What does restore backup mean

And if you want to restore only part of the backup? You are not lucky if you only use iTunes or iCloud. Of course, the chosen method will depend on the specific situation. Restoring from a backup using official Apple tools — iTunes or iCloud — is a fairly simple process.

To do this, follow the Apple instructions on their website:. Remember, however, that you need to restore the entire backup using iTunes and iCloud. The backup cannot be partially restored and the data currently on the device should be replaced. In addition, iTunes can only restore backups created using iTunes, and similarly, iCloud can restore backups from iCloud. In addition, you cannot preview data in a backup before you restore it.

Saturday, November 13, Homepage About Advertise Contact. Select the files you want to restore, click the To Device button to restore them to your device now.

Now, you can get the latest version of PhoneTrans , and restore data selectively without data loss:. Step 2: Connect your iPhone and here you can choose Selective Restore restore the specific type of data or Full Restore restore the whole backup, which will erase the target device data. Here click Selective Restore to get data without data loss. Then the restoring process will start by default. Please keep your device connected and wait for a moment.

Choose the one you prefer most and give it a try. Product-related questions? Joy Taylor Last Updated: Jul. Part 1. It will wipe all the data on your iPhone. Note that no matter you restore iPhone from backup or restore it directly by iTunes, all the data which is currently on your iPhone will be removed and no way to recover it. So back up your iPhone before you do this.

This same thing happened to me. I restored my phone and the. Jail role again. That time the jailbreak didn't complete there was a blue screen at the end of jailbreak After that for the third time I jail broke and this time it worked. Now I can use jailbreak freely. I hope that helped. Have a good day. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is the difference between "restore backup" and "restore iPhone" in iTunes? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 9 months ago.


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