How long does kobo vox take to charge

I also noticed earlier that no matter how long I left it plugged in for the indicator never filled up. My firmware update says it's current. If you are PM-ing solutions around could you please send it to me as well? I need this resolved before I have to take the unit back to the store. Originally Posted by SoulTrain.

Thanks for the advice. I did a hard power down and charged for a few hours last night. I will say that if I have to hard power down in order to charge the unit, that is an unacceptable solution. However, if Kobo personnel are indeed listening to their customers and are trying to fix these "little" problems, I think that is a very positive thing, and far better service than you get from a lot of companies.

I am never willing to simply concede that I am an unofficial product tester for a device I have paid full price for, though. I expect Kobo to promptly resolve these issues, and so far it seems like they are working towards that. SoulTrain - thanks for your patience. We are actively investigating this issue, and hope to a resolution soon. Hopefully, this is not a constant thing for you.

Of course, ideally it never happens to anyone. But we are listening, and working to make it better. I found that the only thing that works when the battery seems not to be charging is removing the back cover and pressing the reset button. I have not tried to charge when the unit is turned off. I hope they come up with a better update. Asked by: reneeandneil. Ads by Google. This site is best viewed while logged in. Top Solutions.

Hi I bought a used kobo voxereader the person who owned it b4 me had it sit for over a year without charging it, when I got it home plugged Hi there! I just hope your computer is recognizing the KOBO. Hence, some USB ports are unable to supply power to the plugged device.

So if Add your answer. Anonymous "It was low battery then tried to recharge but it did not charge at Hi I bought a used kobo voxereader the person who owned it b4 me had it sit for over a year without charging it, when I got it home plugged it in it charged used it till it was low battery then tried to recharge but it did not charge at all no orange light is coming on nor will the screen turn on. I also tried to take the back off to pop the battery out but apparently it does not come off.

Is there anything to fix the problem? Was this answer helpful? Yes No. This answer closely relates to:. Suggested Solutions 10 What's this? The last resort will be pulling the back panel off and remove the battery , then plug the Reader in and replaced the battery.

I hope one of my suggestion works. Feel free to ask if you have anymore question. Have a nice day! Allow it to charge for at least 30 minutes before attempting to turn it on again. Most of the time , problem should be fixed, if it does not, have a technician check on your device. Happened to me a lot of times. So if, for example, you put in the wrong password, you get no feedback. And has been noticed, any hotspots filtering by MAC address will be problematic too.

We recommend if you are having trouble updating your Vox to double check your WIFI password if it is password protected. If problems still occur try going to your local Starbucks or some place with a dedicated WIFI hotspot. Kobo has a track record of rushing devices to the market quickly and this results in many bugs with the firmware and device.

The company has a great development team and normally issues a copious amount of firmware updates to resolve any problems. The Kobo Touch has only been on the market a few months and has already received 5 major updates that dramatically increases the functionality.

The one cool thing about Canadian based Kobo is that they really listen to their users and the community. Often people will request features and they will be incorporated into the next build. Many users are asking us via email and in comments on our reviews of the Vox if they should return it. It is a matter of perspective, it just hit the market and they should fix most of the major problems in short order. There are faster and more robust devices in the market right now but the Vox is a great device for international users.

I would suggest to exercise a bit of patience with this new gadget and wait for some updates to fix some problems. Many people use Overdrive to borrow ebooks and audiobooks from their own public library.

Overdrive is currently in over 17, schools and libraries in the USA and is a viable way to spend less and read more. The Kobo Vox is not shipped with the Overdrive application but that does not mean you cannot borrow books. I recommend clicking on the link with your Kobo Vox and installing it directly to your e-reader.

Makes sure you have a File Manager installed so you can launch it when it is on your devices memory. Once the application is installed you can easily set it up and start borrowing books. One problem facing many users is the fact that the web browser crashes often and gives you memory error messages. The crux of the issue is when you are surfing the internet with the default browser and close it and a new window opens.

When this occurs more then six times your device will run out of memory and you will not be able to load any websites. To fix this issue you want to open your browser and click on the settings menu then click on Windows.

Click the X on the Windows you want to close and you will gain some memory back. A common problem with Windows users is the fact that your Vox may show up as an Removable Disk and not an Android device. Logging out is very simple and normally only takes a few seconds. Kobo vox charger. User Name. Remember Me? Tip Got Facebook? Page 1 of 2. Thread Tools. Kobo vox charger Hi, was wondering if I need to use the default wall charger for the kobo vox?

Find More Posts by Fayt. Find More Posts by blacknirvana. Find More Posts by jefftheworld. Quote: Originally Posted by jefftheworld Singapore uses V at 50Hz, but you've got a different plug and socket type. Find More Posts by trek Country specific charger "prongs" Quote: Originally Posted by jefftheworld Singapore uses V at 50Hz, but you've got a different plug and socket type. Find More Posts by louden Find More Posts by teknoteach. Find More Posts by oldyellr.

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