How can you divide decimals

Solution : To calculate the quantity of potatoes that Sohan used in one batch, we need to divide the total quantity of potatoes by the number of batches. On performing long division, we get Therefore, Sohan used The decimal point of a decimal number moves by two places towards the left if we divide it by Here, we move the decimal point of the dividend to the left by 2 places.

Decimals are the fractions that have the powers of 10 in the denominator. To divide decimal numbers we move the decimal places as many times to the left as many zeros are there in the denominator. All the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are done in decimals in the same way as done with any other number system. For example: Addition: The division of a decimal with a whole number is the same as the normal division. The decimal is placed in the quotient according to the decimal of the dividend.

Let us understand this with a simple example. The division of Any number to the right of a decimal point has a value less than 1, so it cannot be a whole number. However, whole numbers like 5, 11, 22 can be written as decimal numbers such as 5.

The first step in dividing decimals is to remove the decimals by multiplying or dividing with an exponent of The possible exponents of 10 are 10, , , and so on. Let us understand this with an example. For dividing Thus, we first removed the decimals by multiplying the numbers by 10, and then the division was carried out. Just once, with a remainder. Insert 1 in the quotient. To find the remainder, multiply the divisor by 1 and subtract the product 32 from the second dividend The remainder is Again, bring down the next digit from the dividend, 1, and place it at the end of the remainder.

Repeat the steps. What is divided by 32? Or, how many times does 32 go into ? Put a 4 in the next place in the quotient and multiply 32 by 4 to get Subtract that product from to find a remainder of That would give us So then what do we do in this instance? Remember a key rule in dividing numbers with decimals—you need to do the same thing to both numbers in the expression.

To make That in effect moves the decimal place over two places to the right, giving us 1, As we mentioned, we need to do the same thing to both numbers, so now we multiply 3. We move the decimal over two places to the right, and add a zero to fill the empty place. The problem is now long division. While dividing decimals may have seemed daunting at first, remember that it is essentially the same as regular long division.

Divide decimals by multiplying both numbers by a factor of 10 so the divisor no longer has a decimal value.

Then, use long division to divide as normal. Place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend. Divide decimals by whole numbers the same way you divide whole numbers by each other, but put the decimal point in the answer at the same place it is at in the original number.

Divide decimals using long division, being sure to multiply by a product of 10 if there is a decimal in the divisor.

Place the decimal point in the quotient directly above where it is in the dividend. To divide decimals using models, first shade in the first number, your dividend. Then, circle groups of the second number, your divisor.

Step 1: Estimate the answer by rounding. You'll use this estimate to check your answer later. Step 2: If the divisor is not a whole number, then move the decimal place n places to the right to make it a whole number. Then move the decimal place in the dividend the same number of places to the right adding some extra zeros if necessary.

Step 3: Divide as usual. If the divisor doesn't go in evenly, add zeros to the right of the dividend and keep dividing until you get a 0 remainder, or until a repeating pattern shows up.

Step 4: Put the decimal point in the quotient directly above where the decimal point now is in the dividend.


  • 1000 / 1000