Vitiligo diet restrictions. Vitamins for vitiligo prevention and treatment. Read this next. What Is Vitiligo? Medically reviewed by Judith Marcin, M. Treatment Options for Vitiligo. Medically reviewed by Avi Varma, MD. Notalgia Paresthetica: Symptoms and Treatment. Medically reviewed by Seunggu Han, M. Medically reviewed by University of Illinois. If the white spots are developing slowly then we can treat very fast then other vitiligo cases.
If the skin parts contain more hair then there are chances of curing vitiligo is high when compared to the skin parts with less hair because the pigments in the hair will migrate to the upper surface of the skin to repigment the skin.
The best parts of skin that are recovered very fast are Face, Chest, Arms, legs. And hands, wrist, feet, hips have fewer chances of recovery after treatment. When melanocytes stop producing melanin, then white patches start on the body. Vitiligo can start at any age but it predominantly appears between 20 and 30 years age group. It often appears on the body parts which are exposed to the sun and slowly spread throughout the body. The main reason for vitiligo is loss of pigmentation. It appears equally in both men and women.
Vitiligo often occurs in different individuals in the same family. But still, there is no particular proof of how and why vitiligo is hereditary. Yes, we can stop spreading vitiligo by immediate medication. After recognizing the white patches on the body immediately consult a dermatologist to stop spreading all over the body. Vitiligo occurs due to the loss of pigment in the skin.
But there are no research proofs that vitiligo will cause cancer. But in some cases, skin cancer affected people are also affected by vitiligo. But till now there is no proof that vitiligo will cause cancer. Myth: Vitiligo is only affected by dark skin people Fact: Vitiligo can be affected by any race of people, but the probability is high for people with dark skin.
Myth: Vitiligo is a type of skin cancer Fact: Vitiligo is not skin cancer and it is not related to any cancer. It occurs due to the loss of pigmentation. Myth: Vitiligo only occurs to the out part of the body which are exposed to sunlight Fact: Vitiligo not only occurs on the outer part of the body that is exposed to the sun but also spreads to the whole body which is not exposed to the sun like arms, knees, hips.
Myth: Vitiligo occurs by having certain combinations of food. Sign Me Up. Print This Page Click to Print. Free Healthbeat Signup Get the latest in health news delivered to your inbox! Sign Up. Close Thanks for visiting. The Best Diets for Cognitive Fitness , is yours absolutely FREE when you sign up to receive Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School Sign up to get tips for living a healthy lifestyle, with ways to fight inflammation and improve cognitive health , plus the latest advances in preventative medicine, diet and exercise , pain relief, blood pressure and cholesterol management, and more.
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Sign me up. Once we start treating the vitiligo spots, the pigment comes back, thereby reversing the disease. Because of the pattern, we call this perifollicular repigmentation , and this is the best pattern for reversing disease because each little brown spot grows over time, running into the other spots, and completely filling the former white spot.
So, this is good news! This is when the edges of the white spot creep in a little bit, shrinking the whole spot by a few millimeters. Interestingly, when I was seeing patients years ago and had residents, or trainees, in my clinic with me, they would ask how I knew the bumpy edges meant the spot was getting smaller, rather than the reverse, growing larger.
The book actually said that if on the bumpy edge the pigmented part was rounded, then the spot was getting smaller, or repigmented. If the white part was rounded, then it was getting larger, or depigmented.
I thought it was awesome that I learned something from a textbook over years old! They knew the information from having seen so many patients, but the data was in their subconscious somewhere! This describes the many faces of vitiligo, and now hopefully you can appreciate the patterns as I see them. Facebook Twitter.