The next year, unable to represent the USA because he was not a citizen, Simaika represented Egypt at the summer Olympic Games, where he won a silver medal in the meter platform event and the bronze off the 3-meter springboard.
His silver medal came after one of the most curious incidents of the Olympiad. At the conclusion of the event, it was announced that Simaika had finished with top points at But soon afterwards it was announced that a majority of the Judges by a vote of 5 to 4 had decided that Desjardins of Miami was the winner with the best general average of points for the eight dives. His coach, Big Jim Ryan was furious at what he consider to be blatant racism and years later he got his revenge when another non-white diver of his, Sammy Lee would win gold off the 10m platform at the Olympic Games.
Simaika went on to win the US high diving championships in , 31 and 32, but was declared a professional and disqualified from competing in the Olympic Games for receiving money for diving exhibitions in Egypt, where he was held in great favor being the first Egyptian Olympic medalist.
In the , Simaika went on to star in the water shows at Chicago's Century of Progress and in he started touring the world giving diving exhibitions with fellow Olympic and A. He also performed a 2-a-day foot tower dive at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Army hoping to be a pilot. However, too old for pilot school, he joined the Officer Candidate School.
Because he was also an amateur photographer and had a private lab in his home, he was assigned to air intelligence. According to ISHOF honoree and war hero, Colonel Frank Kurtz, Simaika was working on a photography process that would distinguish camouflage foliage on the ground from live foliage.
As the Bomber Wing Intelligence Officer, he volunteered to go on what turned out to be his final B reconnaissance mission. Because the mission was quite long and the aircraft was well beyond having fighter protection, the plane was shot down over water near the Celebes Islands in the South Pacific. Farid apparently survived the crash because Kurtz later reported that an Australian Coast Watcher had come across the bodies of some American soldiers who had been beheaded by the Japanese.
About Us. Board of Directors. Honor is also given in Castle Siege for killing members of the other alliances and being in the party or raid of a relics carrier when the relic is placed in the temple. The number of points can vary, but the highest amount of points you can currently get is 20 points. Honor is gained in pvp settings raids, defense, ect. Honor comes in increments of 4 for pvp kills, the amounts are: 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 points per kill.
These amounts do not apply to Battlefield kills. If there is also a double honor event, using a potion will result in 4x honor! After a death, either your own or the enemy, there is a 3-minute Dead Man Walking buff. If your nation has the Brysi relics, this time is extended.
You can not gain honor or give honor from being killed during this time. Honor is used as a currency at certain merchants. There are several equipment sets, enchanting crystals , and potions you may buy with your Honor. Some items require both Honor and Medals of Courage. There are 2 quests this NPC gives, together they require the player to give him 45 Medals of Courage for level 80 and below.
Level 80 and above must give him 90 Medals of Courage to complete the quests. NPC Friedrich Kroeger also has a daily quest that rewards 5 Medals of Courage worth honor for being on the winning team of a Battlefield match.
Honor Equipment Sets begin at level