When is area used

Explore how the concepts developed in this course can be applied through case studies of K-2 teachers former course participants who have adapted their new knowledge to their classrooms , as well as a set of typical measurement problems for K-2 students. Watch this program in the 10th session for grade teachers. Explore how the concepts developed in this course can be applied through case studies of grade teachers former course participants who have adapted their new knowledge to their classrooms , as well as a set of typical measurement problems for grade students.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for announcements, education- related info, and more! Area Mathematics K-2 , , New in This Session Area: Area is a measure of how much surface is covered by a figure.

Midline: A midline is a segment connecting two midpoints of a triangle. Session 2 Fundamentals of Measurement Investigate the difference between a count and a measure, and examine essential ideas such as unit iteration, partitioning, and the compensatory principle.

Session 3 The Metric System Learn about the relationships between units in the metric system and how to represent quantities using different units.

Session 4 Angle Measurement Review appropriate notation for angle measurement, and describe angles in terms of the amount of turn. Session 5 Indirect Measurement and Trigonometry Learn how to use the concept of similarity to measure distance indirectly, using methods involving similar triangles, shadows, and transits.

Session 6 Area Learn that area is a measure of how much surface is covered. Session 8 Volume Explore several methods for finding the volume of objects, using both standard cubic units and non-standard measures. The following picture presents formulas used to compute the area and perimeter for common geometric shapes like circle, triangle, square, rectangle and various polygons. An irregular shape has sides of different length. Calculating area on these shapes involves breaking the shape down into common shapes like squares, rectangles, triangles and circles.

This is because these shapes all have set formulas for calculating their area. Being able to see the shapes within shapes is the key to calculating the area of irregular shapes. After finding the area of each shape add them to get the total area.

In the case of perimeter of irregular object just measure the length of each side and add them up. Share this comparison:. If you read this far, you should follow us:.

Need help? How to videos Why join? What is area? We explain what the term area means and how children are taught to calculate the area of a shape. Login or Register to add to your saved resources. Area is the term used to define the amount of space taken up by a 2D shape or surface.

Area is calculated by multiplying the length of a shape by its width. Reporting by Yew Lun Tian. Editing by Gerry Doyle. More from Reuters. Sign up for our newsletter Subscribe for our daily curated newsletter to receive the latest exclusive Reuters coverage delivered to your inbox.

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