Godhra railway station on It is possible that before killing the year-old Mumbai col- Gandhi hall to promote Darul qaza in Gujarat which met with huge February 27 in which 59 karsewaks had died. Kausar Bi, the wife of Sohrabuddin, was gangraped before from various walks of life were present in it.

Minister should also be investigated in all encounters including being killed. Culprit Police Personnel did their job of crime, now it After successful functioning in Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Uttar Ishrat Jahan, who was murdered by the notorious Gujarat police is the responsibility of CBI or judicial authorities to investigate the Pradesh and other states it has now been set up in Gujarat by the giving her a false tag of being a terrorist in The Gujarat incident thoroughly and put the culprits behind bars and place the police stated that Ishrat, along with three other people, had been facts before the public.

Pragya also revealed that she met Purohit for the first time the core financer of several blasts he Centre has handed over the Malegaon and Mecca in April , four months before the Malegaon blast and she.

T Masjid blast cases to NIA. In order to transfer all Hindu knew nothing about it. The Home ministry Malegaon blast. The law min- ed for the ashram. The presenting his tion in 23 March issue which Aseemanand had sent us. Sunil told Yogi that we have completed Madhya Pradesh government is several tasks together. After some time Sunil Joshi went to meet Yogi Adityanath again has claimed that there is no terror and came back with some explosives. This is what Sunil told me.

Home of March at a press 1. I am willing to face any probe. If investigating agencies have transferred. It is a little more com- 1 April in New Delhi, said on with financial assistance facts, I welcome any sort of probe.

UPA is misusing investigating plicated. In November agencies. They will apply to the earlier confession that the , Thakur gave the motor- Lashkar terrorists in the case but is only targeting parties like the RSS. Bharat Bhai in his earlier confessional statement had said that The MP government holds She said the motorcycle was that the very issue of handing that of Aseemanand and he never sold to Sunil Joshi.

Bharat bhai allegedly had given Rs of constitutional provisions on take the case to its logical end. He was arrest- to the home ministry the NIA is ed by the Rajasthan ATS on 4 February this year from Valsad in likely to file a supplementary chargesheet soon by using provi- to come with her to Surat.

The statement quotes Kalsangra Gujarat. He told her the tigate the case. Uttar Pradesh state officials and the NIA have dis- case to its logical end. Countering his claim that he had cussed the case in detail for a couple of months and reached the NIA investigating the Samjhauta blast left no clues, Thakur told Kalsangra that the police had tracked conclusion that under the given circumstances the NIA is best has revealed that Swami Dayanand Pandey her down and so there must have been a trail.

According to equipped to deal with such cases. Work has been and the National Investigative Agency had informed UP officials that explosives for the blast. The NIA report, done. If you want, you can take my name. He is known to be asso- March. Chandrashekhar is the first among seven arrested in connec- group. A single judge bench headed by 2.

Leve was arrested by the Rajasthan Anti terrorist Squad on 1 credence that Purohit had supplied these explosives. Police records confirmed his involvement in anti- May in connection with the terror attack.

All SIM cards 3. The recovery of the pieces of newspaper of Jharkhand, Christians in Orissa in August This act indicated that Lt It was argued by Basant Chabba, the counsel for the accused, that iron pipe and low intensity explosive from the scene of Col Purohit wanted to establish an organisation with aggres- the petitioner has been chargsheeted for shielding the offenders by crime indicates the possibility that the perpetrators of the sive anti-Christian stance.

However, he argued that the accusations terrorist attack in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid and The CSF has also sent a memorandum to the prime min- need to be proved in a court of law.

Samjhauta Express blast are the same. It is therefore very ister and home minister demanding to hand over investigation important to locate and interrogate Kalsangra and Dange. A bench comprising case till Annamalai Nagar police station in Tamil Nadu for custodial visit to Jagadhri in Haryana to inspect the burnt coaches in the blast death. Copy of the order would also be sent to home secre- found that two of the coaches had been sold as scrap and the The seven cases which the NIA will investigate are: taries and directors general of police of all states and Union remaining three had been renovated a year ago.

The ongoing inves- 1. Malegaon bomb blast that took place in the year And thereafter the order will be circulated to all tigation which was believed to have made some headway after 2. Samjhauta Express blast in Mecca Masjid blast in police officials upto the level of station house officials. The Aseemanand confession has now received a serious setback. During Ajmer Sharif blast in Malegaon blast in Modasa blast in Sunil Joshi murder in They should have coaches were badly damaged and so a decision was taken to sell minded the violence in Orissa and been charged under that provision and awarded death sen- them as scrap or renovate them.

She also told Mumbai anti ter- tence, as murder by police in custody in our opinion comes in dence is crucial to establish links between the Samjhauta Express, rorist Squad that the Malegaon blast in the category of rarest of rare cases deserving death sentence. Political parties in their manifestos and the governments in The really sad part of the their progress reports always make promises about Urdu, not story is that the Urdu Mistakes of Urdu Movement Movement which was start- In retrospect, it appears that even the first surprisingly as proposals for what they plan to do for Muslims ed by Zakir Hussain under organized effort to retrieve the position of Urdu and not as what they propose for reviving a slowly dying lan- the banner of Anjuman by the Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu when it had sub- Taraqqi-e-Urdu Hind was mitted the well-known memorandum to the then guage.

In any case, a promise is a promise and is beneficial soon fatigued and lost its President of the Republic was not well-drafted as far as it goes but it makes Urdu promotion a communal way. The formal declaration or well-advised. The Memorandum had laid issue and thus keeps away the Hindu society from supporting of Urdu as the second offi- stress on symbolic and token use of Urdu while cial language of the state acclaimed as the in the changing educational context it was being the cause of Urdu.

Similarly, the system of appointing institutions, depriving second, third, and later one token Urdu language teacher in every generations of Urdu-speaking families from full responsibility for the realization of its constitutional rights school or one Urdu translator and one Urdu typ- learning Urdu and becoming readers of Urdu as the language of the Urdu speaking minority at every level.

One wish- have produced job opportunities for some uni- es that the Anjuman had foreseen this scenario versity as well as Madrasa graduates. Above all, the number of persons who can ties in the Constitution. The last attempt was transmit its Mother Tongue to its children to a level of profi- pronounce Urdu words correctly and read and made by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then write it is fast declining.

That is the its individuality and uniqueness and its cultural was given the place of honour as the first lan- ethos and to reduce it to a cultural fad, as a guage for every child but once he passed way, way Urdu will survive.

With less and the anti-Urdu lobby took over in Hindi-speaking porting the cause of Urdu. They cannot follow Government orders through Urdu, at least as a language, if not its lit- of the Urdu-speaking community succumbed to strategy and courageously take full responsibili- and circulars and bid for tenders even if issued erature, it is slated to disappear from the literary the Hindi crusade and the unchallengeable ty for the realization of its constitutional rights as in Urdu.

They cannot identify a roadsign or read and cultural scene of the country. This would pressure of the state, surprisingly on financial the language of the Urdu speaking minority at a name plate of officers or the office board or the have happened much earlier but did not, for the grounds. The fatal blow to Urdu teaching was every level.

Mother Tongue by the Principal Language of the of the Urdu speaking community to seek parity sometimes, are useless and meaningless. It is worth recalling that Hindu communalism state in the first slot of the Three Language with Hindi, is echoed even today.

A Formula. Subsequently even the second slot past history and howsoever great its contribu- judiciary is much worse and in the executive it Sikh-majority state was out of question. So the provided for Mother Tongue was allotted to tion to Indian culture, Urdu is today no more has become out of bounds.

A legislator may demand was transformed into one for a Punjabi Sanskrit or an extra-regional language in the than a minority language. In coming to terms speak in Urdu but he cannot declare that he is state which was reduced to its present bound- name of national integration.

Therefore, Urdu with this reality, Urdu has lost another 25 years. But Punjabi escaped the fate of Urdu What mattered was the assertion of its Minority Language uses Hindi as the medium and it is purging Urdu because it continued to have a homeland while minority status in all states of the country where, Urdu has pockets in the homeland of nearly all from legal vocabulary.

Urdu does not! The Punjabi. So has every major language in other across the seven seas. But it forgets that in its Urdu was first excluded from the realm of school Urdu elite wanted some college departments to state, outside it base.

Urdu should strive jointly homeland its children are not learning Urdu education, then from administration, then from be opened, some more teachers to be appoint- with them in any state for realizing the rights of except for a few who go to Madrasas.

The former Prime ed and their pay scale brought on par with oth- all minority languages in the state. The only minority lan- decline, while political gestures continue to be should not accept any things less than another as a linguistic minority, as endorsed in the guage worth the name was Urdu and now it has made and promises and assurances continue to minority language status for itself in Hindi major- Constitution and international law, to transmit its been reduced to an ethnic language to be spo- be given.

After elections these promises and ity states. Mother Tongue to its children to a level of profi- ken at home but not learnt in schools and col- assurances are always forgotten and the Urdu ciency which can support a meaningful rapport leges. So, the The third strategic mistake is to raise the slogan porary literature.

That is the way Urdu will sur- urban culture to a point when Urdu is nowhere downslide continues. It never stops. Urdu speaking community should Many young people wish to learn Urdu, particu- ing Urdu the second official language of the Movement realize that when the entire national or state larly high schools students.

Urdu Movement state to be used for specific purposes. A self-defeating counter-productive strategy on economy has taken to Hindi or English, Urdu should demand facilities for teaching Urdu as After Independence, Hindustani written in the part of the Urdu-speaking community has can never secure a substantial place in public or additional language in all schools, government both Persian and Devnagri scripts was project- been the propagation of another myth that Urdu private employment or in accounting or in busi- or private.

In a second is not the language of the Muslims alone but of ness transactions. Today, though sale deeds are very popular. Urdu poetry should be pub- Partition, Hindi in Devnagari script was many non-Muslims. No language has a religion. Novels and collection of approved as the official language of the Union. So, no language is the monopoly of a religious of old terminologies, hardly any document is short stories in Urdu should be translated into The Urdu-speaking community has over the group, a caste or a tribe.

Urdu calligraphy is years become insensitive to the near-fatal anyone who chooses to own it and to learn it script. With falling demand, Urdu calligraphers being promoted systematically. A Urdu blows. May be it has been mesmerized by the and use it. This was a fact in preindependent or document writers are closing shop.

Urdu can University has been established but it is yet to time-tested anesthetic and soporific of lavish India. But in India today Urdu is the de facto lan- be preserved, only in the sector of self-employ- introduce even undergraduate courses in all arts paeans and praise by politicians in power for its guage of those Muslim Indians who declare it as ment where the small entrepreneur or his subjects because of shortage of text books.

But shortage must be met by translation of standard Freedom Movement, official patronage of apart from a handful of non-Muslims who even they have to be translated to English or books. Indira Gandhi Open University is offering Mushairas, literary awards and opening of Urdu declare Urdu as their mother tongue. Some of Hindi for the outsiders and for filing the govern- several courses in Urdu. The Open School is Academies.

Urdu intelligentsia has been pur- them see a balance of benefit by this expression ment forms. Such patronage does provide jobs the space for promotion of Urdu. Today state first establish Urdu-medium government and pleasures to a few but ignores the method- Political parties in their manifestos and the Urdu speaking youth cannot read Urdu or even primary schools in all Urdu-speaking areas, and ical and systematic agenda of annihilation.

The governments in their progress reports always correspond with their families. They do not know introduce Urdu in all secondary schools, govern- Urdu speaking community has thus been kept make promises about Urdu, not surprisingly as Urdu and the parents do not know Hindi!

This is the way Urdu can reach the on radio and TV and placing government adver- slowly dying language. In any case, a promise is properly. This is why the Urdu speaking popula- Generation Next, not by lapping up tributes to tisements in Urdu press, not to mention, a promise and is beneficial as far as it goes but tion cannot submit petitions to the Government the glory of Urdu or crying over its neglect.

In India itself we see innumerable people from ram. We also in undivided Bengal, were encouraged to come to Assam and a observe that many an Indians had migrated to Sri Lanka, In the recently concluded assembly elec- large number of those who came to Assam were Muslims from Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, US and UK in particular. The tions in Assam March-April , one Bengal. They worked hard to develop the land and agriculture in migration to the latter two countries is a dream for many.

The idea of the issues which was whipped up by Assam. They were hard working and contributed massively to the behind such migrations is purely social and economic, to over- BJP was about the Bengali speaking development of Assam.

The issue became complicated with partition of India by the channel. Most of the Bengali speaking Muslims British. With the tragedy of partition many Hindus migrated to Tragically this issue has been used for the politics of commu- are projected to be from Bangla Desh, neighbouring states. Later during the repression of East Pakistan nal divide. In Assam the British did pursue the policy of divide and and communal parties and groups are by Pakistani army, many a people fled East Pakistan and some of rule, as in other places in Assam also they tried to pitt Hindus using this myth to enhance their political them did come to Assam.

Most of these were Hindus. The against Muslims. With the Human plantation program in 19th capital, which is mostly based on process had an other side also with the rise of communal politics Century, the local Assamese were not very happy, and British spreading hate against minorities and bringing to fore the issues in Assam, nearly 6 lakh Assamese, Muslims, also migrated to encouraging Hindu camp versus Muslim camp added to the prob- related to identity.

In different parts of India also, the issue of Bangla Desh. The Bengali speaking In other parts of India also many a people from Bangla Desh ing to make people settle in separate localities according to their Muslims, Bangladeshis and also those from West Bengal, are migrated mainly due to economic reasons.

In Mumbai and Delhi religion. This added to the worsening of the problem of inter reli- projected to be Bangladeshis, and are presented as a threat to communalists raised the bogey of Bangladeshis as a security gious community divide. Added on to this there is a geographical security.

This point was raised time and time again in respect to threat. One such investigation done by Shama have to leave their home and hearth looking for new places for Bharat, Sanatan Sansthan etc. Many a time Bangladeshi groups Dalvai and Irfan Engineer pointed out that the number of survival. Those displaced are generally amongst the poor and were named in these acts of terror done by Hindutva groups and Bangladeshis, which is claimed to be 3 Lakhs in Mumbai holds no that adds to the issue, they are mostly labelled as Bangladeshi their connection with local Bangladeshis was propagated end- water.

As such it is difficult to estimate their number but rough immigrants. In Assam the issue of Bengali speaking Muslims has been estimate set it at about of them in Mumbai. Most of these There is an urgent need to look into the communal issue in brought up time and over again and this point has also been used Bangladeshis are involved in painstaking Zari embroidery work Assam. The D voter system is contributing to massive dissatisfac- at the time of elections to polarize the communities along religious and their women folk work as house maids, at atrociously low tion amongst the people.

It is also a very poor state, which needs lines. Their living conditions are cramped, near gutters and in to be put on the rails of development. Such irritants created by On the contrary, many a Muslims, especially Bengali speak- outskirts of suburbs. More content below.

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