What is tolls function

So, it is the NHAI that sets up booths to collects the toll taxes. They collect the toll tax only from the four-wheeled or larger vehicle drivers who pass by toll roads. Therefore, they do not charge from those vehicle owners who do not go through tollways. Drivers may pass by multiple toll plazas and will have to pay each time. Toll booths also have other terms for themselves like toll houses, toll stations, toll gates, and toll barriers.

This is where the driver must stop to pay before going any further. The toll booths do not charge the toll taxes from pedestrians, but, from both the domestic and commercial vehicle users who pass through toll plazas.

However, the fee differs for heavy and light vehicles and the NHAI revises it annually. Toll varies as per the size passenger-carrying capacity or weight and the load-carrying capacity. This is because the toll tax calculation is according to the damage to the roads that vehicles cause. This in turn is dependent on the size and load carriage of the vehicles.

For example, trucks are heavier, carry more load, and can cause more damage than a car. This is also the reason that the toll plazas do not levy fees on pedestrians and two-wheeler drivers. They do not cause much damage to the roads. Also, many local villagers or nearby inhabitants walk use bikes on these toll roads.

Vehicle owners must fit the FASTag on the windshields of four-wheelers. It is because the operators at the toll plazas can do cashless payments. It is a PAN India program. You can also check the balance and get notifications of toll taxation. The FASTag facility automates toll deduction directly from the bank accounts. This eliminates the manual collection of the tax at toll plazas making it a quicker process.

This also saves time for the vehicle drivers as they need not stop at every toll booth that comes in the way. It prevents them from waiting if there are queues or facing traffic jams. If implemented, then the toll tax will be deducted directly from the bank account of the individual based on the vehicle movement.

This will lead to the removal of toll booths and will enable smooth traveling. Apart from lesser traffic congestion, the government can save money by cutting off the costs of maintenance of toll plazas.

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Follow Twitter Instagram Facebook. Why do some roads have tolls? How are tolls used? How are tolls collected?

Tags: See All Tags car , charge , collect , commute , construction , drive , fee , Government , highway , improvement , interstate , lane , levy , money , payment , planning , plaza , repair , road , tax , toll , tollway , transportation , trip , turnpike. Wonder What's Next? Try It Out You won't have to pay a toll to check out one or more of the following fun activities with a friend or family member: Do you have a toll road near where you live?

Depending upon where you call home, the closest toll road could be mere minutes or several hours away. Ask a friend or family member to look through a road atlas with you to help identify all the toll roads in your area or state. If necessary, you can look at adjoining states to find other examples of toll roads. For fun, find a toll road that connects two cities and calculate how much it would cost to travel on the toll road between the two cities.

How much would it cost each week if you had to commute back and forth between those cities using the toll road? Don't forget you'd have to pay the toll coming and going on your commute. Imagine you're a city planner of the future.

As you're designing a new metropolis, you realize that it's going to take a lot of money to build the necessary roads. Toll roads are an option, but you worry that they will slow traffic to a snarl and cause problems.

What other options can you think of in lieu of toll roads? Be creative. How many different ideas can you come up with that could help fund the construction of new roads without the need for toll plazas that slow down traffic?

Keep in mind that you want the burden of the costs of construction to fall on those who will actually use and benefit from the new roads. Have fun discussing your ideas with friends and family members.

Do they have any ideas? Do they see any potential problems with your ideas? Do you know what pros and cons are? Pros are good things — positives — about something, while cons are bad things — negatives — about something. No matter what you talk about, you can usually come up with both pros and cons about it. Toll roads are no different. What do you think the pros and cons of toll roads are?

Ask a friend or family member with experience driving on toll roads to help you out. Make a list of all the positive things you can think of about toll roads. Are there more pros than cons? Or do the cons outweigh the pros? Should we have toll roads? Why or why not? Did you get it? Test your knowledge. What are you wondering? Wonder Words road trip game tunes toll interstate additional plaza commute highway tollway turnpike recovered occasional collect quickly probably adventure Take the Wonder Word Challenge.

Join the Discussion. Minh Anh Jul 12, Jul 12, Carlos a. Jun 26, It's the latest express line in the , also the Sunpass PLUS, they have that at airports and amusement parks like Disney or Universal. Wonderopolis Jun 27, Zachary Jun 26, These videos are awesome I wish I could watch them all but there are way too many videos I can't keep up watching every single video.

I saw one before. There's one at six flags. Six Flags is the place I been. Oscar Jun 26, I think that today's wonder of the day was a good video. I've been through a toll both. And I wonder why we had to pay but now that I saw this video I know why. Wonderopolis Jun 26, Alexis Jun 26, I think that the video was really cool, and last week I went to Ohio and we had to go through like 2 or 3 different toll booth things.

We were only charged about 5. Maybe I will get to go through some more on our way to Florida. Briahna Jun 26, I have been through a toll before when we where going on vacation I was going to Florida. Nixon Jun 26, That was a great video. We enjoyed getting a look at Rosie's life in a toll booth. She seems like a great lady! Fortunately, we here in the St. Louis area don't have Toll Roads but many of us have taken family trips and had to pass through tolls.

I wonder if Toll Roads are more common in any one part of the country than another? I predict tomorrow's wonder will be about college dorm rooms. Which is great for me as I'm getting ready to send my oldest son to college for the first time this August. Danny Jun 26, Devonte Jun 26, How many days do they work a week and how much do they get paid? And the lady that works in there is always there, that is a good thing for her.

This video was great. Jon Jun 26,


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