Join us for our Lights in the Heights experience as we 'walk through a city of lights'. Save this event. Report this event. Share Event Current Date. Share the next occuring event date. Share Cancel. Get Shareable Link Current Date. Originally intended as a festive neighborhood block party where the entire street decorates their homes and spends the evening mingling with neighbors, Lights in the Heights has grown to include thousands of visitors in some years. Last year there were several problems with drunk and disorderly revelers causing trouble, crashing private parties, and destroying personal property.
Lights in the Heights is held between Euclid and Woodland, with road closures along the route beginning at Also important to note is that this is completely free.
Since this is all just neighborhood decorations and a Christmas celebration with Houstonians and visitors alike, all are welcome to attend for no cost. This is definitely a must-do cheap trip for the books, especially if you have young kids fascinated with lights and extravagant decorations. Just please remember that this is a neighborhood where people live, so drive carefully and act courteously.
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