How much dynamat do i need for a trunk

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Select a location Choose another location:. About the Dynamat Xtreme Trunk Kit. Meet Leigh Schoettinger Close. She left Crutchfield to pursue a graduate degree in cognitive psychology and to work for a merchandising firm in Minneapolis, MN. In her spare time, Leigh enjoys playing tennis and softball, mountain biking, snowboarding, and being outdoors. Five 32" x 18" sheets, 20 square feet total. Warranty: 60 days. Featured review This stuff really makes a big difference in road noise.

Earl from T-town. See all 50 reviews. See all 3 questions. Dynamat Xtreme Trunk Kit reviews Average review:. Thanks for submitting your review Most reviews are processed and published within 5 business days. You will receive a confirmation email once your review has been published. Review the Dynamat Xtreme Trunk Kit Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with other customers. Your review. Upload your photos. Use the Email associated with order. For example, "Charlottesville, VA".

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I'm sure its not the same quality as a Craftsman for 4 times the price, but for the couple times I might need to use it, it makes sense. BTW, it worked great. Is this a major hassle? I figured it would be best to sound proof the firewall, since the engine is right in front of it I know Ive read into this on here before, it looked a bit more than I was willing to bite off. I used it for sound deadning my other car and it gives luxury car noise reduction.

I haven't used any on the z but i've had good results with Frost King duct insulation also but i would put that over the damplifier. I bought 30 feet of the Edead material dynamat basically - it weighed 10 lbs.

So i'd say anywhere from 10 - 20lbs for the whole car? Depends how many layers you put down. I actually decided on passing on sound deadening, and returned the stuff to the company for a refund. The amount of time, effort, and general mess of the tacky sound paper was just too much for me. It also leaves sticky residue all over the panels and your hands.

I don't want to sound like I work for them but the secondskin stuff is the best hands down, if you don't want to spend the money the only other products would be RAAmat or the stuff from Cascade Audio but its almost the same price. But depending on how much you want to deaden it sq ft is close to 70lbs.

I used 80 for a hyundai elantra and didn't cover everything and did 2 layers in the trunk. So I think maybe sqft would do a z. Thanks, I was concerned that I'd have to add a lot of weight to the car but it sounds like my concerns were unfounded.

I know the vehicle is off topic After the Dynamat was laid, I used a product called Ensolite acoustical foam to further block noise. The process was tedious and took a few weekends to complete but it was worth every penny and hour I put into it. The difference was night and day and my radio volume was literally cut in half. The truck feels like a rolling sound booth. I did 2 layers on the floors and back wall, and 2 layers on all the doors, one on the outer skin and one on the inner behind the panels.

For Ensolite, I bought 6 yards. Very similar in quality and much cheaper in price. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here.

By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Guidelines. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings , otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. How much is enough? Recommended Posts. Posted July 10, Link to post Share on other sites.

Just buy real dynamat not the imitation garbage. I have yet to install it in my BMW 1 series and I can tell you there is a lot more road noise coming through the roof in that vehicle than in my Honda Element. This is especially helpful in vehicles with loud engines like diesels. The Dynamat Hoodliner consists of a specially treated acoustic dampening material that is oil and water resistant. It is intended for use in engine compartments and is designed to convert sound waves into heat energy that is then dissipated.

Mainly, it really helps to contain engine noise and stop it from reaching the interior cabin of the vehicle.

The steps are pretty much:. Dynamat also sells these handy little application rollers which really help to push into place. It is important to clean any dusty or dirty surfaces before applying to insure good adhesion. Hell yes, it is. Upgrading a car stereo system without Dynamat is like taking two steps forward and one step back.

Get the most out of your car audio components by installing them in an acoustically sound environment. You will hear more of your music, more detail and subtle nuance. It really makes a big difference and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in improving their car stereo system and overall driving experience.

I enjoy helping people. I've been in the business 21 years and hope my knowledge can help others out there. Besides mobile electronics I enjoy doing anything outdoors, composing music, creating art, reading and learning about everything in life that I possibly can!

Hi Annie, Any reason at all to apply two layers of Dynamat? Your Thoughts? Would hoodliner only under the hood help to reduce engine noise levels, or it needs to be installed also in the firewall inside the engine compartment?

To be honest it is rather difficult to reach the firewall, only a few parts of it could be accessible. I guess i should also remove any factory sound deadening material before applying hoodliner, correct? Hi Panos, The hoodliner will help a little bit, but you should really take apart the interior cabin and apply the dynamat extreme to the floors, doors and ceiling. Then I would use the Dynaliner on the roof as well and Dynapad on the floors.

I came across this report while googling for dynamat. Hi Abdulaziz, We often install dynamat just for quieting the cabin. I would still recommend using the Dynamat extreme on all the sheet metal in the doors, the floor, the roof and trunk. It really helps to cut down on road noise from the floor of the vehicle. I would recommend using the combination of materials rather than doubling up on layers.

And for the ceiling we would use the dynaliner, applying it to the underside of the headliner so it gets kind of sandwiched between the dynamat extreme and the headliner.


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