When was street view taken

In the linked example, it would give me an impression of possible snow conditions in a particular place at a certain time of the year. There is a small little text saying "Image Date: March " at the bottom of the street view from the link you provided , though I can't confirm that it refers to the date the Street View image was taken, but its quite likely the case as there isn't any other images that it can refer to.

Hope this helps in getting an approximate date of when the image is taken, and it seems fairly accurate. See Go back in time with Street View. In street view, go to a site that has a marquee that gives the date, maybe a bank or gas station.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How can I find out when a particular Google Streetview scene was shot? Ask Question. An in-person walk through is needed for accurate pricing.

Ladybug2 cameras resolution x pixels by Point Grey Research. R5: uses a ring of eight 5-megapixel CMOS cameras by Elphel with custom low-flare lenses, plus a camera with fisheye lens on top to capture upper levels of buildings. At the moment — no. Street View cars do have human drivers. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.

Press ESC to cancel. Curious to know the exact date when Google cameras captured those aerial and street view photographs of your home or any other address on our beautiful planet? Well, you can find the dates easily both in Google Maps and Google Earth. If you wish to know the date when satellites captured those aerial images that you see in Google Maps, you will have to use Google Earth for that. Launch the Google Earth app on your desktop, search for any location in the sidebar and, this is important, zoom in an area as much as possible.

Now hover your mouse over the map and you should see the capture date of that satellite image in the status bar as seen in the above screenshot. If you happen to live in a country where Google Street View is available, you can use the Google Maps website itself to determine the date when Google Street Views cars were in your area capturing pictures of the neighbourhood.

Go to maps. Google says they prioritize areas with no Google Street View presence over updating those with an existing presence. They put more resources into adding to the project and that makes sense. If you checked the Street View car schedule, you will see that the car still retraces its steps so not all cars are sent out to new places. Some at least are updating existing images. The car has a schedule and it sticks to that schedule. However, if there is something seriously wrong with your Google Street View, you can send a report to Google.

Use the link to submit an issue to Google for review.


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