When was hl1 released

After a challenging battle, the scientist gains the upper hand and finally destroys the creature. As the creature explodes, Gordon suddenly gets teleported.

Upon gaining his senses back, Gordon sees the mysterious G-Man that he has encountered multiple times throughout his journey in Black Mesa. Speaking in a strange manner, the man says he is impressed by Gordon's deeds and his decisiveness. Claiming Xen to be under "their" control, G-Man comments that he has recommended Gordon's services to his employers, and that now he wishes to offer Gordon a job.

Finally, G-Man makes Gordon choose between accepting the offer by jumping into the portal and fighting a battle with no chance of survival. After a brief moment, Gordon steps into the portal, thereby accepting the job. However, the most distinctive aspect of the game is not the plot itself, but rather the way it is presented to the player.

The game tells the story by flowing into scripted sequences that are integrated as part of the game rather than as cutscene intermissions. These sequences range from the introduction of major plot points such as the Resonance Cascade to bringing the player into a particularly difficult part of a level. Two of the intended results of this style of presentation were to increase immersion and to maintain a continuous narrative that keeps the player's interest throughout.

This differed from games at the time, making Half-Life distinct, as well as defining conventions that would last for years to come. Valve implemented other factors to heighten the feeling of immersion, such as preventing the player from seeing or hearing their own character, who remains a silent protagonist throughout the game, and ensuring that the player rarely loses the ability to control Gordon , even during monologues. This constant experience of the game allowed players to totally fulfill and customize, almost, the role of Gordon, whilst letting them know who they were playing as.

The scripted sequences maintain flow by keeping the player immersed in the game, whereas cutscenes in other contemporary games had often been a diversion from previous segments of gameplay.

The levels for Half-Life were also divided into small sections to minimize long interruptions from loading. There are fourteen weapons available to players in both single-player and multiplayer games.

Many reviews of Half-Life mentioned the impressive functionality and "usefulness" of all the weapons designed. Each weapon's damage profile is distinct, none feeling superfluous or excessively powerful; each has a specific advantage in the appropriate situation. The weapons are:. Early promotional poster, with a Lambda logo in a baby's eye. They settled on a concept for a horror-themed 3D action game, and licensed the Quake engine from id Software.

Valve eventually modified the engine a great deal, notably adding skeletal animation and Direct3D support; a developer later stated that seventy percent of the engine code was rewritten. However, Sierra On-Line had been very interested in making a 3D action game, especially one based on the Quake engine, and so signed them for a one-game deal.

The original code name for Half-Life was Quiver , after the Arrowhead military base from Stephen King's novella The Mist , which served as an early inspiration for the game. The first public appearances of Half-Life came in early ; it was a hit at the Electronic Entertainment Expo that year, where they primarily demonstrated the animation system and artificial intelligence.

Valve Software hired science fiction author Marc Laidlaw in August to work on the game's characters, story, and level design. Half-Life was originally planned to be shipped in December , to compete with Quake II , but was postponed when Valve decided the game needed significant revision. In a "Making of In desperation, a single level was assembled including every weapon, enemy, scripted event and level design quirk that the designers had come up with so far.

This single level inspired the studio to press on with the game. As a result, the studio completely reworked the game's artificial intelligence and levels in the year leading up to its release. The release date was delayed several times in before the game was finally released in November of that year. The game had its first major public appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, where it was widely acclaimed.

On its release, critics hailed its overall presentation and numerous scripted sequences, and it won over 50 PC Game of the Year awards. This version of the game had a significant overhaul in terms of both character models, weapons, and more advanced and extended levels and general map geometry.

Play it on Steam. A full-length game built from the ground up for virtual reality. Learn about compatible VR. Valve Index.

HTC Vive. Oculus Rift. Windows Mixed Reality. Own Valve Index? You get Half-Life: Alyx free. Appears in your Steam Library There's no need to enter a key or purchase the game. Publisher: Valve. Franchise: Half-Life. Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews.

Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub. About This Game Named Game of the Year by over 50 publications, Valve's debut title blends action and adventure with award-winning technology to create a frighteningly realistic world where players must think to survive.

System Requirements Windows. Minimum: Linux Ubuntu See All. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. My ride to Horseshoe Overlook was an experience that set the tone for my new surroundings. The game could have easily showed me a cutscene and plunked me down at my next location. Instead, I was present for the whole journey.

While listening and observing—and consequently, intensifying my connection to the game world—I drove my crew to Horseshoe Overlook. Twenty years ago, I took a similar journey, only this time on rails. Through the chunky pixels of a CRT computer monitor, I looked out the windows of a tram car as I slowly made my descent deeper and deeper underground into the heart of the Black Mesa Research Facility.

I felt uneasy. Half-Life sought full player immersion in its game world. In the heyday of video game cutscenes, there were none. In an age of long loading times, Half-Life found clever ways to hide them, creating the illusion of a fully connected, seamless environment from start to finish. Half-Life was a conceptual and technical marvel at the time of its release, and its influence is more enduring and wide-reaching than we could have imagined 20 years ago.

It still sits in a tie for the highest-rated PC game of all time on Metacritic —a tremendous accomplishment, especially when you consider that Half-Life was the first game released by Valve.

Valve cofounders Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington essentially won a championship in their first year in the league. Half-Life stars the somewhat controversially mute Dr. Gordon Freeman, a crowbar-wielding MIT grad with a degree in theoretical physics. A new employee at the ominous Black Mesa Research Facility, Gordon quickly finds himself fighting for his life after a failed experiment rips a tear between dimensions and unleashes a horde gaggle?

What begins as a fairly routine plot of monster invasion soon becomes much more nuanced as Gordon encounters a military agency dispatched to cover up the incident. All of the bad guys were out to get you—the grizzled one true hero. Gordon Freeman, however, was caught in the middle of a plot that was much bigger than himself.


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