Game of thrones when does season 3 start

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 5. Previously on Game of Thrones Season 4. Previously on Game of Thrones Season 2. Previously on Game of Thrones Season 1. Then she is forced to marry Tyrion, seems to warm to Tyrion a bit, and finds out that her mother and brother were slaughtered at the Twins. Things go downhill from there. S3 Ep 3: Inside. S3 Ep 3: Recap. The Night's Watch takes stock. Dany exchanges a chain for a whip.

S3 Ep 4: Preview. S3 Ep 4: Inside. S3 Ep 4: Recap. The Hound is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed. S3 Ep 5: Preview. S3 Ep 5: Inside. S3 Ep 5: Recap.

Four Houses consider make-or-break alliances. Jon and the Wildlings face a daunting climb. S3 Ep 6: Preview. S3 Ep 6: Inside. S3 Ep 6: Recap. Dany exchanges gifts in Yunkai; Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal. S3 Ep 7: Preview. S3 Ep 7: Inside. In Astapor, Dany is considering purchasing a group of eunuch slave soldiers known as the Unsullied. Grade: B. Historic moment: Bran learns that he has been sharing dreams with Jojen.

Grade: B—. Brienne and Jaime are far from free; after Jaime convinces Locke not to rape Brienne, he tries to secure his own release. Historic moment: Jaime pushes his luck with Locke, resulting in his right hand being chopped off. Grade: A—. The betrayals continue when the boy leads Theon right back to his captors. Historic moment: In Astapor, Dany shockingly reveals that she speaks Valyrian, ordering her dragon and the Unsullied to slay the masters and free the slaves.

Her act inspires the Unsullied to fight for her as free men. He emerges victorious by killing their leader, Beric, who is then brought back to life by Red Priest Thoros.

Off in another cave, Jon sleeps with Ygritte, proving that he does know something. Introduces: Unsullied leader Grey Worm. After barely making it to the top, they share a romantic kiss. Meanwhile, Robb is paying for his romantic decision as he tries to get the help of Walder Frey.


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