One of the most exciting aspects of EASy is the fact that, for the first time at UC San Diego, a non-campus mainframe system has been able to interact with real-time mainframe data. Department approval procedure Contact the department using the Enrollment Authorization System EASy for authorization to enroll in a class or class section. You can then use WebReg to enroll in the class. What is the difference between the Unofficial Transcript and the Degree Audit?
Talk to your college advisor Get required or suggested class listings from your advisor. Use the Virtual Advisor to ask a question or make an appointment. Advising for the next quarter starts Monday of Week 6 of the current quarter. Need additional help in planning classes?
See an advisor in your major or minor department. If you have not completed and received a qualifying grade for any required prerequisite courses, you will be automatically dropped from the affected course or wait list. To request authorization to enroll in a class please submit a request through the Enrollment Authorization System EASy.
If you are thinking about enrolling in more than 12 units per session, you must obtain authorization from your college. If you are enrolled in 6 units, you are considered full time status by the Registrar Office. The two-pass enrollment process ensures that all students have the opportunity to enroll in required pre-major, major, and GE courses.
You will be able to find your enrollment times on TritonLink by logging in to WebReg. To declare a double major, you must plan to: Satisfy the requirements for BOTH majors, including 10 upper-division courses 40 units unique to each major.
Complete the two majors in six quarters for transfer students or twelve quarters for first-year students. When you have 30 credits you will have sophomore standing; 60 credits is junior standing; 90 credits is senior standing. Student Classification If you have earned… then you are a… University code semester hours first-year student A1 semester hours sophomore A2 semester hours junior A3 90 or more semester hours senior A4. You will need to use the second pass enrollment periods and the open enrollment period beginning the first day of instruction to add classes which will bring your quarter's enrollments to 15 credits or more.
However, being enrolled in 12 credits is considered full-time. How many credits may I enroll in during my first, second, and third enrollment passes? A: You may enroll in up to a maximum of 10 credits if you are participating in the Undergraduate Part-Time Program. You may enroll in up to 10 credits during any of your enrollment appointment periods as long as the classes in which you are attempting to enroll are open.
You may also add yourself to waitlisted classes during your second enrollment appointment period, keeping in mind that the system will only allow enrollment in a maximum of 14 waitlisted credits. For more information, please visit the Waitlist FAQs. A: Not necessarily. There are times when a department may choose to gate enrollment in classes so spaces open up for a specific class level or during a second pass.
If a class you want to take is closed during your first pass, you should sign up for a lower-priority class and try to enroll in the class again during your second pass. You may also add yourself to up to 14 credits of waitlisted courses during your second enrollment pass. Q: When can I be placed on a class waitlist? A: If a waitlist is available for a class, you may enroll on the waitlist during your second enrollment appointment.
Q: Which courses should I prioritize and enroll in during my first enrollment appointment? A: You will need to ask yourself the following questions to decide which courses to prioritize in you first enrollment pass: Which courses are the most important for progress toward my degree?
Which courses are prerequisites for classes I need later? Which courses are only offered in the upcoming year?