The depression anxiety stress scale - Spanish translation and validation with a hispanic sample. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 24, - Derogatis, L. United States: Clinical Psychometric Research. Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Gempp, R. Goic, A. Kendall, P. Issues and recommendations regarding use of the Beck Depression Inventory. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 11 , - Lovibond, P. The structure of negative emotional states: comparison of the depression anxiety stress scales DASS with the Beck depression and anxiety inventories.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, - Lovibond, S. Manual for the depression anxiety stress scales. Sydney, Australia: Psychology Foundation of Australia.
Meneses, F. Mitchell, M. Screening for depression and anxiety in spinal cord injury with DASS Spinal Cord, 46, - Norton, J. Piotrowski, C. Use of the beck depression inventory in clinical practice. Meant to distract from certain fait? I'm impressed My dear, well played. Unavailable marked reserved seats, Can't sit with me, We keep circling, Putting years on me, Tired of not knowing, Unavoidable stunted growing, We keep circling, Putting years on me, Keep circling Unavailable markdd reserved seats, Can't sit with me, We keep circling, Putting years on me.
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