The product will also speed up the overall gameplay as people will not have to take turns while shuffling the cards.
The card shuffler also reduces wear on the cards since the shuffling process does not involve bending of the cards. The input of the automatic card shuffler is the placement of the cards into the two card holding slots. The user then starts the device by pressing down on the trigger switch. When depressed, this switch will complete a ciruit that connects the batteries to two small motors that spin at high speed. The motors are small and produce high speed but with little torque so gears are used to gear down the speed while increasing the torque applied to the cards.
The gears are connected to a wheel which draws the cards from the two card holding slots into the middle output slot. The motor will continue to run and the wheels will spin until the lever is released. The user then retreives the cards from the middle output slot to use or to repeat the shuffling process by placing the cards back into the two card holding slots.
To operate the card shuffler, the user must first place two "C" batteries into the battery compartment located beneath the shuffler. This involves removing the phillips screw that secures the battery compartment cover and then placing the batteries in and replacing the cover. The card shuffler should then be placed on a flat surface so that the cards placed into the machine will fall evenly.
The user can then place one or two decks of cards into the two card holding slots located on the sides of the shuffler.
The user preferably should place even stacks of cards into each side of the card holding slots to ensure even shuffling. Then the removeable tray should be placed into the output slot so that the shuffled cards can be removed easily.
To start the shuffling process, the user will then depress the power switch located at the front base of the device. The user should continue pressing the button until all the cards have been shuffled.
When the shuffling is complete, the user can then remove the tray along with the cards. Since the tray is simply a flat piece of plastic that rests underneath the cards, the tray along with the shuffled cards can be removed without having to flip them over to reveal the bottom card.
The cards can then be used or replaced into the machine again to reshuffle the cards further. The automatic card shuffler can be used to shuffle cards for different reasons associated with playing card games. There are many different games which require shuffling of the cards after each round such as poker, spades, speed, or blackjack.
The device will primarily be used when playing card games with groups of people such as at parties or small get togethers. Some improper use of the device could result by using cards which are non-standard size or thickness. Using it for any other use other than to shuffle cards is not consistant with the original purpose. Before we tested the card shuffler, we took it apart in order for us to see how the shuffler functions and made the following assumptions: 1.
There are two gear train systems. Each gear train has its own motor. For syncronization, there are two modified gears, both of which have teeth on some portion of itself. One of the modified gears has its teeth pointing down, while the other modified gear has its teeth pointing up.
We assumed this was important because when a person places cards on both the left and right side of the card platform, one card would be lifted up while the other would be touching the surface of the card platform.
The card that remains in contact with the surface of the card platform is carried by a fat gear that is driven by a motor when the user presses the shuffle button. This motor is powered by two "C" batteries. After this card carried into the center slot with the tray, the modified gears are now in alternate positions, and the same process is repeated for the other card on the other side of the card shuffler.
Manufacture Analysis - After taking apart the product it was easily seen how most of the parts were made. Also, because of the fact that it is a relatively cheap item, almost everything was injected molded. Three different sized screws were used to assemble the whole product, where many of them posed a large problem when trying to get them out.
The motor was probably the only component that the maker did not manufacture. As for the shape and various cutouts, a type of CNC milling process was used. The medium screws are located on the outer perimeter on the bottom of the case, while the large screws are also located around the perimeter and also are used to hold the gear train in place. After taking them out, which was very difficult due to their size and how they were torqued, we realized that having so many screws was unecessary since the case does not go through that much stress.
Ideas For Improvement - Noticing the large number of screws used to hold the case together we thought of two options; one of which would be to reduce the number of screws in total and the other would be a snap type mechanism, elimnating the screws. Both of these would reduce manufacturing cost. The compartment that holds the cards after they are shuffled is also badly placed. It was very difficult for a normal sized hand to reach in and pull the cards.
Even after trying to slide the cards out, they were being blocked by the spring loaded operating button. Moving the button to either the left of right side of the case and having the compartment slightly inclined would greatly help in accessing the cards. Our major area about the impact of environment and the automatic card shuffler are batteries and the plastic body decompositions after throwing away.
In order to run the current automatic card shuffler, users will need to insert two "C" batteries. Most users will choose the non-rechargeable batteries to save the cost. After using for couple times, we need to buy and change another two batteries.
Batteries contain hazardous materials that may get into the environment. For example, cadmium and lead enter soil and water from landfills and enter the air via municipal waste incinerators.
Recycling the batteries has become an issue to normal users since it is not as easy as a can of soda. Batteries can be recycled at the household Waste collection facility which may not be convenient for most users.
This will result people just throw it directly without recycling. Using the automatic card shuffler without batteries will be a positive impact for the environment. The inclusion of a hand crank system would eliminate the need for batteries. We analyzed this concept but deemed it to require too much effor by the user, since one would have to crank multiple times or very fast to shuffle the cards efficiently.
They are then sequentially dealt from the bottom of the deck of cards and slotted onto shelves. The shelves are randomly selected by an RNG random number generator , with individual cards being randomly placed on top of, or beneath other cards on the shelf. Probabilities are assigned to each action, to limit the likelihood of any type of bias taking place. The purpose of creating a card shuffling machine is to ensure randomness of outcomes. Casino shelf shuffling machines are one such method of shuffling the cards.
A full, automatic card shuffler has an elongated box where decks of cards are placed. Whether it's blackjack, baccarat, or poker doesn't matter. The machine shuffles the cards automatically, without dealers having to physically shuffle the cards that were placed into the shoe. The cards are then fed into a circular wheel which houses the cards — it spins randomly to accept cards from the shoe — one card per slot.
The wheel with the cards housed in each slot then deposits the cards into a bottom shoe which is ready to be dealt to players. For home usage, many different companies manufacture card shuffling machines, such as the following:. These and many other card shuffling devices are designed to shuffle the cards without human interference. Depending on the way that the cards are shuffled, one can expect varying degrees of randomness to result.
Sophisticated shuffling technology relies on specialized computer programming systems to eliminate the likelihood of patterns developing from card shuffles. Believe it or not, many high-stakes poker tables are actually sophisticated computer devices which can track every card on the felt by way of electronic chips in the cards.
This is how poker fans on the rail, or at home, can see all the cards that each of the players is holding on their TV screens, with the attendant percentages statistical odds of each player making the best poker hand.
Even without chip technology in cards — which actually eliminates the probability of a card being slipped into the game — card shuffling machines do a great job for casinos. While manual shuffling is okay, it is tainted by the fact that a dealer is handling all of the cards and using a practiced technique that may not necessarily generate a random outcome. Rather than risk error-prone shuffling, automatic shuffling machines are better suited to random outcomes.
There are other benefits to using shuffling machines for casino card games— notably the fact that the dealer doesn't have to shuffle cards in between hands. This is automatically done while a round is in play. This speeds up the action at the casino tables, and players don't have to wait an interminable amount of time between games.
And the bottom in one of the halves, will always be on the bottom. Thus, a cut should always be done to further randomize the cards. One or two shuffles mechanical or manual is not sufficient to randomize a deck of cards.
At least four is required. Beyond 5 or 6 is a waste of time. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What are the drawbacks of an automatic card shuffler?
Ask Question. Asked 10 years ago. Active 1 year, 5 months ago. Viewed 9k times. Improve this question. EvilAmarant7x EvilAmarant7x 3, 14 14 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. One drawback of auto-sufflers is that you don't get a truely random distribution. I don't remember the exact math, but if you cut a deck perfectly even and do a perfect riffle shuffle, after so many iterations you end up back where you started.
DForck42 Mechanical shufflers are designed to randomize the deck using different shuffle sequences — not just repeating a perfect riffle X times. For example, this shuffler has two settings, fully random setting is 1 riffle, 1 strip, 2 riffles, 1 strip and 4 more riffles. DForck42 If you can do 8 perfect shuffles you can restore a deck to it's original state youtube.
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