Spencer also reveals that Toby is alive, but leaves out the fact that all the dramaz for the past three or four episodes have been a meaningless ploy to fill out airtime. Spencer: Yeah. Also, that sheepish smile on her face indicates Toby is very much alive, and she has seen him from ALL sides and angles last night. In typical Spencer fashion, she finds a way to hog credit for the plan that Aria, Emily and Hanna devised in her absence.
You did exactly what I needed you to do! Is it safe to say that Spencer got her old swagger back? As it turns out, what she simply needed was to go out and get laid. It seems like she has restricted her lunacy to only her crazy hat choices from now on. Ahhh, I miss this imagery so much, seeing Spencer in a hat makes me feel like all is right in the world again. According to Spencer, Mona has been plotting a lotta shite for the season finale, which includes a fake party where the pretty little liars are cordially invited to an evening of dinner, dancing and debauchery.
Yessss, preach it sister! I hope those bitches suffer too, mwhahaha! By the way, this might possibly be my favourite line in Pretty Little Liars history? Jenna and Melissa form a power coalition. But those bitches are gonna be at the lodge at nine, do you understand!?!?
These characters do it even more often than I do in my recaps. And can I just say? In one corner, we have the queen bitch, Melissa Hastings. And I think Shana was there as the referee or those ringside girls who hold up the cards before a boxing match. Anyway, seeing them put their deadly forces together is like all my dreams coming true at once, omg. Meanwhile, the liars will be caught helplessly in the crossfires as usual. Now we know how Detective Wilden is alive again, there was definitely some witchcraft, blood sacrifice, and the dark arts involved in his resuscitation!
Since Jenna already exhausted the list of available men on the show, please start lezzzing it up and put her grubby little paws on as many lady bits as she likes. Shana continues to flirt with every girl in sight, including Jenna, Emily, and even a little bit of Spencer. Like, what the fuck was that all about!? Can Pretty Little Liars get any more absurd?
Will Red Coat arrive by a parachute? By paragliding? By summoning a UFO spaceship? Why is it that Mona pulls off these godlike feats for the entire season, yet her competence drops by fifty levels come finale time? What a missed opportunity lolz.
Whoever smacked Toby in the head aka. At this point, are they even paying homage to the Hitchcock movies anymore? Or are they just throwing in these random ass references without any meaningful context?
Aria: How can you not have a signal!? We saw you make a call! She can do anything! Is this bitch for real? You fail, Mona Vanderwaal! You fail HARD! Ahem, sorry, I was getting ahead of myself there.
The pretty little liars were about to die in the burning building, but Red Coat pulls out their fried corpses to safety just in time. The most amazing part is that she manages to save their lives while wearing her five-inch heels. You try running around in those platforms, honey. Afterwards, the pretty little liars sit down for a calm and rational panel discussion about whether Alison is Red Coat or not.
In the next scene, we see them driving away with Mona in tow, so the whole forest could have fucking burned down for all we know. Thanks for leaving Toby behind and not questioning his whereabouts, by the way. Girls, I know the car is crammed with five passengers, but they could have at least stuffed his unconscious body in the trunk, good grief! But just to prove how ridiculous Pretty Little Liars can be, even the damn car came back to life in the season finale.
What a fucking ridiculous show and the best worst? Thanks for joining me over the past twenty four episodes of PLL recaps. This finale was all kinds of ridiculous. Thankfully, the season 4 premiere was actually sorta kinda decent, although that means the next batch of episodes are gonna suck again.
But I swear, you and I have the same mind while watching this show. Same with Toby. Aye yai yai. And then all hell broke loose. While the lovebirds went to meet Red Coat's plane what is she, a Bond villain now? Yep, she didn't know who she was either. Toby was knocked out in the woods, and the girls came to outside after having been pulled out by Red Coat.
Or should we say, Ali. Mona saw her. And so did Hanna and Spencer. So, I guess, Ali's officially not dead? As the liars plus Mona pulled back into Rosewood, they spotted the formerly submerged police cruise belonging to Officer Wilden. On the car monitor played not only the footage of Ashley running him over, but Jenna and Shana helping him up.
What does this mean? Toby meets Spencer in a diner. Spencer, on her phone, goes through some pictures that she took of Jenna in her house. Spencer tells Toby that Mona revealed that Toby was alive when she visited her in Radley and that Toby was supposed to be Spencer's reward for getting all the liars together at the party on Friday.
Spencer is clearly upset by everything that's happened, but Toby says he wasn't involved in faking his death and that he was doing everything to protect her. Toby says it isn't safe and asks Spencer to follow him. In a later scene, he has taken her to a motel room that he says Mona doesn't know about. During their discussions about what has occurred and the pain Spencer was in, Toby starts to cry. Spencer goes to Toby, apparently forgiving him, and they make love.
Ezra hires Hanna for the babysitting job on a trial basis. Hanna babysits Malcolm and has him play "guess who" with photos of his kidnapper suspects on her phone. A photo pops up of Ali and Spencer that Hanna has never seen before, and Malcolm identifies Spencer as the "Alison" that took him to the puppet show.
While out for a run, Emily sees Melissa enter Jenna's house. Inside, Melissa, Shana, and Jenna seem to be arguing, with Jenna telling Melissa that "they have the tapes" and Melissa tells her that "those bitches will be at the lodge at nine.
At the swim meet, Spencer spots someone dressed in a red trench coat and follows her. She temporarily loses the person due to the number of people in red clothing supporting the competing swim team at the match, but she catches up with her in the girl's bathroom. It ends up being Hanna dressed up in the red coat as a way of testing to see if Spencer was really on the A-Team.
Spencer tells them how she joined, but that Mona is the only one who knows who's in charge. She explains to them that the party is a setup and that she sent the photo of her and Ali to Hanna so she would find out. They're going to take advantage of the situation to try to find out who Red Coat is on Friday. The girls get ready for the party the next day while a hooded figure records them. At the lodge, Spencer tells Mona that the girls are running late, but that they'll be there.
Toby says he saw them getting ready and has the video Mona asked for. Mona talks to Red Coat on the phone and says it's safe for her to land her plane and tells Toby and Spencer that she doesn't know the girls aren't there yet.
Outside the lodge, we see the girls have changed out of their party dresses and are sneaking into the building. Mona turns against Spencer, having Toby take Spencer out "for a walk" to presumably kill her.
However, once outside, Toby and Spencer split up and seem to have a plan to catch Red Coat. In the lodge, Hanna, Aria, and Emily sneak up on Mona. Someone locks the building from the outside and sets the lodge on fire. We see Mona pull out the same invitation Spencer gave her ex-friends. Who knows at this point? The Liars talk about potentially using Malcolm to get to Mona, which Aria smartly shoots down.
Shana wanders into the hallway, which catches everyone off guard. Hanna takes a babysitting flier, and then Aria sees Ezra shaking the hands of high school administrators. Ezra and Aria have a quick chat in the hallway, but Aria walks off. As this is happening, however, an -A figure stands outside, texting a number:. As -A pushes send, Fake Blind Jenna gets a text and tells the person on the other line she has to go.
This will NOT go well. Poor Malcolm, just growing up in a treacherous world, surrounded by secrets and lies.
Messy, evil, but also quite poetic. After this, we enter a diner, where an -A hooded character is in a booth, scrolling through pictures of Fake Blind Jenna on his or her phone. This is the moment the entire season has been building toward.