What does r2d2 stand for

However, the platform was occupied by several Separatist droids. Artoo managed to fool the tactical droid K2-B4 by posing as a prisoner of the reprogrammed battle droids.

This enabled R2 to infiltrate the prison complex and flee General Kenobi and his team who had been captured. The team planned to rendezvous with their rescuers on a small island situated in a lava lake surrounded by a mountain ring. They were pursued by droid forces led by the Separatist warden Osi Sobeck who was intent on recovering his prisoners. During the fighting, R2-D2's battle droid squadron sacrificed themselves to hold back the battle droids while Master Piell was murdered by an Anooba , but not before disclosing his secret information to Ahsoka Tano.

Later, the Jedi and Republic strike team were rescued by Plo Koon's forces. R2-D2 was again reunited with his protocol droid counterpart when the two droids took part in a Republic mercy mission to the Mid Rim planet of Aleen , which was experiencing a series of catastrophic global earthquakes.

During their mission, R2-D2 and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the recent earthquake. Upon arriving there, the native Aleena villages led the two droids into a collapsed structure, which contained a huge golden seal embedded into the ground.

The seal turned out to be the entrance to a tunnel that led to the subterranean regions of Aleen. Their arrival coincided with an earthquake and the two droids fell into the tunnel and were separated from the clone troopers and villagers.

While exploring the underground tunnels, R2-D2 and C-3PO encountered a species of sentient, tree -like beings called the Kindalo , who demanded that they leave since the surface dwellers "destroyed the peace. Orphne told the two droids that a mutual balance had previously existed between the Aleena and the subterranean world. Since Aleena's atmosphere was toxic to them, the underground dwellers depended on a filtering process of the planet's soil that made the air breathable for them. The underground dwellers had set off this earthquake as a means of sealing the breach.

When C-3PO agreed to help fix the damage, Orphne gave the droids a parting riddle. R2-D2 quickly deduced that Orphne was referring to a river and used the water seal to activate a water spout that sent the two droids and the chamber's central floor plate back to the surface.

The two droids landed at the opening where they were greeted by a chanting crowd of Aleena. Recalling the riddle, two droids quickly realized that they had to fix the breach, which was in fact the unsettled seal. While Wolffe and his clone troopers were skeptical of their story, the two droids' efforts were greatly appreciated by the Aleena.

While traveling aboard the Jedi Master Adi Gallia 's cruiser, their starship was attacked by three Separatist cruisers led by General Grievous. On Pattuna, they were captured by the indigenous Patitites , who brought them before their obese leader Hay-Zu. During their meeting, R2-D2 accidentally murdered the tyrannical overlord — much to the joy of the Patitites, who released thetwo droids and allowed them to leave on their Y-wing.

The indigenous Balnabs captured the two droids and brought them before their leader, who turned out to be a holo-projection created by a group of rogue pit droids. These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. After R2-D2 exposed the scam, the Balnabs rebelled against their droid overlords.

R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. Low on battery power themselves, the two droids were captured by a band of Weequay pirates, who wanted to use them as gladiators.

However, the Weequay's pirate ship Marauder was attacked by General Grievous' cruiser. Grievous ordered the two droids to be melted down in his incinerator but they were rescued by a Republic fleet led by Master Plo Koon, who had come to rescue Master Gallia. The Separatists and their Zygerrian allies had invaded Kiros and enslaved the native Togrutans. The astromech droid played his part by helping the Republic forces to locate Separatist bombs planted in Kiros' capital city with his scanners.

Following a battle , the Republic succeeded in achieving these objectives and dealing a heavy blow against the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Under the auspices of the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze, Republic and Separatist delegates were meeting there to discuss a peaceful solution to the Clone Wars.

The proceedings were interrupted by the Onderonian junior senator Lux Bonteri , who accused Count Dooku of conspiring to murder his mother, Senator Mina Bonteri. R2-D2 and Ahsoka barely managed to rescue Lux from murder by the Separatists and fled from Mandalore. However, Lux was unwilling to join the Republic and hijacked the ship in order to take it to the icy planet of Carlac , where he had planned to join the Death Watch, an exiled Mandalorian faction who were then conspiring to kill Count Dooku.

On Carlac, R2-D2 was put to work repairing their batch of battle droids, which were used for target practice, and quickly befriended them. Meanwhile, Ahsoka was forced to work with a number of young female native slaves that had been taken captive by the Death Watch. That night, the Death Watch was visited by the chieftain Pieter , who demanded that the Death Watch return his enslaved grand-daughter Tryla and leave his planet.

Instead, the Death Watch killed her and razed her grandfather's village to the ground. Ahsoka and Lux fought against the Death Watch and managed to help Pieter and several of the villagers to escape. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. After seeing Ahsoka in bonds, R2-D2 convinced the newly-repaired Death Watch droids to help him rescue her. This diversion enabled R2-D2 to escape with Ahsoka and Lux on a speeder.

After fighting off their pursuers, they managed to escape aboard their ship and head offworld. Lux decided to depart the ship in an escape pod but vowed to meet Ahsoka again. R2-D2 later accompanied Ahsoka Tano who was escorting six Jedi younglings to the planet Ilum to complete The Gathering , an initiation rite prior to Jedi commencing their training as Padawans.

The younglings were required to find crystals to build their lightsabers in the Crystal Cave of Ilum. Before R2-D2 could effect an escape, the pirates boarded the ship. They intended to steal the youngling's lightsaber crystals and sell them on the black market.

During the skirmish, Tano ordered Artoo and the younglings Zatt and Ganodi to secure the deck while the droid Huyang and the other younglings hid in the deck.

Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. However, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the others to deliver the bad news to the Jedi Council.

Left adrift in space, the younglings managed to contact General Kenobi, who promised to send a rescue mission to relieve them and to rescue Ahsoka from the pirate Hondo. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. Alone, the six younglings hatched a mission to rescue Ahsoka. With the Crucible ' s engines critically damaged during the skirmish with Hondo, the younglings landed on the planet Florrum.

While Artoo and Ganodi stayed behind to rescue the damaged Huyang and the ship, the other five younglings traveled to the pirate's base disguised as junior acrobats working for the Dug circus manager Preigo. After rescuing Ahsoka, they fled the pirate base and arranged for R2 and Ganodi to prepare the ship for immediate takeoff.

While flying to pick up the younglings and Ahsoka, the Crucible was shot down by the pirates; forcing Artoo, Ganodi, and Huyang to evacuate the vessel. Hondo's pirates quickly recaptured Ahsoka and her youngling rescuers. However, the arrival of a Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi prisoners to work together with their former pirate captors. Ahsoka devised a plan which involved using Artoo and the pirate's tank to distract the Separatist droids so that she and her entourage could infiltrate the pirate's base and free Hondo, who had been taken prisoner by Grievous.

After freeing Hondo, the united Jedi and pirates proceeded to liberate the rest of Hondo's men. During the skirmish, R2-D2's tank was boarded by Grievous. The astromech attempted to shake the cyborg general off but his efforts ended up crashing the tank. In the end, R2-D2 along with Ahsoka, the younglings, and the pirates managed to escape aboard Hondo's escape ship, the rebuilt Slave I. R2-D2 later participated in a mission devised by the Jedi Council to capture a Separatist decoding module from the vault of a Separatist warship.

Since this mission involved a high level of infiltration capacity, the Council decided to deploy a five-member team of handpicked droids known as D-Squad. After a brief skirmish, the droids managed to infiltrate the Separatist warship and steal the decoding module. They then escaped the warship. As D-Squad continued their journey across the wasteland, Gascon assigned R2-D2 with the task of carrying the module. The stress of the mission created strains between Gascon and the astromech droids, who separated.

After WAC appointed himself the leader of the squad, the astromech droids abandoned him and continued their journey to a sunken city. Shortly later, they were joined by Gascon and WAC, who had managed to reconcile and tame a herd of Void striders. Reunited, the droids and Colonel Gascon traveled to the seedy town of Pons Ora.

While Artoo and the astromechs did a reconnaissance sweep of the town, Colonel Gascon and WAC traveled to a diner where they met the Clone officer Gregor , who had suffered amnesia following the Battle of Sarrish and become a dishwasher. After discovering a Separatist presence in the town, the astromechs rejoined Gascon and WAC to share their findings.

Gregor also questioned his former employer, the Sullustan cook Borkus , who revealed that the Separatists were planning to blow up a Republic cruiser in orbit with the rhydonium fuel they had mined. Using Borkus' information, D-Squad returned to the landing zone and confirmed that Borkus was telling the truth. D-Squad unanimously agreed to save the cruiser.

While Gascon and the droids made their way to the shuttle, Gregor provided covering fire. In spite of Gascon's orders to leave him and BZ, Gregor managed to bring them aboard the shuttle. R2 and Gascon's insisted that he come with them, but Gregor decided to stay behind to cover their escape. He harried the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions.

Upon arriving, they discovered that the Separatists had already seized control of the ship and were planning to use the rhydonium-laden to disrupt a crucial Republic strategy conference aboard the space station Valor above the planet Carida. Following a struggle, they managed to neutralize the Separatist forces aboard.

During the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he was sucked out into the void with several buzz droids. Gascon then devised a plan for the rest of D-Squad to evacuate aboard a shuttle while R2-D2 defused the trigger mechanism. However, they were ambushed by a super tactical droid who led several battle droid reinforcements.

While Gascon and U9-C4 opened fire on the battle droids, R2-D2 tussled with the super tactical droid. R2's remains, located after the Carida Incident. Meanwhile, R2-D2 gained the upper hand over the tactical droid and managed to reprogram the detonator, causing the rhydonium to explode prematurely and destroy the Star Destroyer. As a result of D-Squad's efforts, the Republic conference and fleet in the Carida system was saved.

While Gascon believed that R2-D2 had perished during the struggle, Skywalker refused to believe this was so and sent salvage teams to scour the wreckage. They managed to retrieve R2-D2 and repair the damaged astromech droid. Following the astromech droid's recovery, Gascon personally praised him for his bravery and told D-Squad that he would be honored to work with them again.

R2-D2, along with his masters Skywalker and Tano, later participated in the defense of Cato Neimoidia. The planet had come under attack from the Separatists.

During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. After Skywalker was knocked out by a powerful blast, R2-D2 took control of the starfighter. Under Ahsoka's orders, he landed the fighter on Cato Neimoidia's surface to bring the unconscious Skywalker to safety.

Shortly after this, Skywalker and Ahsoka were summoned back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to investigate a bomb attack. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation.

R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the planet Scipio. Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. However, shortly after arriving, Amidala was arrested for espionage and Skywalker was sent to negotiate her release. R2-D2 and Skywalker's mission was complicated by the presence of Clovis, the pro-Separatist senator whom Amidala had flirted with during an earlier mission to Cato Neimoidia.

Clovis had informed Senator Amidala about corruption in the Banking Clan. Prior to departing Scipio, Skywalker and Amidala went to retrieve files from a vault in Clovis' alpine residence. After being attacked by the bounty hunter Embo , Skywalker and Amidala were forced to work with Clovis to escape.

Under Skywalker's orders, R2-D2 rendezvoused with them and evacuated the area before Embo could land a shot. Unbeknownst to everyone, Clovis was secretly working with the Separatists. During the journey, R2 sat in the droid socket of Yoda's fighter. R2-D2 and Yoda then flew to a mysterious planet which lay in the middle of a cloud of golden energy.

Upon entering the cloud, R2-D2 and Yoda's fighter malfunctioned. Trusting in the Force, Yoda manually guided his starfighter to a planet which was generating the golden energy. The starfighter landed near a geyser and Yoda decided to leave R2-D2 behind.

He also instructed the astromech droid to guard his lightsaber while he re-entered the starfighter to fly into the geyser. After Yoda completed his trials on the mysterious planet, he received instructions to travel to the ancient Sith homeworld of Moraband. Upon arriving on Moraband, Yoda instructed R2-D2 to wait with his starfighter once again while he went on to continue his Jedi trials.

The Jedi Master also instructed R2-D2 to return alone to Coruscant if he did not return within three days. Yoda managed to complete his trials but experienced visions of the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire. After completing his Jedi trials, R2-D2 accompanied him back to Coruscant. However, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences with R2-D2 or his fellow Jedi. During the Battle of Yerbana , while Anakin distracted the droids, R2 waited along with Rex and the clone jet troopers of the st legion for the signal.

When the super tactical droid emerged from hiding, Skywalker gave him the signal and the clones started to attack along with the th Attack Battalion. After Skywalker and Kenobi received a transmission from Ahsoka Tano about the whereabouts of Maul , R2 accompanied them to the hanger to meet with her and members of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze 's Mandalore resistance. Upon seeing Tano, the droid happily went over to his old friend, and she patted him on the dome, [65] although this would be the last time they saw each other for a year.

While Skywalker and Kenobi searched the Separatist flagship, the Invisible Hand , for the Chancellor, R2-D2 encountered some super battle droids and succeeded in destroying them by spraying oil onto the ground and then igniting it. He then penetrated the Separatist flagship and managed to reunite with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Palpatine.

Skywalker had freed the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. Shortly later, they were captured by General Grievous' droids and taken to the command bridge. Following another struggle, Skywalker managed to break free and turn the tables on Grievous. Defeated, Grievous fled in an escape pod.

Hit by Republic fire, the Invisible Hand began descending into Coruscant, with the Jedi and chancellor in it.

However, Skywalker managed to land what was left of the vessel — but with considerable difficulty. Once on the ground R2-D2 met up with C-3PO — but, while the group had this initial victory in the Battle of Coruscant , soon the astromech droid would witness the the Great Jedi Purge and the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire. Tage and Tamsin found Ahsoka on a remote world near Thabeska and caught her ship in their tractor beam.

Believing they were hostile, Tano knocked Tage and Tamsin unconscious. While making her way through the ship's engine room to reach the cockpit, Ahsoka encountered R2-D2 and hugged the astromech droid, having missed his company. Since he had not received a memory wipe, R2-D2 recognized his old friend and told her that he and the pilots were working for a senator who wanted to meet her.

Tano managed to convince R2-D2 to release the tractor beam from her freighter, tell nobody he had met her, and to make sure that she could track his ship. Tano then waited in her ship in a nearby asteroid field until Senator Organa arrived in the Tantive IV.

When Tage and Tamsin awoke, R2-D2 pretended to have been short-circuited by Tano in order to cover up his role in helping her escape. However, Bail realized R2-D2's role in Tano's escape after viewing a clip of the security footage in the engine room. R2-D2 was greeted by C-3PO, who berated his companion. Ahsoka managed to infiltrate the ship with a pressure suit and entered Organa's office.

After Ahsoka informed him about R2-D2's role in her escape, Organa joked that the droid was too independent and ought to be deactivated. Ahsoka responded that R2-D2 had had a lot of "bad role models. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother , R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. While R2-D2 was repairing the engines, Ahsoka spent time with him and told him that she missed him.

When the engines hummed to life, Ahsoka thanked the astromech droid. Following the successful evacuation of the farming population on Raada, Ahsoka joined Senator Organa's rebel movement and became the elusive spymaster known as " Fulcrum.

About five years before the Battle of Yavin , [ source? Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles , illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. She intended to mass-produce the weapons on Lothal , a formerly backwater Outer Rim world that had become a manufacturing base for the Empire.

Since Tua could not speak the Aqualish language , C-3PO was assigned the job of acting as her translator. However, R2-D2 was aware about the true nature of their mission: preventing the T-7 ion disruptors from falling into Imperial hands. By contrast, C-3PO was deliberately kept in the dark. Unknown to R2-D2, members of a Lothalian rebel cell were also traveling on the same shuttle. Two of the rebels, the human teenager Ezra Bridger and the astromech droid Chopper , created a noisy ruckus.

Another rebel, the former Jedi Kanan Jarrus , pretended to be irate and demanded that the petulant Chopper be sent to the back of the shuttle. The pilot complied, but in retaliation, Bridger demanded that Tua's droids be sent to the back as well. Bereft of a translator, Tua was forced to turn to the Mandalorian girl Sabine Wren , who posed as an Imperial Academy student fluent in Aqualish. However, Sabine was also a member of the Lothalian rebel cell who were planning to deliver the shipment of weapons to the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago.

Sabine learned that the weapons were stored in Garel's Bay 7 but misled Minister Tua into believing that they were in Bay While traveling to Bay 7, R2-D2 was accosted by Chopper, who had been sent to distract the Imperials. Chopper rammed himself into R2-D2, then shook his arm in apparent anger. In response, R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod , but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him to apologize.

But then, Minister Tua recognized Chopper from the shuttle ride to Garel and ordered her stormtrooper guards to hurry to Bay 7.

By the time they arrived at Bay 7, the Lothalian rebels were already loading the T-7 ion disruptors onto the Ghost , a VCX light freighter which served as their headquarters. A blaster fight broke out and in the ensuing confusion, R2-D2 and C-3PO fled aboard the Ghost , which fled into hyperspace.

The two droids were then taken prisoner by the Lothalian rebels who placed restraining bolts on both of them. The Spectres then traveled back to Lothal to sell the stolen weapons and the two stowaway droids to Vizago at a pre-arranged rendezvous point. Unbeknownst to Chopper and the other crew, C-3PO had contacted the Imperial authorities telling them that he and his astromech counterpart had been kidnapped by a group of "criminals" in Garel.

Carrying out Organa's orders, R2-D2 proceeded to overload and destroy the T-7 disruptors with the help of Sabine and Chopper. During the fighting, the rebels managed to destroy the T-7 disruptors and to escape their Imperial pursuers. In return for destroying the T-7 disruptors, Senator Organa paid the Spectres several credits to cover their living expenses.

After the rebels had departed, R2-D2 showed Bail Organa a recording of his time with them. Following the rescue of the Jedi rebel Kanan Jarrus and the Siege of Lothal , R2-D2 was part of an Alderaanian reception party at Havoc Outpost which greeted the Spectre rebels Wren and Chopper, the bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo and their special cargo: the GNK-series power droid EG , who was carrying some secret intelligence of value to the rebel network.

Aurum Press amazon. Lucasfilm Getty Images. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. The dance you do while cumming and standing up with your pants around your knees.

Usually while receiving a BJ or Jacking it into a toilet. The action is an awkward tottering from left to right, resembling the R2-D2 dance when everyone receives medals at the end of Star Wars. Also refers to a specifically awesome happy dance that is the same action. She was so hot, I did the R2-D2 Dance in the bathroom a few minutes ago. Use our Power Search technology to look for more unique definitions from across the web! Search the web. Citation Use the citation options below to add these abbreviations to your bibliography.

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