In the battle of sweet potatoes vs. Both sweet potatoes and white potatoes are whole-food sources of carbohydrates and nutrients, containing fibre, vitamins and minerals. How each potato affects health and weight is largely dependent on how they are prepared and in what quantity.
Generally speaking, it is best to opt for sweet potatoes and white potatoes that are baked, boiled, roasted or mashed, and limit options that are deep-fried in the form of French fries or potato chips. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post comment. Skip to content. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Pinterest page opens in new window. Learn More. Related posts. Macronutrients vs. That means 2 tablespoons tbsp of sour cream, plain Greek yogurt, or a pat of butter on a baked potato or dipping roasted potatoes in 2 tbsp of ketchup.
If you like potatoes, feel free to eat the types that you like the most. Simply boil the small spuds until tender and enjoy. In other words: Eat the potato. By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools. Reviewed: August 18, Medically Reviewed. This amount is less than a small spud, so keep that in mind when eating: Calories There are calories in a white potato vs. Fat Both a white and sweet potato have 4. In all, there are 6, sweet potato varieties, with skin colors varying from white to red and flesh colors from orange to purple.
The orange-fleshed varieties are most popular in the U. Ever thought about trying produce your own potatoes? Although white potatoes can be cooked in different ways, the American diet is strongly defined by its love for fried potatoes, which makes them an unpopular choice for people who are looking to eat a healthier diet. Those who eat French fries increase their type 2 diabetes risk by an additional 19 percent. If you eat them baked or broiled, however, and if you avoid fattening toppings such as cheese, sour cream, or bacon, the benefits of potatoes can outweigh the risks.
On the lookout for unique ways to prep sweet potatoes? At TOPS. Instead of processed veggie burgers out of a package, create your own, using a cooked mashed sweet potato as a key ingredient. Click here to get everything you need : an ingredient list, directions, and nutrition information.
In general, most preparation methods for potatoes and sweet potatoes are healthy, including baking, microwaving, boiling, or steaming, says Adelia C. Bovell-Benjamin, Ph. All of these methods preserve much of the nutritional value of both types of potatoes, says Bovell-Benjamin.
Eating potatoes with the skin on may also provide extra nutrients like fiber, iron, and potassium, but for sweet potatoes, the skin may be too tough to eat. Frying any type of food is generally a less healthy option , as it adds extra calories and fat, but for potatoes, frying may be especially bad. A study found that, while eating potatoes has no negative health effects, eating fried potatoes at least twice a week more than doubled the risk of death. Both potatoes and sweet potatoes are healthy foods that can fit well into most diets.
However, if you are looking for extra health benefits like regulating blood sugar and more vitamin A and antioxidants, sweet potatoes are a better option. There are many healthy ways you can cook potatoes and sweet potatoes, but try to avoid fried potatoes as much as possible. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.
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