It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Are there any tools or add-ins for Word that can do this?
I can't believe Word doesn't have a feature or option hidden somewhere that can do this out of the box. Have you thought about grouping the objects and then saving them as a picture in Word? You can record your actions in VBA and get a good start on writing a macro to do the whole thing. In your Word document, group the picture elements you want to flatten into a single image as I have below:.
See the picture below:. Select the format you want and the picture will be added to your document. At this point you can right click the new picture and save it to the hard disk if you like.
For some reason, other Office programs allow you to group and save the group objects as pictures without the need to copy and paste special. There is no native way to do this e. I've been with word since and have never seen such a "flattening" feature. You can try printing the whole document into PDF files or Office OneNote - this will flatten the images and you can re-use it again. Change image positioning to Behind text or In front of text as per your preference.
This will prevent the image from moving when you type something in the document and furthermore, this will allow you drag the image anywhere freely as you can do in PowerPoint. If there are multiple images, group them together so that they will act as a single object for positioning purpose. An advantage of grouping over flattening is that you will be able to edit individual objects later if you wish to.
I just wanted an arrow on my pic pointing at something and could not select both pic and arrow to group them and found that solution, a little different that what is suggested here but it may help too. I want to put several outline boxes on a picture. I followed all your steps, but the outline boxes did not group and they were not copied and pasted along with the picture. I have been trying to do this for years and years with several different versions of Word and have never found a procedure that allows me to copy any shapes I draw onto pictures.
Thanks for sharing this useful information. Thank you, this has quite literally saved my art cousework grade!! Great, clear instructions. Needed this urgently lot of thanks!! Needed this urgently and it worked a treat. No no no. You're using to terms interchangeably. I want to combine two rectangles to make an "L" shape. Or is there another way to make an "L" shape? Great Instruction! One question: when I add border or shadow , it was added to individual image, instead of the combined one.
Any solution? Word Those were great instructions!! I want to save it as html to publish on a website. Cany anyone help? Don Schmidt. David Bartosik. File menu, Publish to web. Post reply. Ask a Question Want to reply to this thread or ask your own question?
Ask a Question. Aug 25, How to center adjust text above and image in a two column document. Aug 17, MS Word normal. May 26, Tracked changes by multiple people modified to one.