Where is lowes headquarters

As of date nothing has been done. She called me back and said it was the fault of Florida. Florida was holding up permits. It does not take forever to get permits, They did not send the application to the county. I am a old women. I hope I live to see the bathroom being done. I will be 81 years in Sept. Taking advantage of an old person. I ordered online. Delivery company continuously misled me on time delivered. My order was lost and mysteriously appliances were back at plainville, ct store.

I hope my charge card is not charged. An incident report was initiated by me. I had notice this particular type about a month ago. Today in your store, the price listed on the tag describing that fixture said one thing but to the contrary it was another.

I am a very dissatisfied customer. The stores in reference is , located at East Hammer Ln. My name is Vernon Crayton my contact number is xxx-xxxx. My email address: [email protected]. This better reach corporate. My loved one works for your company in Oklahoma. I am encouraging him to leave your company that he is dedicated too. I belong to the healthcare field and if our policies and schedules were as bad as yours your loved one would NOT get taken care of they way you think should be expected.

You need to treat your employees with ethics and respect. I hardly have any time with him and that is just unacceptable.

Your managers change schedules overnight and it is just completely disrespectful and unacceptable. I just talked to a friend of mine who is repairing her house and told her to start going to Home Depot. It would be way easier and most cost effective if you would use regular hours vs hours pulled out of your pocket or whats convienent at the time. My sister does a lot of home improvement and just recently purchased some acreage to build a new house and I will encourage them to use Home Depot from here on out.

I have always liked Lowes, but I will not tolerate the way your higher paid management employees are treated. You get to go home at the same day and time to see your loved ones……do the same for your employees. I totally agree with you! They have no respect for our personal Timex that we have scheduled according to the schedule that was posted, already. I made an online purchase Order No. Olive, NJ store on March 4, with a pick-up date of March 11, , well in advance of my March 20, deadline for a bathroom repair on March 21, Oh I have major water leak if you care.

On March 9, I called to confirm the status of my order because online said it was still processing and I was interested as to what that meant. A cheery and very nice customer service rep tracked and advised my ordered was delivered and I should get the call any day now for pick-up.

March 13 rolls and around and no call so I decide to follow-up as I found it odd to have not yet received a call. The rep followed up with my pickup store and everywhere was searched high and low and no package…. Oh and I sat on the line for 45 minutes. Now past frustrated and remember I need the tiles for Wednesday, March 21, I call again for the vendor to be contacted. Another customer service rep looked into the situation and after an hour I was told my order was not processed and no one knows why and there is no paper trail.

No expediting no courtesy no nothing! I may be one person complaining to you but multiply that by the others that just throw their hands up. I am just so taken aback by the lack of courtesy and care for your customers. I need the receipt to warranty toilet. Paid for both of them. Was told they were on back order but would be in on March 3, I just happened to call a few weeks later on a Friday to see if my stove and hood was there.

To my surprise it had came in on February I told him that we could come get the stove and he told me no that they would deliver it on the following Saturday. It will be safe here. Guess what? They sold it!!!! I was livid!!! My husband and I both went to the store.

We spoke to the manager. He let us go to the back to pick out another stove. It cost more and he ate the difference. So that was yesterday. They call me yesterday morning and tell me they cant deliver it because one of their drivers is out.

I was more upset that I asked to speak to the manager. I call back and speak to customer service. He tells them to bring me my stove that morning first delivery. I asked to speak to the manager again at that time. I was told they were at lunch but would call me back. Never got the call. So not only did they lie to me about selling my stove but they lied about the hood as well. I paid for both of those items.

Never got a phone call that they were in. I made all the calls to find out they sold my merchandise. After I found out they sold my hood as well. My husband and I both went back to the store for the second time and got my money back. Best part is, guess who shows up at my house this morning? LOL Told him to leave it on the truck. I already had one. Told him the story and he just shook his head.

So what does that tell me? I am remodeling my house and I was looking to get other appliances there. But not anymore. I found out later from my mom that they did the same thing to her.

She bought a dish washer from them special ordered. They lost it at first. They had sent it to a store in Mississippi. When it finally came to the store and they called my mom. My dad found out he had cancer and had to go in the hospital for two weeks. Mom had called them and told them to please hold on to it for her. So they told her okay. My mom went home from the hospital to take a shower and there sat the dish washer in front of her door.

She was furious. Thank God her neighbor was there to move it. She called them and someone told her that she told them to deliver it. Why would she do that?

After this experience with them they have lost my business. If you cant get it together why would I want to buy from you? If you bought the extended service wait till you have to call for service. Its Sears service center. They have the worst service ever. He used a paperclip to fix. Tech clip the water tube. I told tech there was a problem with the computer on Samsung front load washing machine.

It was on clearance and I was assured that it had been returned for a faulty ice filter that had been replaced and was under full warranty for one year from the purchase date. From the beginning, the ice maker did not work properly. It backs up and then spews ice all over the kitchen floor.

This problem has been ongoing and happened twice yesterday with cubes and then crushed ice. The ice maker has been replaced as has the filter, and it still malfunctions. This frig is faulty. The ice cubes it makes are too large for the hole that they must travel through. The years warranty is almost up and I will be traveling 4 hours to my daughters next Monday, November 20th. My first call to her was on October 25th…..

I have now been told that she needs the name of the repairman so she can report to, I guess, the manufacturer. My daughter and I have gone above and beyond to try and settle this matter, get the price of this poorly engineered refrigerator refunded to my charge card and be allowed to shop for a new frig while I am in Hot Springs the week of November 20th for another refrigerator…. I will continue to ask for help until we get this resolved.

However, in this ongoing nightmare with Lowes, whose executives seem unable and unwilling to refund the price of this appliance so we can return it and go shopping for another refrigerator with them, I have heard story after story of other customers problems with Lowes and faulty appliances. Instead of them being thankful for your business.

They act like they are doing you favors! I went to order supplies for my kitchen. I was not helped by one associate nor asked. I then put a toilet seat on the self as I went to the line to pay for my dollars worth of kitchen items.

Right then one of their associates says really loud. In a really nasty attitude. I said no I changed my mind. And I was pissed at her behavior and told her right away well put it back. Thats your job! She then gets the item to put it back. Mumbling the whole time.

Then we take the garbage disposal and try and get that working. Lovely just lovely. So we take it back and instead of swiping a new box they do a return. The hard way of course. Anything to make it drama. I wanted the six month no interest to pay back so I told the customer service to make sure that happens.

I then go back to the section to get another garbage disposal. The idiot working that day at his desk ignoring me and I go up to his desk as he is doing paper work and ask if he could help me with the garbage disposal and explained to him that we had one that was missing the ring.

I stand there and he finishes his paper work before even helping me and we go to where the garbage disposals are. Then he does and he looks annoyed. Oh well. You can tell they love customers at this point.

Get over it! I then after seeing all the parts are in the box tell him the okay I will take it. Instead of him walking it for me to the customer service he goes back to his desk with it and sets it there for me to pick up from his desk.

No help to walk ti to the front for me nor a cart. I thought this was rude and I took it with my back back to the customer service to make my purchase. Then I remembered I needed the connectors. So one nice lady working at the customer service elected to go back for me to get them. So the manager at this time comes up and says for ten more dollars I should buy the better one and he will throw in the package for free.

Porcelain tile on sale for 60 cents a sq ft. I told the tile guy I will take it. He then says store is out and checks other stores for me.

He gave me the number to the charleston location. I only had the name of it. I then told her the name and told her she should find it because it was the only tile that was for 60 cents a sq ft.

She then puts me on hold for up to three times every time I asked for her name. She then places my order after I repeatedly insisted she do it and then I told her I wanted it added on with the six month no interest plan since I earlier bought of kitchen supplies. Being the lazy person she was. She said they can do it when I pick it up the following day.

So the following day I go to pick up the tiles. No receipt when I asked them for one. Which I found odd. Well I took that.

Then they loaded my jeep and loaded it all wrong. I came home to find my jeep middle part over the tire sunk in and damaged. One extra box they sold me over the 15 all broken every piece and them three more. I was just there last night. The girl that made the call then gives me the phone number like you handle this.

I made a call and the girl was like you need to speak to a manager. I then spoke to the manager and he said bring your receipt from that store to ours and we will handle it. Bring it here and I will handle it. I felt why should I go out of my way to the other store. I felt if anyone can make it difficult why is this store making it so difficult for the clients to place orders and follow thru without all this drama added on to it.

So I then the following day after speaking with Michael their manager about the damage to my jeep tell him the whole scenario. Then he says any manager can help you.

Just make sure when I come they know who I am. He assures me he will send out a memo to all their managers. He comes to my jeep looks at the damage. More then I expected they cracked the whole bed of the jeep with the way they loaded all that heavy tile in it. Sunk it in deep. Well he brings another manager with him and he offers me 50 dollars!

I said no. It was damage that exceeds that and I only want what is fair. My car in the condition it arrived there in. Before loading the tiles. I told him right away. So he says give him time and then ask for a few days. A few days gone by no word. I called and got JD a nasty manager that said same thing.

But let him handle it. I also while there asked the girl to make sure it was on the six month plan for no interest. She then has the receipt and over charges me for the extra garbage disposal that I returned and never gave me the full credit for the broken tiles. Another drama issue.

I then called their corporate office and got the billing and she said we will just do a dispute on the charges and it is going to take 60 days. But what about the damage to my car! I am writing in hopes that someone will be able to help us. Ann Arbor, Michigan store on June 16th and now, a week into October our floors are only half finished.

Our house has piles of wood floor pieces, and boxes of new wood ready to be installed that my family of five has been tripping over and working around for over four months now. We are living in a construction zone and desperate to have this nightmare project finished. We purchased our wood floors in June. Normally, my husband—who is very handy—does the installation, but we had saved enough money to cover the installation and because we have two sets of stairs we decided to have everything professionally installed.

My husband went into the store and explained all of this and had the estimate fixed. We paid and scheduled the installation. I came home from our 3 days away and the floors were installed, but not the steps. Long story short the installer had no idea how to do steps. He had put the step end pieces on top of the bullnose piece at the end of each step. So each step… 1 looked horrible, the wood pieces not going together as they should and 2 the end of each step curved up like a ski jump because of the way the end pieces were laid atop the raised round end.

My husband had him remove it. However, he only removed the end pieces. He left the back piece of flooring nailed to each step, with the protruding padding showing before there was just the original wood. So, each step in our home for two weeks had three different levels. My dog, who has bad knees actually fell down the stairs because of it.

I tripped on the multi-leveled steps and fell as well. For two weeks we had to sleep in the dining room and kitchen on our mattresses.

He said that the way they installed the floors are completely against code. My husband had to sand and caulk the steps because there were nail and glue remnants.

The 2nd group of installation guys that came removed the pieces of random wood on the steps and left them in piles on the 1st and 2nd levels of our home. We were told to leave them there because they might need a couple pieces when they came to install the steps the next week. No one ever called the following week to schedule the installation, so my husband went into the store.

My husband has gone into the store every week since then trying to get this resolved. It has been one problem after the next. The incorrect replacement flooring was delivered. Ours had to be found.

They were located eventually, but now it seems there is a major break in the communication chain. The installation crew marked our job as complete in the computer. Please help us get the remainder of our floors installed. I got the inside skinny; bang for buck answer in one minute from John Knoll who knew what I wanted, on sale, in stock, all in one box solution, easy peasy. After pick up and 2 hours later the mission was completed.

All these issues have been flushed away ever since talking to John who I think knows every nut, washer, pipe, and seal, sink, toilet, and fixture on every shelf ever sold at Lowes.

I think Lowes is my new hero for having a guy like John Knoll on staff ready for answers on a complicated bewildering home improvement subject.

Thanks John, and Lowes! I have 2 loads book which I will have to cancel on account of your incompetent actions out of Wyoming center.

As it was not present on the receipt, I called the store. I did, but it was closed for the weekend. Today I called the rebate number but to my dismay, it is an IVR with information only prompts and does not allow for a live person interaction. I called Corporate but after ringing for 15 minutes, hung up. Each person I talked to regarding this seemingly small problem had no idea of how your rebate program works, other than to fill in the blank. Honestly, given I bought a product that THD carries and offers a more attractive deferred billing program, and some discounts , and the fact I normally do shop at the Orange, this experience will certainly not convince me to change my buying patterns.

You need to give her a raise for even convincing me to buy from Lowes, but it was her expertise and helpfulness with the design that sold the deal.

But not these headaches. Simple solution: Cancel order and call the cabinet manufactor directly. Cancel the order and get a refund. I ordered and paid on 3. The pick up day supposed to be on 4. I called 4.

Oakland Park, FL , and they told me the order is not in. Yesterday, 4. I called a fourth time to ask for the store manager, he did not answer the phone. The customer service here at the Oakland Park store is extremely bad. When I ordered all these numbers it took me over 15 minutes to get assistance in that particular department.

I was told it was back-ordered and would not be delivered until March That was fine with me. On March 27, I received a call that the range did not come in from LG yet. A new date was set. The range still did not come in from LG.

A manager Kelly and sales associate from the appliance department John , from the Lowes on Roosevelt Blvd. With Passover fast approaching and no oven to cook with, I was in a bind. They offered me the floor model and a discount which I accepted. Kelly and John also offered to have it delivered the next day. I really appreciate all their help. I hope Lowes management sees my comment. Well Hildy pepper, im a truck driver here little i just delivered a load to wyoming distribution center i was suppose to leave my loaded trailer there and pick up empty ones.

Next time why not call direct to LG or whatever brand and see what they can do for you. Unfortunately companies today think they can treat you anyway they wish you owe them the business. It has more than stores in the United States and also has stores in Canada and Mexico. It is also the second-largest hardware chain not only in the united states but also in the whole world. It was established in the year It is very famous for selling vary cheap and inexpensive but good quality home improvement products.

Wembley stadium.. The letters are addressed to me first name and a totally different last name however, my street address. The latest this morning, provided my actual last name, last four of my social, address and was told that yes there is a credit application but the last four and the last name are different.

Point being, no real outcome on this one but I was told that it would not affect my credit history. So very frustrating that this continues. So far, three letters of credit denial. I was granted the time off from. Once they get your money they are done with you If you pay for extended warranty they will not honor. That is just extra money in their pocket. Go to Home Depot even if you have to drive extra miles. You ask to speak to the store manager they call a floor worker. Everyone should buy where your business is appreciated.

I have been trying to speak to some one in the credit department about non stop phone calls for payment and it is not me. I do not have an account and the name is a women. Worst customer service!!!!!!!!. In Augusta Ga and the refused to give me a replacement. Said I had to take it up with Kobalt. I called Kobalt and told them the problem.

They emailed the store manager last week informing him of the problem with the ratchet and his customer service people. We have had to leave. Have spoken to management and they say they have submitted several work orders for repair but they are not considered a priority by upper management.


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