Which terra nova character are you

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Storyline Edit. In , earth is nearly wrecked by pollution. Police detective Jim Shannon is jailed for illegally raising an extra child, Zoe. He's sprung from jail just in time to join his family on the latest 'pilgrimage', through a unique time-space-continuum rip, to Terra Nova, a colony run with modern technology in a dino age forest. Colony commander Nathaniel Taylor soon recruits as security professional Jim, who gradually finds out about some threats, notably from Saurian monsters, the 'sixers' and his own, bitterly estranged son Lucas.

Meanwhile Jim's son Josh keeps getting into trouble, mainly due to his girlfriend Skye. His smart sister Maddy is in love with gentleman soldier Mark Reynolds.

There is no paradise without sacrifice. Adventure Drama Mystery Sci-Fi. Did you know Edit. Trivia The high fences around Terra Nova were bought by the producers from the left over inventory of Jurassic Park. User reviews Review. Top review. Terra Nova Okay folks, I get it that for most of you high and mighty reviewers Terra Nova seems to be dumb.

People complaining about some holes and everything is just ridiculous with a series that is sending people 80million years in the past. I really love the direction of the later episodes when the meta plot gets going and we get a broader picture of what is wrong with Terra Nova, Commander Taylor and the Sixers.

The acting still ranges between average and sometimes very good. FAQ 7. Won't Terra Nova be wiped out by the meteor that killed the dinosaurs? How can the commander communicate with the alternate if it's a one way portal and in a different timeline? What did Taylor mean about surviving for days in the jungle? Details Edit. Release date September 26, United States. Australia United States.

Official Facebook. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. There are certain rhythms to the action movie that we've come to expect. There's a plot, but it's probably not a good plot. Indeed, the simple comfort of going through the motions as a rest area between more tense moment is part of the point.

If everything else were more compelling, it wouldn't be an action story; it would be something else that happened to have action. Then the middle daughter, Exposition Maddy as her friends call her, launches into some of that fine exposition in order to quickly catch viewers up on her older brother's exploits the week before.

The scared younger daughter, Symbolism Zoey, stops her parents from getting their swerve on. A casually dropped line by Commander Taylor's second-in-command says that Terra Nova doesn't know where their rivals' base is. An old friend of Elisabeth Shannon's shows up to create an awkward and incredibly obvious love triangle, which theoretically drives the interpersonal drama of the episode.

An awkward conversation between Jim and Taylor says that there's a mole in the base, giving Jim the chance to use his cop skills in the future. When forced to take care of his family, Jim plays awkward television dad, as the music will cue you. And Josh is forced to directly confront the issue of his attraction to Skye, as a symbolic necklace which could be traded for a symbolic guitar might symbolically prove.

It's all so predictable that I could maybe admire Terra Nova 's commitment to the form and ruthless efficiency in setting up its conflicts, if more than a few of them worked. As expected as the intro was, it set up the threat well.


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