This new release is the second in a series of 4-EPs. Each of the 4 EPs are expected to explore different genres of music. Outta Line explores his pop side.
Previously known as Black Knight, Brandon is also a rapper and producer. It only takes one listen to his older releases and productions to realize how versatile he can be! He plans to take us all down a new musical pathway with his newest EP and coming releases. He is currently signed to RMG Amplify. Much like many of those artists, Brandon has become known for showing authenticity within his music.
Overcomer will be available on all streaming platforms upon release and is now available for pre order. In true Jordan Armstrong fashion, the video is done in quality!
It all kicks off with a skit where Lil Yachty makes a featured appearance as a car salesman. Following that same consistent pattern, Jordan gave us real fashion throughout the entire video! Between the creative story skit, quality shots along with Jordan showing off his dance skills, this video was win! The song lyrics focus on giving God the credit for everything Armstrong is grateful for including his relationship with God.
Hold on, wait a second, let me brag on my God. As usual, Jordan has left us with another banger! The video is the icing on the cake of already dope song! Scroll down to stream the single on Spotify! Stay connected with Jordan on social media and follow us on Instagram and YouTube for more music news! I am totally still a fan of theirs and wish them success and internal healing. This is a great story.
Devante and Dalvin were and still are musical geniuses, they could play every instrument. K-Ci and Jojo both have that rich, church sound that breathes life into their songs. There is a beginning and an end in all things!!! Star system is hard.. Great artists!!!!!! I love jodici… I was happy to see they did a reunuion tour… I enjoyed seeing them perform the award show. Even all the guys in the audience sang along with the group.. I love u guys… Keep singing together. From a Detroit fan Minyonne straughter.
The key is not to sink to the same level as the trolls. I was fortunate enough to be able to see Jodeci in L. A Jan at the Rewind concert. No Devante, but everyone else turned up. Not being from the U. S, I never had a chance to see them live so it was a case of seeing them 23 years late, but it was well worth it. I wish them all the best. Boyz II Men came on after them, as nice as it was to see Jodeci, it was a completely different level of performance. Jodeci getting caught up in living the life of bad boys caught up to them, sadly.
Their music will live forever, which is their gift to the world. Yeah, until the Jodeci album that they would release until Jodeci made 4 albums each featuring some of their best music, spanning from to There will never be another Jodeci. The K-Ci and jojo albums were the closest fans got to hearing Jodeci music with songs like slip and fall until they finally made good on their promise and released their 4th Jodeci album which in my opinion did not disappoint.
Every moment is up there with love you for life and cry for you in my opinion which is testament to he staying power and longevity Jodeci had as a group. In spite of their of stage drama and the demons they battled they still made some of the best music in their genre. I was happy to hear them back.. I read it for what it was…. Your article was on point! Good article, loved their music but questioned their image some times, questioned why they never won Grammy or star on Hollywood Blvd.
Image killed them and unfairly held them back in terms of Fame. Great story and answer to my net question. I was and always will be one of their biggest fans. I wish the best for them as people, their talent can never be taken away. The guys coin him as the 5th member of Jodeci. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.
You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Da Shelter. Skip to content. Home Words from the Media Assassin. Many long time fans are souped but at the same time very doubtful that the album is gonna come into fruition unless the guys have their heads and spirits together Their Legacy To see the demons that these four battle overtake them and send them on a path down destruction made a great rise and fall type story for that of a bio pic.
Vic Da Ruler. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading I enjoy Hip Hop, Sports, and living the good life! This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. July 21, at am. Vic Da Rula says:. July 23, at am. Sherrell Martin says:. August 8, at am. August 19, at am. They been saying a new album was on the way for almost 12 years smdh. September 29, at pm. The downfall of Jodeci, especially Devante, is one of the saddest tales in modern music.
October 18, at am. Amatullah says:. March 8, at am. March 12, at am. Shan says:. November 8, at am. November 12, at am. Anonymous says:. December 1, at pm. Yonni says:.
December 6, at am. Everything You Said … So True. No One Can Live Peacefully. Keva Sterling says:. May 3, at pm. JodeciFan4eva says:. February 1, at am. Ken says:. February 10, at pm. February 11, at am. Cali Gal says:. October 3, at am. October 7, at pm. October 8, at am. October 8, at pm. October 9, at am. Lisa says:.
June 20, at am. June 24, at am. Swiftdevine says:. February 11, at pm. Dudes have reputations to protect. Corvette says:. March 22, at am. Keysha says:. April 2, at pm. April 7, at am.
I did this writeup at like 4 in the morning. Ellen Cheej says:. June 24, at pm. July 13, at am. Theruggedchild says:. May 30, at am. Jeffrey Deshields says:. July 2, at am. Well the Lord works in mysterious ways and they need to forgive and let pride go. July 20, at am. August 20, at am. July 25, at am. Love Music says:. November 10, at am.
November 13, at am. I sure definitely can use one.. December 16, at pm. Toni Warren says:. January 3, at am. January 4, at am. Kelly Ro says:. May 16, at pm. Debora says:. August 21, at am. Nay says:. May 18, at pm. Tina says:. Do we call this a reunion? She wrote mediatakeout. We got hundreds of songs we recorded. Letting them know what Jodeci is. K-Ci was wearing head-to-toe black, including the leather bike jacket, backwards cap, and Timberland Super Boots signature to the Jodeci look; he looked like he'd wandered off set from a video shoot.
Devante, who K-Ci and Dalvin tell me is home in L. He's really about the only one who's doing something right now, to me. It gets oversaturated, people are tired of you. K-CI: We always like to do a song that means something, not just a song that you can just—we write songs that people can relate to. We never stopped. Dalvin Donald and Dalvin DeGrate and siblings K-Ci and JoJo Cedric Jodeci now After dysfunction set in, group member and producer, Devante Swing struggled to complete any music, which led to the group breaking up after three top selling albums.
We didn't know, we didn't understand, we didn't care. Do all the current Jodeci references reach you? K-CI: A rapper singing to his lady on stage, supposed to be all hardcore and he's singing Jodeci! The Jodeci news was revealed by group member Mr.
Dalvin during an interview with Q It's still chicken. Combs, who was an executive at Uptown Records in the s, took four country boys from North Carolina Jodeci's history and legacy is cemented. Jodeci member dies. I worked with Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige—producing, writing, and understanding the business of the music.