What was alexander hamilton

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List of Partners vendors. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Table of Contents Expand. Who Was Alexander Hamilton? Early Life and Education. Notable Accomplishments. Controversies and Death. How Did Alexander Hamilton Die? Where Is Alexander Hamilton Buried? When Was Alexander Hamilton President? The Bottom Line. His list of achievements includes helping to defeat the British in the Revolutionary War, getting the U.

Constitution approved, and revolutionizing the American financial system. Hamilton grew up in poverty, was parentless by 13, and was sent to America to get an education by various benefactors, who were impressed by the talents he showed at a young age.

Once stateside, he caught the attention of the nation by writing a series of political pamphlets and becoming a war hero. Alongside George Washington and others, he then proceeded to revolutionize the U. Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Washington and Hamilton from Mount Vernon on Vimeo.

She was the daughter of Philip Schuyler, who had served as a major general in the Continental Army and was one of the wealthiest men in New York. Washington ultimately granted him a field command, and on October 14, , Hamilton led the successful assault of Redoubt 10 during the Siege of Yorktown, which contributed to the surrender of General Lord Charles Cornwallis.

As a member of Congress, he was part of a nationalist faction that attempted to use discontent among officers about pay to frighten Congress and the states into adopting an amendment that allowed Congress to tax imports. Certain officers camped at Newburgh, New York, called for force against Congress, and only a personal plea by Washington quelled the so-called Newburgh Conspiracy.

Although his proposals were not fully adopted, Hamilton passionately campaigned for the Constitution. He joined James Madison and John Jay in writing the Federalist Papers in support of ratification, penning the majority of the essays. Hamilton was also a delegate to the New York ratifying convention in Poughkeepsie during the summer of , and helped convince largely antifederalist New York to ratify the new Constitution.

Hamilton sought to create a stable financial foundation for the nation and increase the power of the central government. He pushed for the national government to assume state debts, which would bind creditors to the federal government. Hamilton made the First Bank of the United States a centerpiece of his financial plan. Modeled on the Bank of England, the bank held government funds, issued loans to the government, provided currency, and increased liquid capital to facilitate economic growth.

In time, Hamilton and Jefferson became the leaders of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties respectively. Jefferson and Hamilton also disagreed over foreign policy. Jefferson resigned in December , frustrated that Washington usually sided with Hamilton. In , Hamilton helped quell the Whiskey Rebellion, and resigned from his cabinet post in January Washington was called out of retirement in to lead a Provisional Army, when war with France loomed. When Thomas Jefferson finished in an electoral tie with Aaron Burr in the election of , some Federalist Congressmen wanted to give Burr the election.

When the Revolutionary War began, he was commissioned to lead an artillery company in the Continental Army and fought bravely in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, among others. In , he married Elizabeth Schuyler, the daughter of a wealthy and influential New York landowner and military officer. They would go on to have eight children, and she remained a key source of loyalty and stability for him throughout the many tumultuous years to come.

In that decisive clash, Hamilton acquitted himself brilliantly, leading a successful assault that contributed to the surrender of British General Lord Charles Cornwallis. The siege lasted from September 28 to October 19, , with the French attacking the British fort at Redoubt 9 and Hamilton attacking Redoubt 10 simultaneously. The double-pronged advance led British General Charles Cornwallis to surrender. He knew that winning glory in battle would make him famous and help him further his career.

Brendan McConville, professor of history at Boston University, adds that Hamilton had always been sensitive about his humble roots so it was important to him to prove himself during the war. Initially, according to Newton, command of the assault on Redoubt 10 was given to someone else. Hamilton objected, claiming it was his turn and that he had seniority.

We have it! And the victory earned Hamilton the reputation he sought. As a result, the entire country heard about Hamilton's bravery and leadership. In , when a federal convention was held in Philadelphia to overhaul the Articles of Confederation, Hamilton was chosen as one of three delegates from New York.

He famously made a six-hour speech about his own plan for a strongly centralized government, drawing criticism that he wanted to create a monarchy. Though Hamilton ended up having little influence on the Constitution itself, he played an important role in its ratification. Along with James Madison and John Jay , Hamilton published a series of 85 essays defending the new document to the American people. Hamilton wrote no fewer than 51 of these Federalist Papers , and they would become his best-known writings.

In , Washington was unanimously elected as the first president of the United States; he appointed Hamilton as the first secretary of the U. Hamilton left his Treasury post in and returned to his law practice in New York. When Washington stepped down after two terms, Hamilton drafted the majority of his farewell address, which memorably warned about the dangers of excessive political partisanship and foreign influence.

Eacker, had given a speech in which he accused Hamilton of being a monarchist. According to historian Joanne Freeman, he was involved in no fewer than 10 affairs of honor or near duels before the notorious duel that took his life.

Hamilton and Aaron Burr had been political opponents since the debate over the Constitution in Senate in He made good on this in , after Federalist divisions led to a tie between Jefferson and Burr, both Democratic-Republicans, in the presidential election. Largely sidelined by Jefferson as vice president, Burr decided to run for governor of New York in


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