Why elvis is still alive

But what is somewhat surprising is how long and continuing the debate has been on the validity of that Estate of Elvis case citation. This long-running debate has resurfaced for consideration recently.

In recent years he has reportedly shown up to celebrate the occasion and there was a full schedule again this year and a new birthday t-shirt as well. That case defined the right thus:. Edison Polyform Mfg. As we will see, whether such rights are interred with their bones may depend on where one lives and dies. Et vos, iudices et legum. In a recently-enacted statute that will become effective for and applicable to persons residing in New York who pass away on or after the th day after the November 30, bill signing, New York said the right of publicity does extend post-mortem.

But since he was rumored in the period to have been working as a policeman in New York City though he would have been years old during that time , he may have a claim under New York if he enjoys his police pension until May and has not, as have many of his fellow officers in retirement, moved to one of the more attractive out of state locations for retirees.

Though tempted to paraphrase the Chairman of the Board rather than the King to assert that if one can make a case in New York one can make it anywhere , differences in state law suggest that such absolute statements are hard to back up.

First, according to a recent International Trademark Association INTA survey , there are some states that recognize the right of publicity but have not considered whether such right exists post-mortem such as Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, and West Virginia or have seemingly rejected it, such as Massachusetts and Wisconsin.

Even among states recognizing post-mortem rights of publicity, the laws of such states vary on both the duration and domicile criteria, with duration ranges from 10 Tennessee to 70 California to years Indiana and with the states of Indiana and Washington not limiting the rights to those domiciled in such states at the time of death. While many states have not determined whether they protect post-mortem publicity rights or for how long, these states have determined that the rights are protected for stated period: Oklahoma years each, like Indiana , Washington 75 years , Hawaii and South Dakota 70 years each, like California , Ohio 60 years , Alabama 55 years , Arkansas, Illinois Kentucky, Nevada and Texas 50 years each , Florida 40 years , Pennsylvania 30 years , Puerto Rico 25 years , Virginia 20 years, e.

Maybe they have been checking the many Elvis maps and tracking sites that remain out there. Chambers of Commerce call for end to PCR proof at border.

Elvis Presley singing That's All Right during his comeback special. Photo: Youtube. More from this section. Robert Plant 'happy' to become Alison Krauss' harmony student.

Olivia Colman says American fans are 'classier'. Recommended for you. Trending Now. Local Events. Online Poll. Are you aware that if Bill 96 passes only those who were entitled to go to English schools can get services in English? You voted:. Yes I was aware.

No I did not know. Sign up for The Suburban e-Mail lists. The legend enjoys huge popularity all over the world even years after his death. When Elvis Presley died, a lot of his fans were not convinced that the legend is actually dead. Even today, there are several people who believe that The King might still be alive and would have faked his own death. According to a report by Daily Express, a former employee of Elvis Presley had claimed that he was alive several hours after his death.

Here is everything you need to know about it. The report mentioned that former Police officer Monte Nicholson was approached by this former employee of Elvis Presley. In , three so-called Elvis enthusiasts even created The Elvis Sighting Society to monitor these apparent incidents. Some people even claimed he appeared as an extra in the blockbuster, Home Alone.

One of the biggest theories on why Presley may have faked his death is because he had to in order to escape the mafia. Gail Brewer-Giorgio, the author of the bestselling book Is Elvis Alive , recalled in a recent interview with TIME how she pored through thousands of FBI documents to come to the conclusion that Presley was an American hero who had to go into witness protection. But when Presley was found to be a mole, he was put into the witness protection program, Brewer-Giorgio said, citing what she said was evidence from FBI documents and interviews.

The FBI did not immediately comment on the decades-old claim that Brewer-Giorgio describes at length in her book. The FBI never investigated Presley, but a folder in his name was created because he had been the target of several extortion attempts the FBI probed.


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