Who is saddam hussein answers

The United States did go to war with Iraq soon enough. Consequently, the United States went to war in Iraq on a false pretense that it was somehow avenging those killed by al-Qaida. Both were utterly false. One lesson of the past 20 years is the imperative of an informed public. Sadly, we are still a long way from an enlightened public. Order from Chaos. A how-to guide for managing the end of the post-Cold War era.

Read all the Order from Chaos content ». Order from Chaos A how-to guide for managing the end of the post-Cold War era. At p. All evening, aircraft from the U. Operation Desert Storm was conducted by an international coalition under the supreme command of U. Saddam hoped that the missile attacks would provoke Israel to enter the conflict, thus dissolving Arab support of the war. At the request of the United States, however, Israel remained out of the war.

By the end of the day, the Iraqi army had effectively folded, 10, of its troops were held as prisoners, and a U. On February 28, U. President George Bush declared a cease-fire, and on April 3 the U.

Security Council passed Resolution , specifying conditions for a formal end to the conflict. On April 6, Iraq accepted the resolution, and on April 11 the Security Council declared it in effect.

During the next decade, Saddam Hussein frequently violated the terms of the peace agreement, prompting further allied air strikes and continuing U. In the Persian Gulf War , American soldiers were killed and wounded. The other allied nations suffered about deaths combined during Operation Desert Storm. There are no official figures for the number of Iraqi casualties, but it is believed that at least 25, soldiers were killed and more than 75, were wounded, making it one of the most one-sided military conflicts in history.

It is estimated that , Iraqi civilians died from wounds or from lack of adequate water, food, and medical supplies directly attributable to the Persian Gulf War. In the ensuing years, more than one million Iraqi civilians have died as a result of the subsequent U. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! But everyone knows this is appearance only, a political camouflage. Saddam has been militantly opposed to Islamist politics within Iraq and outside.

What he has effectively done by his action on 2 August is to steal their clothes and regain the leadership of radical politics in the region. This is one reason why Iran is so worried—it has lost the radical leadership. The issue of unity is posed in a second respect, namely that of frontiers. One of the distinctive features of the Middle East as a whole—Arab and non-Arab—is the degree to which frontiers are regarded as irrelevant.

Arab nationalists say the frontiers of the region are temporary and artificial creations. This is of course true, in that most of the boundaries were created by administrative decision, and usually under colonial rule, in the early part of this century.

But in itself this is not specific to the Middle East: most of the frontiers in Europe and Africa are equally arbitrary and equally recent. What is at stake is not the issue of boundary definition—where geographically the frontier lies—but rather the question of whether the delimitation of states should be respected at all. What is distinctive about the Middle East, then, is the refusal of states to accept this delimitation. Interference in the internal affairs of other states is more pervasive in the region than anywhere else.

Indeed, it follows from the logic of Arab nationalism that frontiers merely divide a political community that should be united. This argument has been heard many times before: in the union of Syria and Egypt in ; in the various Libyan attempts at union; in the Syrian claim that it has a right to intervene in Lebanon; in the—ultimately successful—drive for Yemeni unity. What Saddam has done is to restate this case in a singularly stark way.


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