He sailed in all kinds of vessels from the lime coaster to a full-rigged ship. But the donut made him famous. He returned to Camden, Maine, where he taught his mother the trick. She sent several plates to Rockland, Maine , where people gobbled them up. After that, the donut never looked back. The Food History Timeline posts donut recipes before , and they all advise cutting the donut into diamonds, squares or twists. Then in a donut recipe calls for cutting them into rings.
Hanson Gregory died in Mary Ann Merrifield. Elizabeth Florence Gregory. Isabelle Gregory. Eva Gregory. Jane Gregory. Dora Gregory. View All. Phillip Hanson Gregory. Mary Ann Barrows. Lucinda A Gregory. George Gregory. Jeremiah B. Dudley Gregory. World Events 8. Age 0. Convinced that a group of Native American tribes were hostile, The United States formed a frontier militia to stop them in their tracks. Also called snap the whip. The expression tide you over means to assist one to get through a difficult time.
Its current meaning often relates to money, food or stocks of some kind and making a small allowance last until things are topped up again. This usage was recorded by the English seaman Captain John Smith. Doughnut is the original, generally preferred spelling of the word.
It is more common in the United States and vastly more common internationally. Most publications opt for doughnut. Both terms are often used interchangeably in the English-language. Doughnuts are usually deep fried from a flour dough, but other types of batters can also be used.
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