When is android 2.4 release

Can you enter a feature request for me? I would like to be able to move the SHM on the dashboard to the top. Right now all of my favorites have pushed the SHM way down to the bottom so I have to scroll thru all of my favorites to see the security. It would be much better if I had the option to move that to the top, just like when you rearrange the icons.

You guys finally fixed all the tile font related issues and then this version completely screws them up again…. The Things screen frequently crashes in this version too. Most of the time I get that retry error, but other times the mobile app just closes and then continues to close every time I try to open it. Update: I went through my other devices and it looks like it was only one of my devices that had the font issue.

This behavior aligns the functionality with the current implementation in the web Capture App. The Organisation Unit of a program stage event can not be edited. Android Capture App version 2. Click on the links in the table below for more information about this software release and to access an interactive demo. Demo Documentation Community Developers. Discover how DHIS2 supports collection, validation, analysis, visualization, and sharing of data.

Learn about our software prioritization process and browse upcoming features. Explore resources for starting, scaling, managing and maintaining a DHIS2 project. See how DHIS2 is being used worldwide to help manage programs in health, education, and more. Learn how countries can extend the DHIS2 software platform from the health sector to the education sector for the collection, analysis, visualization, and use of data from institutions of learning.

Android Capture App V2. Jump to a section on this page. User Experience and User Interface. New Navigation Bar In the current and next version of the app there are new modules like Analytics and Tasks next version. Mandatory Data Elements are always displayed When a data element is configured as mandatory it will not be hidden by program rules. Apply legends to data element fields Now if a numeric data element has a legend, the app will display a badge with the color and description for the given legend value.

Data Entry. Google isn't saying how the numbers fit the name, however. Version 3. Google says it's currently working on bringing the smart phone and tablet streams of Android together. But it's not saying what version number that combined OS will have, if that happens -- or if there will be more iterations between now and then.

We think Google should've straightened out the 2. It's hard enough to sort out the messages from the networks and manufacturers about what Android updates are coming, and when, without having to guess at the latest version. At least we know ice cream is involved. Are you as sick as we are of Android updates, or is variety the spice of life? Let us know in the comments.


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