To go to this page, click the link below. If you do not wish to follow this link, simply close this message. The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites. Log In Play Free. TheRealExozone Apparently HK has been bugged for years now, unfortunately I didn't know.
Just a warning for those contemplating either buying the cartel market unlock or starting on the extremely grindy quest to get HK He no longer gains any influence from conversations, making him characterless during leveling. By comparison, the basic attack of a companion of the same influence level for me is about Additionally his heals are worse as is his tanking stance.
Sarova Eiter Quote: Originally Posted by Sarova. Is this recent after the last patch? I have lots of HKs, some got a few days before the last patch and I've not has any problems levelling their influence, nor with their performance in combat BUT I haven't got any for my companions since the last main patch. He used to be quite good, with a special assassinate ability that could only be used out of combat to instantly kill any NPC of silver or below quality.
They apparently removed that ability when they made all companions the same. While disappointing I can live with that. The Theoretika quest was fantastic, the game should have had more kotor-like content like that and maybe the popularity of this game would have turned out differently. And the end result is another playable companion who also seems to have a dialogue story to follow, so I intend to enjoy the ride!
A something Shadow Jedi, married and have a small daughter. By that I mean "young", not just "short". Social Media has connected me with so many people and some of those have become amazing friends too!
As a hobby I am relearning drawing, which you can see on my DeviantArt profile. Enter Revan … randomly Given that I had finished Shadow of Revan I had no warning that he made an appearance anywhere else. Revan was still alive, or maybe more accurately, was alive again. Any HK Tips from any players out there? Post them in the comments to help others out!
All my content will always be freely available. However, if you'd like to support myself and my family, please consider buying us a virtual coffee. Either way, thank you for visiting, I appreciate it! News Submit news Blogs Patches. Achievement Leaderboard Additional Links.
Jamie Arirthos ExiledRival. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk 0. Section X , Belsavis. Sniper Rifle. Efficiently eliminating enemies aggressive pursuit of victory willingness to set aside bothersome ethics and morality. Being merciful to known enemies praising other droids or failing to recognize his clear superiority seeking peaceful solutions over violent ones.
Maximizing shock value when eliminating enemies serving the Empire discovering and exploiting new ways to kill enemies.
Pointless infighting and political backstabbing failing to take the initiative in a confrontation permitting a cornered foe to escape. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years.