How much phone data is enough

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Last updated: 11th Nov - Estimated read time: 5 minutes. It sounds like a lot on paper, but how big is 15GB of data really? In this data guide, we explore how much 15GB of mobile data is, how many hours it could last for different activities, and if this data amount is the right choice for you.

How much is 15GB of data? How long does 15GB of data last? How many hours will 15GB of data last for? Based on these times, is 15GB the right plan for you? Is 15GB of data enough for me? Bundles with Asda mobile We offer a variety of different data allowances across our new bundles. Read more. It's kind of like getting a bigger car every year that requires more and more gas to run it.

And much like gas, data doesn't grow on trees does it grow in Still, paying for an unlimited plan is better than paying for data overages on a limited data plan. Let's get a better idea of how much data you use so we can find you a cell phone plan that offers the most bang for your buck. To figure out how much data you need, you first have to assess what you use your phone for.

For an exact sum-up of your data usage, you can check your phone bill. The biggest data hog is video streaming, but you should also watch out if you stream a lot of music or podcasts or play games online. Full disclosure: I have for sure gone over my data cap purely because of Hearthstone once or twice. Before we spit out a lot of numbers at you, there's two conversions you'll need to put everything in context:.

The main currency of wireless data is the gigabyte GB. For example, if I had a data plan that allowed me 3 GB of wireless data a month, then that means I could use approxamitely 3, megabytes MB or 30, kilobytes KB every month. Hopefully that will make the numbers below make more sense. Amounts may vary. Data can add up quickly, especially if you share data on a family plan.

Unless you like playing around with your calculator app, almost everything on your phone takes up data. The best thing you can do to limit your cell phone data usage is to stay connected to Wi-Fi as much as possible.

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This is not a guarantee. For instance Vodafone's Unlimited plans work more like a broadband plan - you get unlimited data as standard but the price plans are varied by speed. Compare prices for the best-selling smartphones here: Compare contract phones. Our latest contract phones. Youth—oriented network that offers data—free social media ditches age restrictions. We use cookies and similar technologies.

You can use the settings below to accept all cookies which we recommend to give you the best experience or to enable specific categories of cookies as explained below. Find out more by reading our Cookie Policy. Uswitch Mobiles All articles. Internet data allowances - how much is enough? Joe Minihane - Last updated: 19 May What do you want to read about? How can I check how much data I'm using right now?

We've got a very easy way. And it'll only take you a matter of minutes. How do I work out how much data I'll really need? Calculator at the ready? It's time to be honest about your usage habits.

Am I a heavy data user? Or a light one? Match your mobile internet patterns to our customer profiles. Can you give me some data-saving tips From flexible contracts to free data rollover, we talk you through how to get the most out of your monthly allowance.

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These days most of us use our mobile phones for far more than just text messages and phone calls. Browsing the internet, scrolling through social media posts, streaming catch-up TV and downloading music are just some of the ways we rely on our smartphones for information, shopping and entertainment.

But this sort of usage requires the use of data. Calculating how much data you need can be a bit of a minefield, so here we look at how internet data works and how to assess how much data you really need. Internet data is used any time we connect to the internet over a mobile connection that is not Wi-Fi to browse the web, check emails, play a video game, download music or use online streaming sites such as YouTube.

There are 1, bytes in a kilobyte, 1, kilobytes in a megabyte and 1, megabytes in a gigabyte. According to software company RescueTime, we spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes a day on our phones. However, the amount of internet data you actually need will depend on what you use your phone for. Your current provider may also be willing to increase your allowance mid-term, since this will earn them extra money.

But if you often have data left over, you might want to choose a smaller allowance next time around and save yourself some money. If you want to delve a little deeper into your data allowance and understand more about how you use your data, the below figures should give you an idea of typical use for specific services :.

Many network providers also have data calculators on their websites that will give you a good indication of how much data you are using.


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