Are there dams on the amazon river

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Download references. We also thank the fishers of the Z fisher colony and their families for their collaboration during the development of this study and by supply in the data analysed here.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Rangel Eduardo Santos. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Reprints and Permissions. Ambio 49, — Download citation. Received : 13 May Revised : 25 August Accepted : 02 January Published : 29 January Issue Date : October Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.

Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Abstract This study aimed to investigate the environmental impacts generated by the hydroelectric complex in the Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon, based on the perceptions of local fishers and fishery database, it focus attention on three main impacts: i on local fishery stocks; ii in fish fauna and iii on the aquatic ecosystems.

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Water Resour. Fearnside, P. Brazilian politics threaten environmental policies. Science Forsberg, B. The potential impact of new Andean dams on Amazon fluvial ecosystems. PLoS One e Greimel, F. Schmutz and J. Sendzimir Cham: Springer International Publishing , 91— Grill, G. In addition, proposals for laws and a constitutional amendment now rapidly advancing through the National Congress would effectively abolish environmental licensing altogether. The government also maintains that hydropower is a clean source of energy that helps fight climate change, and in the rain-rich Amazon, hydro dams provide a steady source of electricity not plagued by the intermittency problems of wind and solar energy.

Drowned trees in an area of Brazilian rainforest along the Araguari River that was flooded by dam construction. All of these arguments have been contested. Dams are not economically attractive if their true environmental and social costs are considered, the amount of electricity devoted to rural electrification is miniscule compared to other uses, hydropower is already unreliable and is projected to become much more so in light of climate change and projected shifts in rainfall patterns, and dams also emit significant quantities of methane , a greenhouse gas, from hydropower reservoirs.

Displacement of the human population that inhabits the areas chosen for flooding is one of the most immediately evident impacts.

The plight of those displaced or left without livelihoods because of Belo Monte is a dramatic current example. Future dams will mean far more evictions of both indigenous and non-indigenous groups.

The environmental effects of Amazonian dams are sweeping. It asks permission for more water from the intermediate reservoir, a move which would put more pressure on an already strained hydrology.

Following two deadly tailings dam disasters in recent years at Brumadinho and Mariana , the uncertain situation has prompted experts to call on Brazilian authorities to increase monitoring of the dam, take remedial measures and clarify the magnitude of the risk to the public. His concerns were echoed by Francisco del Moral Hernandez, an energy science specialist who coordinated an expert panel on Belo Monte in The report says the problem arose as a result of unusually low water flows into the reservoir, with several days in early October when it dropped to cubic metres a second.

Hernandez and Sawakuchi said planners had been over-optimistic because historical data showed the Xingu river was lower on at least four occasions during the 50 years before construction started.

Prosecutors involved in the Car Wash corruption investigation found Belo Monte contractors were paid inflated fees in return for kickbacks to political parties. Activists said environmental authorities had issued a license to the dam despite scientific warnings and the concerns of their own technical staff.

It is unclear whether more construction is needed to reinforce the Pimental dam wall, which would require a hefty additional investment.


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