Your safest bet is to look for a product that sells at right around the suggested retail price to avoid either of these issues. Alternatively, you can just buy Sub Solution, which is only slightly more expensive but has a way better pass rate than Urine Luck. While there are many untrustworthy third-party sellers out there, it can be difficult to know if what you are purchasing is the real deal.
No, Urine Luck cannot withstand extreme temperatures. For example, exposing it to extreme heat can damage the active ingredients, and this exposure prevents the product from working at optimum levels for the test.
No, Urine Luck cannot be reheated, because it comes in vials that need to be added to your pee. It should also not be added to a sample before you arrive at the test facility, as the success rate will drop after a short time. Yes, diluted urine can test positive, and this is something that is checked thoroughly by modern test facilities.
If the chemical composition of individual elements is not within the specific normal human range, then a fake pee sample result will be issued. As the product is added to your pee when you submit the sample, you also want to avoid reducing the temperature of the sample with a frozen additive. Once you add it to your pee, it will not change the odor, but it will just smell like your pee. This is important because changing the scent could trigger a fail or at least an immediate retest.
The elements in Urine Luck are a proprietary secret, but I can say that it contains two vials of the active ingredients. It is designed for a daily user and for random testing because preparations are not needed.
It is not recommended for instant screens. The Urine Luck changes the molecular structure of the compound, which also changes every chemical property of the compound. They might look similar but will actually be a different person because they have new fingerprints. This is also why Urine Luck works better on drug tests than on drug screens. The screens are a cheap and quick way to detect THCA and for this reason are harder to fool.
The drug screen only adheres to the left side of the molecule; however, the Urine Luck alters the right side of the molecule. The GC-MS is much more accurate and looks at the entire molecule. Urine Luck begins to works instantly, however, the longer in the sample the more effectively the product works due to increased contact time.
Urine Luck works on all toxins, including alcohol and tobacco. The Quick Look is an upgraded version of this tried-and-tested synthetic urine. However, the Sub Solution still remains an incredible option for educational purposes, research, and just a good old prank. While all the other options are great, none of them offer a way to smuggle urine into a drug test. With an improvement in drug tests, ClearChoice immediately jumped to create the best synthetic urine on the market and succeeded!
The cost reflects the ease and effectiveness of the product. As long as you use it right, the product will work flawlessly. They have an incredible success rate and all the necessary chemical components to pass any drug test.
When you buy straight from the site, you also get a bunch of stuff in the extremely useful kits and created specifically for the product. Unlike other kits, this makes use of a lot of technology to provide you with the easiest experience. The urine that you are mixing and creating can be put into the bag and heated at the ideal temperature for up to four hours! The misconceptions about fake urine generally mask the benefits such a substance offers.
Synthetic urine, simply put, is regular urine created in a laboratory. Instead of our bodies creating it, all the essential chemical parts of the urine are duplicated to mimic that of clean human urine. Since it has the same chemical components as any other urine, it looks and smells exactly like regular pee.
Synthetic urine contains all the right chemicals, including ammonia, creatinine, pH, urea, uric acid, proper sulfate levels, and specific gravity. Without the right levels, your sample will immediately be flagged. Synthetic urine does work — if and when used and made right. But, if you mix it correctly and follow the directions provided, then nothing will go wrong.
Completely dispensing the fact that something has probably already gone wrong, hence the need for synthetic urine. Apart from being a lot more hygienic to store, synthetic urine lasts a lot longer than biological urine.
Regular urine is very difficult to conceal and store in general. The last thing you need, of course, is a fake pregnancy scare! The general process works the exact same as it would with biological urine. Following provided instructions is, therefore, essential for any synthetic urine to work effectively.
Product Directions 1. Urinate times before you actually take your test and fill the testing cup up. Do not combine or mix the agent with anything else. No need to flush your system, it is not recommended to consume more than 10 ounces of water per hour.
Mix slightly in the cup with human urine. Do not take internally! Avoid contact with skin, This product may cause irritation. If your skin comes into contact with the agent simply wash the affected area with warm water.