Lots of things like cans, bottles, paper, and cardboard can be remade into either the same kind of thing or new products.
Making new items from recycled ones also takes less energy and fewer resources than making products from brand new materials. Just about anything in your home or office or school, etc. You'd be amazed what can be done with a recycled product! A recycled soda bottle, can be made into T-shirts, combs, or hundreds of other plastic goods that can be used for many years.
The ingots are shipped to mills where they are rolled out; this provides the aluminum with more strength and flexibility. The recycled aluminum sheets are then fashioned into new contains, such as cans, food packaging and chocolate wrappers.
In just a few weeks the recycled aluminum products are back in stores and ready to be sold again. Fun fact about aluminum recycling: Most of the bauxite used to make aluminum cans is mined in tropical forests.
So recycling aluminum saves our precious rainforests! Used cardboard is picked up from community recycling centers, offices, stores and factories. All cardboard is sent to a waste cardboard company that puts it into large bails to transport it to the paper mill. At the mill, a forklift picks up the bales and puts them onto a conveyor. It is sent to the pulping machine. In the pulper, water anc chemicals are added to make a mushy, soggy pulp.
The pulp is purified and cleaned, ink removed and dried into flat rolls of paper. The big rolls of new paper are cut into smaller rolls and sold to customers that will make them into all kinds of cardboard for packaging, containers and boxes.
Recycling does not have to be difficult. With the tips below, anyone can recycle and help our environment for current and future generations:. It is important to know what we should and should not do in recycling.
Here are some simple tips:. Large plastic bottles can be used as hanging planters. They can go home with students or be hung in the school as a lovely hanging garden to promote recycling in your school. Aluminum beverage pop tops become wearable jewelry, thanks to some ribbon ninja work.
Put this video onto your interactive whiteboard to give your students the full and then get crafting. Get into the swing of spring by making plastic bottle birdfeeders. Talk to local nature stores about getting bird seed donated. Students can bring in bottles and build their own feeders.
Students can work together create an aluminum can recycling center for the cafeteria or other school common area like the teacher lounge!
Watch the video below to get the simple instructions, and learn how your classroom and school can make recycling fun and rewarding with Recycle Rally. To find inspiration for our recycling efforts, it is a good idea to look outside the United States. Here are some cool recycling efforts going on in other countries today:. We hope you find this guide useful to build a successful recycling program for your home, school and community.
By all of us working together, we can continue to grow our recycling efforts so that we make a better world for all of us to enjoy. You have 0 item s in your quote. Your Quote can have up to 5 items. What Is Recycling?
All sorts of things can be recycled. Some of the most common processes used today recycle: Plastics Glass Metals Electronics Computers and accessories Textiles Newspapers and magazines Cardboard Soda cans, plastic water bottles, plastic milk cartons, newspapers, cereal boxes and old computers are just some of the common items that are recycled every day.
What Is Reusing? What Is Reducing? Recycling By The Numbers Below are some important facts about recycling: This image is free to post on a webpage or share. If you lined up the plastic bottles tossed away each year, they would circle our planet four times. Energy saved from recycling a glass bottle can light a light bulb as long as four hours. Recycling saves money for our communities. People have been recycling their trash for thousands of years; ancient civilizations would melt down old metal products such as knives and swords and various metal household items to make coins and other new items.
The average person in the US throws out almost five pounds of garbage daily — that is tons per year — per person! The typical American uses 17 trees each year in wood and paper products. Many of those products can be recycled. We toss away enough paper and wood annually to heat 50, homes for two decades.
The typical American gets pieces of junk mail annually. Most of this is simply thrown away. It takes millions of trees to produce all that junk mail. Recycle plastic bags by reusing them when you are at the grocery store or bring reusable cloth bags with you. Some garbage in landfills can take more than a hundred years to break down. Recycling paper helps reduce the number of trees we need to cut down, which helps preserve the places where wildlife lives.
Reduces pollution. Using materials that have been recycled in place of new materials when making products helps avoid environmental harm. Using recycled paper produces 75 percent less air and 35 percent less water pollution. Using recycled cans produces 95 percent less air and 97 percent less water pollution.
Saves money. Selling recycled materials offsets the costs of collecting and processing recycled materials, making it a cheaper option for most communities. Saves energy.
The US recycles roughly 30 percent of its waste each year. This reduces the amount of greenhouse gases produced by 25 million years and saves 12 billion gallons of gas. Reduces waste in landfills. When garbage trucks roll by your home to take the garbage, they cart it off to the landfill. Over time, landfills run out of space and can cause harm to the environment.
Creates local jobs. For each job at an incinerator or landfill, there are ten recycling jobs and twenty-five manufacturing jobs due to recycling. Recycling Tips for Kids Knowing what to do and what not to do when recycling is also important. Dos Make sure you check your local recycling rules. Not all local recycling programs work the same way. Separate your recyclables from the trash.
The principles of social ecology. Recycling is one of the most visible solutions for combating the proliferation of waste, but it does not work miracles. If we want to live on a sustainable planet we need to go one step further and comply with the 3Rs rule. This proposal for responsible consumption, which was popularised by the environmental NGO Greenpeace, is based on three principles:. Teaching children how to recycle at an early age is essential for acquiring this habit and practising it throughout their lives.
Both at home and at school, recycling activities can be developed for children through games, songs and handicraft projects that make it easier and more fun to learn the 3Rs. These are some of the most original and easy-to-use educational resources:. Draw the different recycling containers It is ideal for the littlest ones to learn how to differentiate between the rubbish bins paper, glass, plastic, etc.
When they are printed on paper, they can identify, relate to and retain their shapes, colours and uses better.