The quality of the fuel can also affect costs and efficiency. Cheaper fuels do, of course, reduce running costs in the short term, though these fuels are often more flammable and therefore burn out more quickly, which actually increases running costs over time.
A good compromise is to seek out good quality fuel and buy in bulk if you plan on using your bioethanol fire regularly as you can often find excellent discounts for bulk fuel purchases. Yes, you can buy specially-designed indoor bioethanol fires that are perfectly safe to use indoors. While bioethanol fires do produce carbon dioxide, this substance is only produced in small amounts and is a natural by-product of any real fire.
Of course, like any flammable fuel, care does need to be taken while handling bioethanol fuel and using the burner. All fires are only as safe as the procedures they are used with, so make sure you follow all instructions and guidelines to ensure you are filling and using your bioethanol fire correctly.
The length that bioethanol fuel lasts varies on the settings in which you are burning the fuel. Bioethanol is a liquid bio fuel produced through the fermentation of several different kinds of plants like corn or soybeans.
The most distinctive characteristic of bioethanol is that it is a renewable fuel unlike gasoline and other types of fossil fuels. Bioethanol is clean burning and doesn't produce hazardous gases and toxic waste.
As a result, ethanol fireplaces do not require chimneys or vents. They can be positioned where you wouldn't usually have a fireplace, such as a balcony or an apartment. Because of these characteristics, a free standing ethanol fireplace is incredibly versatile and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Freestanding bio ethanol fireplaces, wall mounted ethanol fireplaces and even hanging ethanol fireplaces typically have aesthetically pleasing and are known for their beautiful designs.
Click here to enlarge image. They don't require electrical connections or hard gas lines, and they use ethanol as their fuel source. The frame is commonly constructed from stainless steel and tempered glass; it essentially holds the burner in position and largely determines the design and aesthetics of the fireplace.
The ethanol combusts inside its stainless steel burner, generating heat, small amounts of steam and carbon dioxide. These fires are clean-burning; they do not produce harmful toxins either. The ethanol fire will beautifully dance inside the tempered glass frame walls while also safely contained in the burner.
You already have some ideas about the most significant advantages that ethanol fireplaces deliver. Let's take a deeper look at these features to help you understand the benefits of these fantastic products. You will not need any construction or renovations. Freestanding ethanol fireplaces do not require a chimney or a flue, gas lines or electrical cables, making them very quick to install.
You'll only need to unpack your brand new fireplaces, put them in position and enjoy. Free standing ethanol fireplaces give you the luxury of design, simplicity and flexibility. They are the best choice of a fireplace for home indoor and outdoor use. The fireplace's simple installation gives you the versatility of quickly relocating it like a piece of furniture. Move it from room to room, light up you ethanol fireplace indoor or take it outside for a garden party — it's really up to you.
Not only is an ethanol fireplace a stress-free addition to your home, but you will also have a designer item that's very flexible and capable of matching all of your lifestyle needs. Let's quickly contrast this with the installation of a traditional wood fireplace.
A required chimney or a flue will have to be installed or serviced if they're not a part of your home. A "firebox" will also have to be built to house the fireplace Wall mounted bio ethanol fireplace inserts will also need to be build into the house. These processes require the use of expensive materials, and you'll also need to hire an experienced contractor for the purpose.
The installation is more time-consuming, and it will also be costlier compared to using a brand new freestanding ethanol fireplace. Keeping you warm is just one feature of your freestanding ethanol fireplace. It also can transform your space and warm your heart with its glow of beauty. Bio ethanol fireplaces are simply beautiful, enhancing your area and even boosting the value of your property.
Your freestanding fireplace may have different finishes — transparent glass, shiny steel or matte black are some examples. On top of that, you have the choice of various elements and design specifics that enhance the fireplace's appeal even further. Some bioethanol fires come equipped with optional protective fire screens, optional stainless steel log sets and protective covers, to name a few spectacular add-ons.
Ethanol fireplaces are safe for your health and they are much better for air quality than wood or gas fireplaces. Here is why. The result of ethanol fuel combustion produces water, steam, and carbon dioxide. The quantity of carbon dioxide or CO2 emitted by burning ethanol fireplace for 3 hours is about equivalent to the amount of CO2 produced by burning 2 average candles.
A biofuel also ethanol or bioethanol fuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter.
That's why ethanol manufacturers denature ethanol with a variation of odorless unpleasantly tasting flavors to transform a pure alcohol substance into bio-ethanol fireplace fuel. The bio-ethanol fireplace fuel is also known as denatured ethanol.
Bio-ethanol fireplace fuel is available online and at some hardware stores. Our selection of bio-ethanol fuel is carefully tested prior to offering it to the public to ensure the best quality and value to each and every customer. However, if you choose to purchase fuel locally, you may do so, just make sure that you buy the fuel made specifically for fireplaces. We always recommend buying single liter bottles of bioethanol, as well as using a funnel to avoid any spilling of the fuel.
Make sure that the fuel you purchase is intended for indoor use within ethanol fireplaces. Always buy high-quality ethanol fuel. Cheaper brands can make your entire room smell like alcohol.
We recommend Smartfuel brand. Once you have the correct fuel, simply pour it into the burner as recommended in the user manual. Filling too much fuel into the burner can make it difficult to extinguish the fire as well as causing the fuel to overflow if the fireplace is bumped into when lit.
Use a long lighter or a long match to light up the fuel inside the burner. Ethanol fireplaces usually come with a lid and a regulator rod, which makes it possible not only to decrease the flame size but also to extinguish the fire easily by pushing the lid over the opening. In general, a 1 liter of bioethanol fuel would last from 4 hours on the maximum setting and up to 8 hours on minimum setting.
Shutting the fireplace off early will preserve the rest of the fuel until you wish to light the fireplace again. The fuel itself will only evaporate if you forget to close the lid. Should you wish to refuel an ethanol fireplace shortly after having it lit, we recommend closing the lid and waiting 15 minutes before refueling. Refueling a hot fireplace is a safety hazard and can cause accidents, like a burst of flame when lighting the fire.
The cost of 1 liter of bio-ethanol varies depending on place and quantity of purchase. Wood depending on the type and degree of dryness will usually burn at a rate of 5 pounds per hour. As we see, the difference in the cost of operation is not that big among the fireplaces, however, when we look at the purchase price of a fireplace and the cost of installation, ethanol fireplaces win the battle. And there you have it! Biofuel is widely available to buy from various outlets.
However, we strongly recommend purchasing your fuel from Imaginfires. We provide fuel at an affordable price that you can rest assured will burn at an excellent rate. Some of the cheapest brands out there often produce a strong unpleasant smell when burning, and often come in unwieldy containers prone to spillage.