Additional doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christianity A. The soul and spirit are distinct, but the spirit is not the conscious part of man, but rather is a "life force. Genesis ; ; Job ; Acts ; 1 Corinthians The unrighteous are never resurrected and cease to exist.
The resurrection from the dead is physical. Thus, only the righteous resurrected. References: Mathew ; , 12; , 50; ; Luke ; 2 Peter ; Jude 13; Revelation 14 11 [Student Notes — Additional study: - But Jesus spoke about hell Hades, gehenna as a real place where those who do not believe in Him will suffer forever. Matthew ; Matthew , 46 - Death in the biblical sense never means extinction or annihilation, and not one word, Greek or Hebrew, in either Testament will be found to say that it does.
Death in the Bible is portrayed as separation. It indicates everlasting misery. God is both Love and Justice. He does not condemn man, but man who condemns himself. Since only the Hebrew consonants YHWH appear without vowels, pronunciation is at best uncertain, and dogmatically to settle on Jehovah is straining at the bounds of good linguistics.
But the Watchtower organization is wrong to insert the word Jehovah in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit did not inspire the apostles to do so. Armageddon - Biblical view: The word Armageddon in Revelation is the final battle between good and evil.
After their prophecies fail the Watchtower governing body either change their prophecies in later editions of their literature, or they may admit, "We made mistakes No person or organization is perfect," explaining that the light is getting brighter Proverbs or they blame their followers as overzealous, overanxious, or misunderstanding the Scriptures. Surprisingly, even the Watchtower leaders have said, "If these prophecies have not been fulfilled, and if all possibility of fulfillment is past, then these prophets are proven false.
They were guilty of false prophesying. Clearly, the Watchtower Society convicts itself. It is a false prophet. Additionally, members of the governing body have excused their bad predictions by saying, "Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.
The prophecies of the Watchtower Society have failed. That prophet has spoken presumptuously" Deuteronomy Martin VI. How to Witness to a JW: 1.
Be friendly and kind — not argumentative. Don't say, "I am a [denomination name]. Don't get sidetracked by minor issues you may have heard about such as Jehovah's Witnesses' refusal to receive blood transfusions, to celebrate holidays, or to serve in the armed forces. Focus on Jesus Christ — the central issue. Listen first! Then witness to them with love and a smile. Jehovah's Witnesses seldom hear a loving, confident witness to Jesus. It's the one thing they are not prepared to answer.
Ask questions to make Jehovah's Witnesses think. For example: 1 Since they believe that Jehovah has always worked through an organization, you might ask, "Where was Jehovah's organization between the time of the apostles and the time of your founder, Charles Russell? Here are questions he asked and responses I gave. These pages can be considered a blog of our conversations. One of the sad things about our email conversation is that my Jehovah's Witness friend rarely asked me a follow-up question.
He would ask me a question and I would answer. As the older generations are being farewelled in funeral speeches the next generation of newborn Jehovah's Witnesses are told that they will not grow old or die. As a child I did not expect to reach high school, let alone enter the workforce. From inception the Watchtower has preached that its members would not grow old. Russell believed that in , just 2 years after forming the Watchtower Society that he was to be raptured to heaven.
From Rutherford promoted "millions now living will never die", on the understanding that the earthly resurrection would start in This leads to many Witnesses planning little for their future, old age or retirement. It leads to great emotional turmoil as those that leave the Watchtower Society come to the realisation that old age will be a normal part of their life.
For years Christians have hoped that Jesus second coming would occur in their lifetime. However, healthy groups do not put their lives on hold for such an eventuality. Though such an occurrence is greatly welcomed, it does not prevent them from looking forward to and planning for long and healthy lives if need be.
The sealed world in which he lives would be broken and the fear, hatred and self righteousness on which his morale depends might evaporate. In order to force members to stay close to Watchtower, everyone not a Jehovah's Witnesses is described as a "worldly person. As standard with high control groups, members are discouraged from associating with people not part of the group; to be "no part of the world".
The Watchtower view of "worldly people" is insidiously pervasive. In Watchtower publications and at meetings the evilness of all aspects of the world and its people is presented so consistently that it becomes mentally invasive to the point that in my opinion it damages a followers grip on reality.
A worldly person includes every non-Witness, even those that may appear to exhibit nice Christian qualities. This is 'loaded language' as the term worldly person does not appear in the Bible. The effect of this us-and-them mentality is significant as it creates physical and mental isolation from the general population.
Leaving the group becomes more difficult as time goes on. An unrealistic dread of being in the world can develop, with members fearing it as a dangerous and ungodly place.
Leaving Watchtower resulted in my experiencing the great joy of finding just how wonderful most people are. When I was going through the trauma of leaving the ongoing offers of help from many people of every sort of background helped me through what would otherwise have been an unendurable time.
I have found that people in general are loving and constantly come in contact with people that are helping others in ways both small and magnanimous; people that work for low wages because of their desire to help the sick, others working as missionaries or running micro charities with little recognition. The following quotes show the extreme, unreasonable view the Watchtower consistently portrays of all non Witnesses.
The Watchtower is particularly harsh in its descriptions of members of other religions, including Christians. So strong were Rutherfords denunciations on other religions that one newspaper described the early Bible Students as a religion of hate. The venomous terminology used has continued down to this day. Jehovah's Witnesses long for the time when they are unencumbered by worldly people.
As previously discussed in detail, the Watchtower teaches that shortly the "billions of people who do not know Jehovah [will] perish during the great tribulation.
In the following picture Jehovah's Witnesses are shown smiling as the world and its billions of inhabitants are destroyed at Armageddon. As a teenager I remember often discussing - even longing for - this time, after which I could move in to a beautiful house on the beach and claim a Lamborghini Countach for my own. Being no part of the world has a significant effect on people. One Psychologist stated: "When classmates salute the flag, celebrate a birthday, exchange Valentine cards, or sign up for extracurricular activities after school, Jehovah's Witness kids face conflict between personal inclination and their sect's rigid prohibitions.
Some obey to the letter, while others live double lives, but all experience inner conflict trying to sort these things out. By describing worldly people in the vilest of terms forms a negative and unrealistic opinion of anyone that is not a Jehovah's Witnesses. Those raised as Jehovah's Witnesses do not know any better and often believe that all worldly people are bad and not be trusted, holding deep seated fear of leaving the Watchtower Society.
Even when I no longer believed Watchtower doctrine I held tremendous fear of leaving, believing I would never find true friends or happiness and quite probably become suicidal. The opposite has occurred. Other high control religions also use this technique to great effect. Exclusive Brethren forbid their children to eat with other children at school or watch TV.
Being isolated from society keeps members uneducated to reality, holding an unrealistic view of "worldly people" and feeling like they have a special position with God, key methods of control.
No one comes in for more degrading references than "apostates", those that stop believing the Watchtower Society represents the only true religion. Apostates are considered and treated worse than adulterers, paedophiles and murderers. Apostates must not be spoken to and their books must not be read. They must be "loathed" and "hated", are said to eat from the "table of demons", and are "reserved for destruction"; strong words indeed.
So dominant is this fear that the Watchtower labels all apostates as part of the antichrist, which is unfair as many apostates remain as Christians.
Consider the following statements. The Watchtower attempts to paint the world as unhappy, in contrast to "the happiest group of people on earth"; Jehovah's Witnesses.
Claiming that Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on earth is an isolationist technique. This sentiment is often repeated without ever presenting the "abundant evidence". Studies consistently show that the majority of people consider themselves to be happy, and personal observation does not indicate Jehovah's Witnesses as a group are any more or less happy than other people. Research confirms that over half the general population consider themselves happy. How does the Watchtower address studies that show worldly people are happy?
The following article uses some unusual reasoning. Spirituality and a relationship with God are strictly regulated by the Watchtower Society, which places itself as spokesman, intermediary and mediator between God and Man. The Bible plainly states that it is Jesus alone that fills these roles. Whenever Watchtower speaks of following the Organization, it diverts attention away from whom a Christian should be fixed on - Jesus.
It is interesting to compare what the Bible states with Watchtower doctrine. Peter said whom could we go to apart from Jesus. The Watchtower states that whom means where. When a Jehovah's Witness gets baptized the second baptism vow confirms the wish to be identified as part of an organization.
This is in conflict with biblical guidance on baptism; no mention was made of joining an organization consisting of earthly intermediaries. Jesus said that he alone is the mediator for mankind and it is only through him that a person can have a relationship with God. The Watchtower applies this just to the leaders; all others need to align themselves with the leaders to receive these benefits. The Bible shows that it is through Jehovah and Jesus that we obtain everlasting life.
The Anointed leaders, through their doctrine regarding the mediator and new covenant, claim that everlasting life also comes through them. They insert themselves between Jesus and their followers as the way to salvation. The Watchtower Society claims there are two groups, the , leaders and the Other Sheep. As shown above, the claim is made that the Bible was written principally for the leaders, Jesus is mediator only for them, and only they receive the Holy Spirit.
The other sheep are a secondary class that need to follow the leaders for everlasting life and are judged on how they treat the anointed. The Bible, on the other hand, shows that Jesus came to create a single united class of his people, joining Jews little flock and Gentiles other sheep under the New Covenant when he said at John ; "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.
When a person is first introduced to Watchtower doctrine, the appearance is of a loving, peaceful organisation with a wonderful hope for the future. Peel back the layers and what lies underneath is the antithesis. Whilst presented as a religion of love, a fundamental component of the message is the destruction of billions of non-believing "worldly" people. Members are constantly reminded of their sinfulness, and requirement to work harder at what are thinly veiled demands to provide labour and resources to grow the organisation.
It is a religion of extreme control, dictated by a Governing Body that must not be questioned, without dire consequences. This side is rarely fully appreciated prior to baptism. There are groups that are more manipulative than Watchtower. Like many Jehovah's Witnesses, I had a good upbringing, nice family and friends and what I consider to have been a charmed life.
Many that join the religion have come from unfavourable backgrounds and becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses has been an improvement. However, there are many religions that provide equally well for their followers without the adverse affects of Watchtower's coercive, unrealistic belief system. Jehovah's Witnesses are raised to believe they will never have to graduate, never get a wrinkle or grow old, never have to work or think about retirement and find it devastating to learn it was all a lie.
For those who never set boundaries because it was all set for them down to whether you can have a beard, smoke a cigarette or buy a lotto ticket , leaving in mid life is traumatic, having no idea of who you are or how you should behave. Around two thirds of people that are raised as Jehovah's Witnesses leave the religion. Since the majority are baptised as teenagers, leaving generally results in being disfellowshipped and spending the remainder of their lives with virtually no contact with childhood friends and family.
High control groups create rules that go beyond accepted laws of the land and principles of the Bible. Paul aptly asks at 1 Corinthians ;.
Wikipedia - Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses. What's Wrong with the Witnesses on orthocath. Paul Grundy - Facts About Jehovah's Witnesses. People chose to associate with a religious organization for its ability to: Focus attention on God and his everlasting purposes Outline moral guidelines Provide community Watchtower has benefited the lives of many people by achieving the above goals in their lives.
This predominates the following areas; Day-to-day lives Strict shunning of former members, including family Banning of certain medical treatment Short term planning for the future regarding education, finances, marriage and children Demeaning view of 'worldly' people Fear and negative view of life in the Last Days Control over information and questioning Stunted emotional development of members born into the religion Spirituality - Two class system Bible was written principally for the leaders Salvation only comes through close alignment with the leaders Jesus is mediator solely for the , Please note that on first glance most Witnesses would disagree with the above list, and most likely may not even be aware that Watchtower theology excludes them from Jesus mediatorship.
The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights preamble states; "Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people," Likewise, in one of the great speeches of the 20th century Martin Luther King concluded; "When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last!
Shunning "No more fiendish punishment could be devised, if such a thing were physically possible, than that one should be turned loose in society and remain absolutely unnoticed by all the members thereof. If no one turned around when we entered, answered when we spoke, or minded what we did, but if every person we met 'cut us dead' and acted as if we were nonexistent things, a kind of rage and impotent despair would before long well up in us, from which the cruellest bodily torture would be a relief; for these would make us feel that, however bad might be our plight, we had not sunk to such a depth as to be unworthy of attention at all.
The level of pain is unimaginable for the average person. If they do not succumb to the pressures to return to the group, they become resilient and strong. People kicked out of these groups are most at risk for serious emotional breakdown, addiction, suicide and other major issues of public health. This is one of the most revealing sets of questions you can ask any cult member. Any legitimate organization would never discourage contact with former members.
This makes an individual's social life critical in their mental well-being. In fact, an individual's survival depends on having strong long-lasting relationships, based on mutual trust.
Taking into account the importance of our social life, it would be obvious to state that when this is taken away, it can have harmful effects on an individuals' mental wellbeing. This need is often used by communities, their leaders to be more specific, to ensure that everyone is obeying the same collective views. Failure to do so is often punished, by the person being banished from the community. This phenomenon is often referred to as shunning or ostracism.
Essentially shunning is a form of social shame and humiliation. More specifically, shunning or ostracising is a form of abuse. Shunning Family All societal groups recognise family as of utmost importance and healthy family relationships are a key contributor to happiness and mental wellbeing. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states; "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation.
Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum" Watchtower Apr 15 p.