That said, for now, take all of this with a grain of salt given that it's all unofficial information. At the moment of publishing, Ubisoft has not commented on any of this. We don't expect this to change, but if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly.
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There was a problem. Please refresh the page and try again. Similar to some R rated movies. This is definatly not the type of M game that can be compared to Grand Theft Auto or other controvertial games. So if your teen wants to play this game, don't be scared by the M rating.
Overall its not up to the content in the game being age appropriate, but instead the players not being able to comprehend the irony of it all. Helped me decide 1. Had useful details 2. I am very disappointed I am I am sorry to say, but I am seriously disappointed in how many parents let their kids as young as 12 play this game.
I beg to differ. Second scene, where we meet Desmond, literally the first three words that come out of his mouth is a slur of cussing! And not to mention, the killing is pretty brutal. Although the "blood" is only a "sprits", the force at which Altair thrusts his blade into his victims is very unsettling. I saw all of this in the first 5 minutes I played. It's your choice if you play this or not. However, I feel these points need to be made. They portray killing as a fun and effortless game which I personally don't like.
The negatives outweigh the positives. I would highly recommend parents doing thorough research into this franchise and games before letting their kids play this. I would also recommend learning the real actual historical events these games portray before delving into them so players can keep into perspective what is fake and what is real.
Had useful details 1. Read my mind 1. Parent Written by Magic May 19, It's a historical based game which is a plus, it's a very well researched most everything is historically accurate the groups, people and buildings. It's a lesser violent game compared to games like Call of Duty or Dead Space. It's good for kids who can recognize who are role models and who is not a role model.
A great feature is blood-off mode which has it so, there is no blood. A great thing is about half-way through the game the main character realizes that violence is not the a good way to solve things though violence is still used in rest of the game, but more is focused on other things! This game is a puzzle, parkour, action-adventure video-game for most every 11 year old who can realize that some people aren't good role models and should have role models like David Ortiz or Roberto Clemente.
Parent of a year-old Written by Jonathan C. October 29, Perfect game for tweens! I got this game for my younger child when he turned There are some gruesome attacks, but you can turn blood off. I watched my child play. Sometimes there are really bad parts, but other parts are fine.
Had useful details. Adult Written by Zenwarmaker Gaming December 30, Awesome Game This game dates back to the crusades and is very very educational. After convincing him otherwise he realised that the game is no where as bad. There is of course violence however no real sex, only occasional nudity, as there are in films such as Blade runner. Adult Written by FilmLover10 September 14, Beautiful, Extrodinary, A little less violent!
When I went to gamestop to purchase this game! But the s word is there! He puts it in your face and your chest! With blood! And I dont recall any f words! Yur character will drink in mandatry cutscenes! One scene shows a party where everyone is drinking wine!
Wait but before you scroll! There is one more thing in the game that everyone should really be aware of! Bayeks son dies a murdererous death! No matter what you do his son dies. He gets stabbed in the heart with blood flowing!
But no graphic imagery! When he gets stabbed you see the kids face up close! It goes to shocked to his eyes going white and him falling!
Helped me decide. Parent Written by FeistyGreenPolk December 27, The first games are great and the last theee or four were duds. This game is not appropriate to be played in the house with younger children. Extreme violence and gore along with some sexual content make this game unsuitable for most teens.
Assassin s Creed has lost a customer. They can make a game good without the excess filth and violence. Parent of a year-old Written by Jordifamily March 21, Very good game, common sense is overreacting. I think this game is very good, blood yes, but it can be turned off in settings.
Had useful details. Adult Written by Robert J. September 14, Similar to other assassin's creed games. I am a professional PEGI reviewer and rate games on common sense media.
I noticed that commonsense media consists of many fake parent reviews and I want to start a movement for change. Please check my reviews on popular games, for trustworthy and informative reviews. My name is Christian W. This game is similar to call of duty in a way. They pretty much put out the same violence level every year. Hits will often result in a small amount of blood.
There is never any gore. There is some sex but, it pretty much not present and there is no nudity but rather minor sexual references and kissing.