Why is tara in jail

It's not the most barbaric death endured by a character on the show, but the savage murder of a woman at the hands of her own mother-in-law was definitely an extreme highlight in a show that regularly plunged its viewers into the darker side of humanity.

Most people would agree that faking a miscarriage is pretty damn low, but given the situation that Tara was in, the lie was very clearly the desperate action of a desperate woman. She felt that she was doing what was best for her sons, and clearly thought that their safety was worth whatever deception she needed to partake in. In , Entertainment Weekly asked Siff for her thoughts on Tara's lie and the fan anger toward the character it inspired.

She pointed out the issue of perspective in a show like Sons of Anarchy , saying, "I think these shows are always set up so we follow a protagonist and the story is very intricately built around caring for them in some way She went on to expand by pointing out the double standard of Jax and the rest of SAMCRO at times committing despicable acts, yet still being the perceived heroes of the show, while Tara was villainized for her own step into the moral grey area.

She should be killed. A good point Tara's ultimate act of betrayal FX. The former U. Marshal is still pulling his connections to make the lives of the members of the club miserable. He has Otto being sexually attacked repeatedly in prison. It turns out that it was Toric who got Tara put into jail. He visits her in jail, and tells her that he wants to use her, asking her to give up her husband. He offers her witness protection for her and her children. Clay, however, might be. Juice returns, but Chibs is not happy to see him.

The last few moments of the episode are an emotional montage reviewing where every character is at the moment. E-mail: Rebecca. Ford thr. Later, Tara talks to Jax, telling him that her hand will be fully operational in six months.

She reestablishes who is the baddest bitch of them all, giving Tara a solid punch in the stomach. Later, Tara wants Jax to sign the papers to make Wendy a legal guardian of the kids if something happens to them. Tara tells him that she took the job in Oregon and it begins in two weeks.

Roosevelt is there — to arrest Tara for conspiracy to commit murder. In a powerfully emotional scene, Tara is handcuffed and taken to jail. He had hoped that Jax would be a different kind of leader than Clay, but has discovered that Jax is quickly changing. After Gemma follows through on her part of the plan to take down Clay, she is able to reunite with Nero Jimmy Smits for good.


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