We're gonna let it show We're gonna just let go of everything Holding back our dreams And try To make it come alive Come on let it shine so they can see We were meant to be somebody Somebody ya somehow someday someway somebody I'm so tired Of being invisible But I feel it, ya!
We're gonna let it show We're gonna just let go of everything Holding back our dreams And try To make it come alive Come on let it shine so they can see We were meant to be somebody Somebody ya somehow someday someway somebody We will walk out of this darkness Feel the spark light glowing like the yellow Sun, oh And then we fall, we fall together Till we get back up and we will rise as one Oh we're gonna let it show We're gonna just let go of everything Holding back our dreams And try To make it come alive Come on let it shine so they can see We were meant to be somebody Somebody ya, somehow, someday, someway Somebody, somebody.
Enviada por Paulo y traducida por Kassandra. Revisiones por 7 personas. Recomendar Twitter. Playlists relacionadas. Creedence Clearwater Revival Mirror Mirror feat. Aplicaciones y plugins.
Desktop Google Chrome Windows 8. Plugin W. Media Player Winamp. Editar playlist. We're gonna let it show We're gonna just let go of everything holding back our dreams And try to make it come alive C'mon let it shine so they can see We were meant to be, somebody somebody Somebody, yeah Somebody Somehow, Someday, Someway, Somebody. Oh, oh We're gonna let it show let it show We're gonna just let go of everything holding back our dreams And try to make it come alive C'mon let it shine so they can see We were meant to be, somebody somebody , somebody!
Somehow, Someday, Someway, Somebody. Lemonade Mouth Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account?