Who is paranormal activity dedicated to

Blum got a copy of the movie to Steven Spielberg, who was deeply disturbed by the film and became one of its biggest advocators. The movie was first shown at a few select college screenings. Paramount promised a wide release if a quota of a million demands were met. In particular, he liked the dynamic of the relationship between the two characters. He has been published on the independent horror blog Morbidly Beautiful, and has covered major genre film festivals such as Cinepocalypse in Chicago.

He has also served as a judge for the Ax Wound Film Festival. In his free time, he is a devoted dog dad to a high-spirited rescue pup named Peter Quill and enjoys volunteering with various animal rescue organizations. Jack likes to travel and explore dark tourism-related and other various haunted locations.

He enjoys studying psychology, the paranormal, and will watch literally any schlocky B-movie on the planet for a laugh. By Jack Wilhelmi Published Jan 14, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Related Topics Horror Paranormal Activity. No ghosts here; just terrible sleeping companions. Two months after Paranormal Activity was released, a film called Paranormal Entity used a similar surveillance format to create a story that may or may not be real.

None of them managed to even come close to the success of the series they were trying to emulate. BY Garin Pirnia. Paramount Home Video.

Subscribe to our Newsletter! The Bourne trilogy, Enemy of the State , Vantage Point , all resort to video footage for plot twists. The Blair Witch Project. Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Normand at the movies. The Evidence of the Film.


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