What is the difference between math 7 and pre algebra

I scored above average in math in every test I've ever taken. Why didn't they put me in algebra 1? Aug 17, Rating Hope I helped you. I am a very strong math student and I haven't had a hard time with Algebra 1 yet but I just started so I do recommend putting your son in Algebra 1.

I hope I helped you with you decision! I mean I have good grades but it is just very hard without prealgebra. Feb 23, Rating Ponder the Scores by: Lucy If your child feels confident and wants to skip ahead and has great scores then go for it! I am a eighth grader and I believe that when I took Pre-Algebra it was super helpful and it helped me get into Algebra 1! I would recommend staying for Pre-Algebra.

Feb 20, Rating Help!! Someone help me please!! Nov 24, Rating starting early with algebra by: mochagrapefruit I'm a sixth grader and my math teacher is starting to teach a little bit of algebra. My friends say that next year when I'm in seventh grade I will take a test to determine if I will be getting the pre algebra or algebra 1 math textbook.

I wish I pass the test and get an algebra 1 textbook. If you ask me, it all depends on if you have to brain to go on for algebra 1 in seventh grade. If you don't understand a thing about algebra it's best to start with pre-algebra first. Oct 11, Rating My personal experience by: Anonymous i take honors geometry as a 7th grader. Aug 15, Rating Algebra early is fine by: Anonymous I took algebra 1 in seventh grade.

Now I'm taking geometry in 8th. My sixth grade teacher taught us a little of pre algebra and my algebra teacher started with basic algebra the algebra 1 this leaves me with advanced classes for all of high school finishing with trigonometry.

If yoor child is smart enough, then Algebra 1. Apr 22, Rating algebra algebra algebra by: Anonymous flash i am a sixth grade student. Mar 02, Rating GT Classes are Awesome by: Anonymous I took Algebra 1 in 7th grade but I took pre-Algebra in 6th so I don't really know if he'll be prepared that much because there are certain skills you need to already to do some of the Algebra 1 work.

Dec 09, Rating Sure! But he may have trouble at first by: Anonymous Im in 8th grade and at my school algebra 1 is for ninth graders. I was recommended for pre-algebra this year and It was easy. I was a gifted math student so I took a placement test and passed and got put into algebra1.

So after transferring I have to admit it was hard. My algebra 1 teacher says that she often notices how students who have skipped pre-algebra struggle with the material. This was true for me but eventually you get used to It now im doing really well in algebra. Just make sure he has a strong foundation of different algorithms linear stuff and he should be fine.

Nov 28, Rating 6th grade Algebra 1 by: jdgjcb uyj m in 6th grade and take Algebra 1. It was scary i thought i wasnt smart enough but it turns out that is wasnt that hard i think you should juat go for it!

Oct 10, Rating My opinion by: Anonymous If you believe your son is ready then you should consult with his teachers. I'm a 7th grader currently taking Algebra 1. If u did not know, algebra 1 is actually a 9th grade level course. It moves fast pace and is difficult for some. But if your sons teachers say that your son would succeed, and if your son is ok with moving up the it could be logical to move him up.

If your son is ready for Algebra 1 I would highly recommend it. So if your giving him algebra 1 make sure he KNOWS and i didn't even sign up for algebra 1 but I guess its not to bad once you no that you in a honored class. I will say that Algebra is worth it for 7th graders. Jun 15, Rating Algebra1 by: Anonymous I just took algebra one and honestly it was very easy to me.

I am in seventh grade and once I know the concept I can grasp every questions at full ease. I just had my finals and I got an a plus. Algebra one is also very fun. This is my least favorite subject but algebra definitely changed it. It might be different for different kids But algebra is something I strongly recommend.

Taking this class in seventh grade is a big plus as well because it gives you a good recognition as u get older. Like I said I strongly recommend it. Apr 22, Rating Algebra 1 by: Anonymous It really depends on how much you know and how fast you can take things in. I'm in 7th grade right now, and taking algebra 1. During the first half of the year, I learned pre-algebra. The second half which is right now is algebra 1. It's really not that hard.

You just need to pay attention. I'd advise to take a test first though. Pre-algebra is really just a waste of a year, according to my normal friends I'm in eighth grade and am taking differential calculus. If your kid has ever taken NWEA and has gotten , algebra is probably a good choice. Pre Algebra is pretty much just review of algebra, excluding a few things. If your kid is not struggling, move him up. Jan 18, Rating Only if you're homeschooling by: Tasha To the skeptics: In reading the original question, she seems to give many keywords that would indicate this child is homeschooled.

She asks if she "I" have to "start him" and a few other words that, to me, seem to imply he's homeschooled. If that's the case, she can do whatever she pleases; the beauty of homeschooling is that we're not tied down to someone else's standards for our children.

Otherwise, what's the rush? Assuming he's homeschooled, you can put him wherever you want. Depending on the curriculum he's been using, it may very well have been pre-algebra concepts anyway.

For instance, one could conceivably move from Abeka's 5th grade Arithmetic into Algebra 1 with a smooth transition. Because that book covers many pre-algebra concepts, 6th grade is a big review, and 7th is Basic Math. Pre-algebra is for 8th and Algebra 1 is for 0th. If your child is ready to move forward into Algebra 1, don't hold him back based on the publisher calls "6th grade. Different publishers cover the same material at a diff't rates. For instance, we move from Abeka's 5th grade into Teaching Textbooks' Algebra 1 with our older two but will probably go from 5th to 6th and then Algebra 1 with our youngest child still using TT for Algebra and above, simply because it will take some time off my shoulders.

However, considering I work from home and used to write math worksheets for Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Advanced Geometry for Pearson - seven sheets per lesson - , I know I can help them if needed. Since Algebra 1 is a "high school level" course in many areas, don't forget to count those credits if you need to.

FL is a very homeschooling-friendly state. For me it's really easy and you don't really have to study for tests well at least I don't but that's because math has always been my best subject so it's not challenging or a big deal for me.

If your kid is really good at math and understood pre algebra he should do it but if he had trouble probably not. Even people who had it easy in pre algebra in 7th grade have a hard time and keep flunking tests in Algebra. Basically I was in a class filled with 8th graders. Anyways, because of my math skills, I was in a higher grade, which isn't very common among the district I'm in.

A couple years later, they felt that Algebra 1 was to hard for 8th graders, so they pushed it up to 9th grade.

They made all the kids that were in common core grade level math , redo a year of "Algebra Prep", so basically repeating the last math class. When I was in 9th grade, all my buddies were in Algebra 1, while I was in Algebra 2. Geometry is in between the two So I was pretty much a very young 14 year old, stuck in a class with a bunch of Juniors that, unfortunately, were mostly Now that I look back at it, I don't believe this was the bet class for making friends, but I still acquainted a few of the juniors.

Now that is just my story, and you should do what is best for your kid, and if you believe he is ready, let him go for it, because you can always retake math. And it also depends if in your district, pre algebra should be taken in 8th grade, or 7th. As I said before, if you think he can do some of the topics Integers, solving for x, etc. It can save him. I do Algebra. I'v been two grades above my peers. I say get him tested and make up your mind.

It is very helpful and allows you to get your high school credits very early. If your student is being offered Pre Algebra and they have only been in a normal 6th grade class I would defiantly choose prealgebra. It is an eigth grade course where I'm from and that way they can take algebra with the basics that they would have learned in an advanced 6th grade course. According to national statistics good students A to B student takes pre algebra in 9th grade, highly intelligent students take Algebra 1 in 9th grade.

Because math placement is almost always aptitude based you can be a straight A honor roll student and still land in pre algebra or even basic math freshman year. I'm taking APA advanced pre algebra it's one grade ahead for me.

The tests and home works will be a bit harder, such as long algebra equations and figuring out equations with brackets, like terms, and negative numbers. The tests here are somewhat hard. I suggest pre algebra, it's much easier than APA, unless he wants to be challenged.

At my school, a B in any advanced classes are great. Pre Algerbra is very simple and easy to know, from what I've seen. It basically wraps up everything you've learned in 6th. APA on the other hand is usually reviewing everything you've learned in 6th but a bit more challenging. I've been in middle school for the past two years yes it's middle school and currently is in 7th, but learning 8th grade math and above.

APA is somewhat easier for me since I'm taking Math Team that is a more challenging than 8th grade math. Please help. May 21, Rating Algebra1??? Its a free program from early math to high school and beyond. This will give you an idea of where to start him off. I home-school my boys and both use Khan Academy. It really clear on what they know or don't. Apr 08, Rating Algebra 1 is Easy by: Anonymous Do not fret about Algebra 1, it is actually really easy, just be careful on tests.

Mar 26, Rating Depends by: Markus im in 7th grade taking algebra 1 it seems easy but keep him on shedule or it will be hell. Mar 20, Rating Depends by: Anonymous It depends on how good he is at math.

If he seems to know most of the basics for algebra, he should be fine for algebra 1. However, most students take pre-algebra in 7th. Thank you. Mar 14, Rating Pe Algebra or Algebra by: Anonymous I recommend he takes pre algebra and see how well he does then go to Algebra 1 in 8th grade. I want to take a more challenging corse but I don't know a good program that's free. I just want to do something harder. I am in 7th grade any suggestions.

Feb 01, Rating Pre-Algebra is the way to go by: Anonymous Im in 7th grade right now and I'm taking algebra 1 right now. In 5th grade I took the regular class, I didn't take the honors class basically the pre-pre algebra, so I skipped it and they put me in Pre-algebra while in 6th grade.

I struggled to keep a B in the class, but my teacher acted like she was a college professor. So I would totally advise you to put your child in Pre-algebra, It will make Algebra 1 a whole lot easier for him. Jan 25, Rating I Need Help! What class do i take in high schoo then? I am in basketball, I get all my work done, but i have a D- in Pre-algebra.

Im so scared about failing. Can someone help please? What do I do to raise it? Dec 16, Rating My opinion by: Anonymous It depends on your opinion and what you believe he can handle but my son took Algebra 1 in sixth grade and that worked for him. Now I'm in 8th grade taking geometry, and this is the new struggle. Dec 03, Rating it depends on what you learned in 6th grade by: Anonymous I am in 7th grade right now and I took a course at my school called GEMS and we learned all of the 6 and 7 grade math skill while including prealgebra so it depends if he already knows his exponent rules, how to graph,and create equations.

You might want to look online for prealgebra lessons to review. I got a 98 percent in 6th grade and math was so easy for me. I passed the test to get into Algebra. In my school, algebra is a 9th grade standard. Algebra is hard. I received a C grade in the class and I took Algebra in 7th grade. I quit after the first trimester and had no idea what the pre algebra class was learning. Does he know how to solve information like 11 to the 12 power? He should first know that he knows all the information for the classes before him and be ready for boatloads of homework.

It's pretty likely he will have to repeat Algebra. Nov 23, Rating Depends by: Anonymous It always depends really. At my school your not supposed to take pre algebra until eighth grade. I was a very strong math student and i aced through 6th grade. For me it was so easy so, i skipped ahead to pre algebra for seventh grade. My friends and I who had skipped are struggling. I passed the first quarter with a 90 and as im finishing the second im barely keeping a B.

It always depends really. Hope this helps :. I thought i was totally ready, but it turned out i wasnt, biut some kids can skip pre algebra and do algebra in 7th grade and totally be fine with it, so i think ur son should maybe practice pre aglebra a bit, and if he thinks he is ready, then he should accept his responsibility and he might have to study extra, or he might think its the easiest thing he has ever done since pre school play time.

Nov 10, Rating He should move up by: Anonymous Hello. My name is Anonymous hence the name-tag I am a seventh grader and I am tacking pre-calculus. I grew up in Japan, but my father immigrated to the U.

I am fluent in 9 different languages and study quantum physics in my free-time. I skipped two grades. Your son could easily do algebra 1. Nov 06, Rating A seventh grade remark by: As a seventh grader taking algebra 1, I do have to say yes and no. Let me give you a few pointers. The bad news is, you might have to re-live algebra and middle school. At least that's what my mom said.

I am having a little trouble with this class as I already am advanced, but I am enjoying it. I think your child will too, if you allow them to take the class. He should have decent grades in other subjects. Don't give him a really hard course that he has to spend all his time on if he needs to have good grades in other subjects.

I can't really say anything else about the actual course, as I won't be starting it until the next semester, so that's it. Nov 02, Rating Some Schools Some schools like ours do not offer a choice but rather pick the kids. He is also in all classes with these kids. Overall a good Decision. Oct 22, Rating uh by: Anonymous I'm in seventh grade have on nwea last year I'm taking algebra 1 and its easy. I did my homework in class. I literally slept through it. Your son should be fine.

Oct 10, Rating Pre Algebra or Algebra by: trix I just got a call from the principal of my son who is in 6th grade. She said she wants to move my son to Algebra class because right now he is doing Pre-Algebra. I'm not sure if I should allow them to advance my son to Algebra.

I need some opinion about this. Oct 09, Rating Algebra 1 by: Anonymous I got a on my state test and was put straight into Algebra 1. We don't start true Algebra 1 Until next semester. Sep 12, Rating Take the challenge, but be forewarned!

As a teacher and parent of middle-schoolers, I'll share what I know. Preparing your child's brain for advanced mathematical concepts at a young age is standard procedure in today's technological world. However, being able to understand mathematical concepts and being able to get the right answers on a test with a time limit are two separate things! My son is just starting 8th grade and is currently taking Algebra II, having survived Algebra I as a 7th grader.

He is amazingly talented at math and logic and understands so much more about numbers than I ever will. However, he works problems SLOWLY and often makes what we call "silly mistakes" -- transposes numbers, forgets to reduce fractions, forgets to write a negative sign, forgets to write the complete answer on the answer blank even though the complete, correct answer is included on his scratch paper!

It sounds crazy, but the drill really helps. This helped my son get faster though he still struggles with this , and also helped him learn to make fewer silly errors. My son also teamed up with another student to study, check answers, and discuss concepts nearly every night after school.

Still, my son struggled and struggled during Algebra I -- not because of the concepts, but because of the silly mistakes and timed test issues. So why put him through Algebra II as an 8th grader? Answer: today, my son tells me Algebra I was one of his all-time favorite classes. He admires and respects his Algebra I teacher like you wouldn't believe. She challenged him like no one had ever done before, he struggled, and he ended up with an A in the class for the second semester after getting Cs and Bs first semester.

It taught him not only that he was capable of facing an extremely difficult challenge and succeeding, but also what it takes to meet a challenge hard work, dedication, force of will, etc. He also made some amazing friendships in that class -- they all worked together to survive, and going through tough times makes friendships strong. So, while I am dreading this first semester of Algebra II, I'm looking forward to my son's feeling of pride and accomplishment after he completes -- and succeeds at!

Hope this helps!!! Sep 01, Rating I want to help u som by: Anonymous I think your son should take pre algebra because your son is good in math. Aug 24, Rating Really? That's so realistic. Aug 17, Rating I think Pre-Algebra is crucial! It is easy and fun if you can make connections and are willing to try hard to understand the material.

Still, I know some people who struggled with it. If you did well in previous math classes, you shouldn't be troubled by Algebra 1. I am starting it in 7th grade tomorrow and I don't know if it is hard for me or not. I have heard that it is an easy class. It may be for you and maybe me, but not for most people. I think pre-algebra is important for people to learn. It should not be skipped unless you already know it. Pre-algebra is just the basics of Algebra and Algebra 1 would probably not make any sense to me without taking pre-algebra in 6th grade.

I am assuming I will do well since I got a A in that class. Aug 15, Rating teacher by: Anonymous Your own kid is always brighter in your eyes than he really maybe. The goal is to prepare him for college. Anyone in the family have higher level of math than claculus?

If not what is the rush. You don't want him to hate math. I would NOT do it Algebra 1 in eighth grade is best. Aug 14, Rating my daughter finished pre algerba by: Anonymous my daughter completed prealgebra in 6th grade with straight A's now in the 7th grade they are teaching advanced 7th grade math which i believe is a lower level of math but am not sure what it is , can anyone provide me some background on advanced 7th grade math.

Aug 05, Rating sure by: Anonymous u can if u think ur ready 4 it im going to 7th n my math teacher said i can skip pre alg and go straight to to alg cuz she thinks im ready 4 it i actually also nvr did 6th math either i did 5th math in 5th and then 7th math in sixth, skipped pre alg and go yo alg soit depends if u think u can and if ur feeling confident enough. I also tried to learn trig. If the student is strong in math and has good logic skills, and is quick to pick up methodologies, they should be fine.

Just so you know, 6th-8th grade is pre-algebra, so it'll be fine. May 26, Rating Grade seven too early for Algebra. Introducing Algebra at such an early age often causes more harm than good since kids end up discouraged and hating math. May 21, Rating I am by: Anonymous right now it is the end of sixth grade, i am very strong in math and will be taking algebra 1. I would because you get a head start and it would be okay if you fail because you can retake it in the 8th grade or 9th if you have to.

Apr 12, Rating 6th grader at Lucindale school by: lizzie I am a current 6th grader and since my mom got pregnant with her third child, the principal told me to move to geometryII, It is super easy so my mom got me the iphone 5s!!!!!!!

I love my mom and I hope she can take her pregnancy well. I also live in a mansion in new york with my fabulous outdoor jacuzzi and a ice skating rink. Feb 05, Rating 7th Grader Taking Algebra by: Anonymous I am a 7th grader and I am taking an Algebra 1 class with ten 7th graders and some 8th graders. We were very advanced in 6th grade, had high NWEA scores, great grades, and were always given extra work to do in class.

If your son feels like he could take and pass the class, then he should take it. Is it allowed at his school? This was a special thing that happened at my school; it had never happened before. You should ask his teachers what they thing about the grade skip. They could give feedback that is important to you and your son's decision. I also had a C in 6th grade math but that is because I was lazy in 6th grade and they put me in Algebra 1 because I passed the Algebra readiness test they gave us an had good state test scores and aptitude scores and etc.

Anyways, what I have found is that, some kids are fine without pre-algebra, but some aren't. But here is a list of things I think you should know before taking Algebra 1. You can always give it a try and see how it goes. We tried Discovering Mathematics but we needed something less mom-based. When that got too repetitive, we used some Keys to Algebra. That sounded perfect so we fooled around with an online algebra class at EdX for the rest of the year. I'd highly recommend it as a first pass through algebra over the summer or if you have enough time to take 2 years.

If you're doing math at home, you can back up, look for other resources and drop something if it's just too hard. Take advantage of this flexibility. You can get several different levels of Algebra books and mix and match. You can do an easy algebra first, then go back and do a rigorous program. I stole this idea from 8FilltheHeart, and it's been such a good fit for us.

It's challenging but not over-the-top and the teacher is very good at explaining the concepts and encouraging students to work through the difficult problems until they get them. I'd recommend it if you want to use an online class. My oldest is doing Algebra 1 in 6th right now. We're nearing the end of chapter 8 in Jacobs Algebra, and so far, so good.

We have multiple options for what to follow this with, and I haven't decided yet which route to go. He did the Prealgebra book for 4th-5th grades. I'm not concerned about going too far. When I was in school, the most advanced kids all two of them went to the local university for calc 3 and differential equations. Now, many schools spread those things out, so that's certainly an option. There are a million ways to do things.

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Sign In. Search Our Site. Home About Us " School Tours. Hall Middle School Pre-Algebra. Math Curriculum Website. Pre-Algebra is an accelerated course designed to prepare students for entry to Algebra in 8th grade. Our courses and curriculum use a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts.


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