Awkward season 5 finale postmortem: Inside Matty and Jenna's reunion. Save FB Tweet More. Credit: MTV. TV Show. Episode Recaps Image. S5 E17 Recap Awkward recap: Fireworks. It seemed like a great thing for Matty to do, and certainly, the doors open in a way that, how could she not end up with somebody who is so wonderful to come up with that?
We felt like it gave us everything we thought we wanted to take that story to a completion at this point. There were a lot of discussions about how much we wanted to wrap everything up. We just wanted to get to a place where this era in their lives feels like it has adequate resolution without completely setting anything in stone that might affect a later season of the show.
We started talking about wanting all of the characters to have big moments at the end of the season, and we all agreed that Sadie was due for a comeuppance. We really liked the idea of taking what happened in the pilot and turning it on its ear. We always liked the idea of Lissa — the one everyone thinks is a dingbat, the least likely to succeed — becoming a mega mogul with her atonercise tapes all over the world.
That would ruin the entire show! What do you think? Do you think Awkward should be cancelled or renewed for a sixth season? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Jenna has somehow landed an internship at Ideabin an irritating BuzzFeed knock-off and struggles to write the viral material her boss demands. The show tells us over and over again that Jenna is a good writer, but they fail to prove it like the earlier journal entries.
These issues plagued the last season of the show. I thought the finale would address them or attempt to give Jenna the ending earlier seasons deserved. Instead, the show leaned into the awfulness of the last two seasons. They barely referenced any of the history or relationships built over the first three seasons of the show. Character motivations disappeared as plot demands dictated feelings and actions.
Jenna was stuck in limbo and season five seemed happy to keep her there. I never imagined the finale would do the same. Her magical boyfriend Luke has given her the opportunity to transfer to his college, a school with a better writing program that she was rejected from earlier. Or, she can continue at her East Coast liberal arts school; defining her path on her own terms.
Matty decides for her. When the second episode decides all of the characters need to return to Camp Pookah where Matty and Jenna first hooked up , he declares his love for her.
He tells her not to transfer. She thinks it over for about a second and decides Matty is right; he knows her better than anyone.