Who invented force field analysis

You'll need to sit down for this one. You're sitting? Now, what's keeping you in the chair? Well, there are two answers really. One is gravity which is pushing you down into the chair. A driving force, if you like.

The other is the chair itself, which provides an opposing force, pushing up against gravity, and stopping you falling to the ground. Two forces keep you there. Gravity pushes down, keeping you in the chair, and the chair resists this, stopping you from falling to the ground. Two equal forces, a driving force and a resisting or restraining force, working to keep the equilibrium or status quo.

Okay, now let's play. Let's say we want to move away from this equilibrium and get you to fall to the floor. What could we do? Well, on the one hand we could increase the amount of gravity our driving force. Restraining forces are forces that make change more difficult. These forces counteract driving forces and lead to the avoidance or resistance of change. Some examples of restraining forces are fear, lack of training, and the lack of incentives.

If the two sets of forces are equal, then there is no change. It is a valuable change-management tool. Steps needed when using the tool Although there are different ways of conducting the force field analysis, nevertheless there are commonalities. The steps outlined below capture many of these commonalities and if you follow these steps you will be able to successfully implement a typical force field analysis:. Tags: Strategic guidance Situation analysis. This portal is hosted by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation.

For more information on WCDI, please follow the links:. Step 2 Define the change objective List the benefits that your startup would get if you applied the changes. Step 4 Identify the Restraining Forces After listing the factors and pressures that support your change, list down those that resist it the present situation and then find the inter-relationships among the restraining forces. Case Study: Ahmed wanted to scale up his business , however, with the current situation he was not sure if this step is going to affect him positively or negatively.

EgyptInnovate site is not responsible for the content of the comments. You may also like More. Narwal: The Self-cleaning Robot Mop and Smart Handbag. References Lewin K. Maslen R. Thomas J. Find us on. Quick Links.


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