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Breed History. Training and Care. Health Problems. Diet and Nutrition. Where to Adopt or Buy. Further Research.
Breed Overview Group: Toy Height: 10 to Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Additional Resources AKC. Clubs Offering: Training Classes. By Jan Reisen Mar 08, 2 Minutes. Mar 08, 2 Minutes. Selecting a Puppy How do you know what breed is right for your family? How do you find a reputable breeder?
What is certain is that the miniature pincher was used as a rat dog in Germany and in the surrounding regions. The pinscher enjoyed his popularity until World War I, but after that his numbers plummeted in Europe.
Fortunately he was exported to America and saw a rise in numbers here just as he lost it there. Find a breeder who is a member in good standing of the Miniature Pinscher Club of America and who has agreed to abide by its code of ethics , which precludes selling puppies to or through pet stores and calls for selling puppies only with a written contract.
Choose a breeder who is willing to be a resource in helping you train and care for your new dog throughout his life. Avoid breeders who seem interested only in how quickly they can unload a puppy on you and whether your credit card will go through. Put at least as much effort into researching your puppy as you would into choosing a new car or expensive appliance.
It will save you money in the long run. Red flags include puppies always being available, multiple litters on the premises, having your choice of any puppy, and the ability to pay online with a credit card.
Quickie online purchases are convenient, but they are almost never associated with reputable breeders. Disreputable breeders and facilities that deal with puppy mills can be hard to distinguish from reliable operations. The puppy you buy should have been raised in a clean home environment, from parents with health clearances and conformation show and, ideally, working titles to prove that they are good specimens of the breed. Puppies should be temperament tested, vetted, dewormed, and socialized to give them a healthy, confident start in life.
And before you decide to buy a puppy, consider whether an adult Min Pin might better suit your needs and lifestyle. Puppies are loads of fun, but they require a lot of time and effort before they grow up to become the dogs of your dreams. An adult Min Pin may already have some training and will probably be less active, destructive, and demanding than a puppy. If you are interested in acquiring an older dog through breeders, ask them about purchasing a retired show dog or if they know of an adult dog who needs a new home.
If you want to adopt a dog, read the advice below on how to do that. There are many great options available if you want to adopt a dog from an animal shelter or breed rescue organization. Here is how to get started. Sites like Petfinder. The site allows you to be very specific in your requests housetraining status, for example or very general all the Min Pins available on Petfinder across the country. Social media is another great way to find a dog.
Post on your Facebook page that you are looking for a specific breed so that your entire community can be your eyes and ears. Start talking with all the pet pros in your area about your desire for a Min Pin. That includes vets, dog walkers, and groomers. When someone has to make the tough decision to give up a dog , that person will often ask her own trusted network for recommendations.
Most people who love Miniature Pinschers love all Miniature Pinschers. The Miniature Pinscher Club of America can help you find a dog that may be the perfect companion for your family.
You can also search online for other Min Pin rescues in your area. The great thing about breed rescue groups is that they tend to be very upfront about any health conditions the dogs may have and are a valuable resource for advice. They also often offer fostering opportunities so, with training, you could bring a Min Pin home for a trial to see what the experience is like. You now know the things to discuss with a breeder, but there are also questions you should discuss with shelter or rescue group staff or volunteers before you bring home a pup.
These include:. Wherever you acquire your Miniature Pinscher, make sure you have a good contract with the seller, shelter, or rescue group that spells out responsibilities on both sides. Petfinder offers an Adopters Bill of Rights that helps you understand what you can consider normal and appropriate when you get a dog from a shelter. In states with puppy lemon laws, be sure you and the person you get the dog from both understand your rights and recourses.
Puppy or adult, a breeder purchase or a rescue, take your Min Pin to your veterinarian soon after adoption. Your veterinarian will be able to spot problems and will work with you to set up a preventive regimen that will help you avoid many health issues.
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