Which oltl characters are going to general hospital

GH pic. First he was Todd from Llanview. The only way this works for me is it becomes a longstanding gag.

Waiting on that to happen would deffo keep me tuning in just for that. Maybe he comes back as Austin to take down Peter. Franco is gone for good and Austin is a brand new character with no resemblance to Franco. Many actors have returned to a soap to play a different part, but usually after a few years, not weeks. The whole thing was totally stupid and uncalled for in my opinion. I agree! They should have made it at least where the people in Port Charles recognize the fact that he looked like someone they once knew.

I agree!! I love this show, but bringing him back so soon and not even mentioning his resemblance to Franco was, and everyday is, ridiculous. It would have been more believable if Maxie would have commented on how friggen much he looked like Franco!!! Has she gone blind??? Franco Baldwin bore no resemblance to Todd Manning. The main difference this time is the extremely short window less than 2 months and the fact the previous character Franco is still part of an ongoing storyline.

Silas was in the ground for many months before Finn came along, and the OLTL characters were never referred to again once they were forced to depart. He was revealed to be Stephen Clay. So, while Silas resemblance to his brother was mentioned, there was nothing said that Silas looked like John or Finn.

I thought the same thing. At least on other soaps they acknowledge it. But the resemblance doesnt seem to matter on GH at all. Great point. I wish they would decide to make it more believable by having Austin be Francos long lost twin. Totally agree. How could Maxie not comment that he looks exactly like Franco. I really thought that they were going to have Franco just play dead to trap Peter.

I totally agree. I was thinking the same thing! I am happy the actor is back! He is darn good. A Soap is just another genre to escape for a bit. No one ever told Finn he looked like Silas either. That always bothered me. Hey GH, run a poll and let the viewers vote what career path we want him to follow. For GH to save itself, they would have to pretend like all of Port Charles has been asleep since February There are plenty of other good actors!

Not Todd and not Frodd. As to who he IS…. Satan…speaking of shirtless, it looks like Roger has been working out. He sure never showed that side of himself as Franco. Something otherworldly, not real. With the presumably clean slate … Read more ». Satan Right again. How did Austin find Scotty? They act like they already knew each other.

How ironic for Scott to be representing Austin. I agree…the writers should be fired. The writer brought Franco back as Dr Austin now let him expose Peter. Now Cam will have it really bad. I agree.. Liz and Franco and family were pretty darn special.. I am getting closer every day to quit watching GH, and I have been watching since I was 9!

I am now Judy, I thought I was the only one who felt that way! They need to do a better job of matching couples up. I think bringing him back as a doctor in the woods is crazy. Based on the writers comments, could it be the Q mansion is getting yet another resident? Monica is certainly generous with her house that Alan gave her because he was an idiot. It is a bit off-putting how soon they introduced a new character whose resemblance to two former characters will likely never be mentioned.

So for Howarth and Easton, they both have at least Three … Read more ». Steve, thanks for that reminder of Lila and Edward moment as well as your other humorous musings. Or even worse, they have familial connections that make no sense at all. This just gets nuttier and nuttier. I can almost write this myself. Glad Roger is back. I thought Elizabeth might get a happy reprise. I figure Austin is going to be a Quartermaine.

Oh, I have another wild theory! If we could only have nice things like that. The characters in PC are so much more vibrant with Sonny out of the picture. Heck, Carly as mob queen is interesting to watch. Love your remark about Ashford and Simpson. The next hearing is scheduled for March The Hollywood Reporter has learned that during court proceedings ABC has asked that Prospect Park's license extension demand be removed from the lawsuit.

The extension states that, "Prospect Park has rights on the soaps for up to 15 seasons of 12 calendar months each unless Prospect ceases production for 18 consecutive months. They are accusing the network of changing major storylines, killing off "One Life To Live" characters and planting others deeply into "General Hospital's" Port Charles storylines.

Though Prospect Park has yet to make an official announcement "All My Children's" Debbi Morgan Angie took to Twitter over the weekend with her regret in regards to the possible future of the Pine Valley soap.

I guess what really hurts my gut R all the positive proclamations I gave 2 all of U that we'd definitely coming back. Bcuz those were the earnest proclamations we'd been given! We never know what's in God's plan. I do know there's always a bigger picture! Is ProspectPark "shelving" allmychildren too? I'm hearing big announcement planned for this Friday. TOLN onelifetolive. New episodes should air sometime in January Right after AMC at 1pm.

Together we have tackled more business, creative, and logistical challenges than most shows experience in a lifetime of production, yet we continue to prevail with these top rated, critically acclaimed shows," said Kwatinetz. Read Soaps.

Beginning on Monday July 15 viewers can watch an exclusive week soap summer fling hosted by the Oprah Winfrey Network. For 2 years u posted, tweeted, Facebooked me..

I heard you. Erik Logan, President of OWN, stated, "These shows have proven to be very popular with a significant, loyal fan base, not to mention Oprah herself is a big fan. Many of our viewers across numerous platforms have expressed their passion for the soaps so we are especially excited to air this limited engagement on OWN. We look forward to our millions of fans enjoying the first 40 episodes of the shows.

Together with the MORE shows, viewers can play or save up to six TOLN programs per week—all available on Mondays — providing even more flexibility to watch anytime, and anywhere. Good news fans, Prospect Park and the I. An official statement was released that stated As a result production of both series will resume, as planned following the shows' hiatus, on August 12, Speaking on behalf of the New York Production Locals, Local Representative David Blake stated, "We are pleased that that the parties were able to successfully address their concerns in a mutually beneficial way, which will enable these innovative shows to continue to be produced with our talented crews.

Though the shows will still post two episodes per week they have halted production. E they stated…. The hiatus is scheduled to end on August 12 pending resolution of this labor issue. Right now we have 40 episodes of each show ready to post through September, and if we can resolve this issue by August, we can get back into the studio on time so audiences will enjoy uninterrupted postings of their favorite shows.

We believe we have met all contract requirements with I. E, and as an internet start-up, and per our contract with the I. The writers, directors, actors and rest of crew have been supportive of the shows and our success.

The popularity of the shows is matched by the continued passion and excitement from the fans. We are committed to these shows, and to the nearly jobs they produce, thus we are exploring every legal and logistical option to maintain our production schedule.

In the meantime, we have already completed taping 40 episodes. So you will be able to enjoy the show uninterrupted until its worked out. Show creator Agnes Nixon announced in a release, "It is now my pleasure to announce that the future stories involving the lives of 'All My Children's' beloved characters are from now on in the capable hands of the co-head writers Lisa Connor and Chip Hayes, both of whom have a long and stellar history with our program.

For two years she also served as a line producer of the program and was creatively involved in plotting and writing daily episodes since In addition to his six years as a producer on 'Melrose Place', Chip Hayes in , became a vital member of those devising the ongoing drama of 'All My Children'.

He remains in this crucial work through its incarnation on the internet. However, I particularly want to thank Marlene McPherson and Elizabeth Snyder for their incredibly positive dedication to the show and their constant helpful attitude during many long hours of intense work. It is greatly appreciated. Prospect Park added, "We are excited for the opportunity to put the lives of our characters in the capable hands of the new writing staff.

Her entire story arc was never resolved. Could Cole and hope be alive? Would she still want to be with Cole? I did read one suggestion that might be an interesting move. Since the writers have decimated the Ward family, why not have Angie and Jessie come to town and have one of them related to the Wards?

He turned out to be the entertainment — the stripper! After he explained that stripping and working in a garage were his side gigs, Sasha was okay with it — as long as it brought him home to her and their unborn child every night. As long as she can keep his interfering mother in check, everything should be smooth sailing for the couple. Unless, Gladys gets her wish and convinces her son to take the job that mobster Vincent Novak offered him.

If we had our way, Brando would stay as far away from the mob, especially Novak, as possible! While we wait for Mattsson to bring her character back to Port Charles, have a look at our photo gallery of other soap stars and their real-life kids. A post shared by Briana Nicole Henry briananicoleee. More: Briana Nicole Henry shares beautiful wedding photos.

We wish Henry the very best in her future endeavors! Ava's days are numbered in Port Charles — what will her last days be like? Find out on an all-new GH! MauraWest GeneralHospital. Getting out of Dodge is hardly the same as exiting the show.

This better be temporary. MauraWest can act circles around everyone. Seriously is this a joke? We fans will accept nothing other than that! Love that character and actress. We have a feeling that Book Convos has hit the nail on the head. If the show could follow Sonny and Dante to Turkey, it can certainly follow Ava wherever she goes!


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