Where is heritage high school

Please email your physical to mpeters lps. Clearance Cards will NOT be handed out this year. You MUST also have a current physical on file. Election Day is November 2, Among the many important issues on this year's ballot, we ask you to please cast your vote for the 3 open seats on the LPS Board of Education.

The deadline to mail ballots has passed, but please check arapahoevotes. Designated LPS Election Official Jonathan Levesque oversaw a random drawing of candidate names to determine their placement on the November 2, ballot. Board members Jack Reutzel and Kelly Perez are finishing their second terms on the Board and cannot run for a third due to term limits. The Candidates order as it appears on the ballot :. If you missed the recent Board Candidate Forums, you can still watch them:.

October 6 Forum October 20 Forum. We're so excited that The Stride is almost here! It's just days away It's going to be a day to remember as our community will come together to support LPS schools, students and educators.

Stride in-person or virtually All are welcome! Whether you run, walk, skip or hop participants and spectators can join in on the fun. Cheer for your favorite school, visit our awesome Health Expo, or just enjoy the fresh air.

Or if you'd prefer to hike, bike or brunch for The Stride, well that's cool too! Register Now! Pre-event registration closes at noon on Friday, October 22nd. LPS offers many educational choices to resident and non-resident families and welcomes out-of-district students. Colorado state law allows nonresidents to enroll students in any Colorado school without paying tuition when state and district guidelines are followed.

Resident families may attend their attendance-area school or apply for open enrollment at another LPS school. In an effort to better serve families, LPS offers two open enrollment windows. All qualified students who apply within an open enrollment window will be part of a random drawing for acceptance, following district enrollment guidelines.

Today No School. Monday Late Work Deadline 1, Quarter 2. November 24, Vacation Day. November 25, Holiday. November 26, Holiday. HHS Twitter Feed. Tweets by huskyacademy. School Announcements. This Husky Life Podcast. Wake County News. Outdoors face covering now optional El uso del protector facial es opcional cuando se encuentra al aire libre Comments Student Links. Staff Links. Site Map. Skip to Main Content.

District Home. Select a School Select a School. Sign In. Search Our Site. Heritage High School Home of the Patriots. Latest Headlines. Comments Town Hall regarding Covid Vaccines for children November 10, 16, and Please click the link for more information Comments Register and pay for AP Exams Here! AP Exam fees due October 29th Comments Afterschool Homework H. Vision Statement. School-wide Learner Outcomes. Academic Standards:. Research and Technology: Students will demonstrate proficiency and responsibility using various resources and technology to communicate, conduct research, test hypotheses and solve problems.

Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate an ability to think critically, creatively, and analytically, as well as work collaboratively and independently taking responsibility for their thoughts and actions.


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