Where is matriarch aethyta

Also she's not that hard to miss, she gets "talk" icon on her when you're nearby, like everyone else except for those having big flashy markers visible at distance. Last edited by Dethlane ; 29 Apr, pm. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 18 Jun, pm. Posts: 3. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

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I know you can see her, because of this question. Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Rare Candy Rare Candy 1, 2 2 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges.

How far in the game are you? There is a certain point where she will not show up, I believe — Tablemaker. Am fighting on Rannoch.

TylerShads Is she there from the beginning? RavenDreamer Yes she was there — Tablemaker. TylerShads I'd make that the answer then. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.

Improve this answer. When Aethyta's father learned that he and Aethyta's mother were once mortal enemies during the Krogan Rebellions, they decided to fight, a battle neither of them survived. During this time Aethyta was about a hundred years old and an exotic dancer. For the rest of her lifespan, she had many mates, including a turian , elcor , and a hanar. She also fathered a pureblood daughter, but her relationship with the mother didn't work out, and Aethyta lost track of her daughter.

Aethyta has very different views on matters than other matriarchs and a very free-spirited, laissez-faire attitude to life. She seems to support the asari becoming more militant and active on the galactic stage, and believes that young asari should help improve society in their maiden years instead of becoming strippers or mercenaries.

Her proposal that the asari should try to construct new mass relays was met with ridicule, causing the other asari to "laugh the blue off [her] ass". Realizing that no one wanted to listen to her arguments, Aethyta left Thessia for a less conventional matriarch's life on Illium. Shepard meets Aethyta while she is trying to fend off Conrad Verner , who is trying to get the deed to the place on behest of an "undercover cop".

She is trying very hard not to "slap [Conrad's] ass with a Singularity ", until she is rescued by Shepard's arrival.


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