Binding it to an organic compound like picolinate may help the body absorb chromium more easily. Researchers are focused on understanding the potential role of chromium in insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
Consult with your health care provider before taking a chromium supplement. Chromium is found in a variety of foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Chromium needs differ throughout the life span.
The adequate intake for adults ages 19 to 50 is 35 micrograms per day for men and 25 micrograms per day for women who are not pregnant or lactating. The AI for adults over 50 decreases to 30 micrograms per day for men and to 20 micrograms per day for women. A serving of most chromium-containing foods provides 6 percent to 10 percent of the AI for adults.
Chromium picolinate, chromium chloride, chromium nicotinate and chromium citrate are types of chromium supplements. These can be purchased as individual supplements or as part of a multivitamin and mineral complex. Supplements generally provide anywhere between 50 micrograms and micrograms of chromium per serving.
It is not known how much chromium is absorbed from supplements or if any one supplemental blend has a higher absorptive potential than another. Results of a study in "Biomaterials" revealed that supplemental chromium may better absorbed than dietary chromium, but the different types of supplements may all be absorbed equally well.
However, the amount of chromium in food can vary depending on agricultural and manufacturing processes. According to the Institute of Medicine , a component of the National Academy of Sciences, adequate daily intakes of chromium for adult women and men range from 24—35 micrograms mcg per day, with men needing more than women. Since then, quite a bit of research has been done to study the effect of chromium on various health conditions, primarily in the areas of diabetes, lipid control including cholesterol and triglyceride levels , and weight loss.
Back in , interest was sparked when researchers reported a link between chromium picolinate supplements and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in people with diabetes. But, after more scrutiny, the conclusion was that most of the previous chromium studies had been flawed and that more research was needed.
Those taking chromium also gained less weight than the placebo group. However, this study involved only 37 subjects. And another 6-month study, also published in , looked at chromium doses of either or 1, mcg in 46 obese subjects with poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes and found no effect on HbA1c levels a measure of blood glucose control over time , weight, or lipid levels compared to placebo.
Fortunately, another, larger study is underway which will look at the effects of 1, mcg of chromium picolinate in lean and obese people with Type 2 diabetes. This four-year study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and will hopefully clear up some of the confusion. Burn Lab Pro combines GTF chromium with Forslean Forskolin, Capsimax cayenne pepper extract, HMB, and black pepper extract, which all play a role in enhancing training performance, optimizing calorie burn, and preserving lean muscle.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Always consult with your doctor before starting any fitness program or any nutritional supplement regimen. Shopping Cart. Order now. Which is better absorbed? Which is better for weight loss?
Which is more effective? Read on to find out all you need to know! What is Chromium? What are the Benefits of Taking Chromium Supplements?
With this comes a few additional benefits, such as: Improved Glucose Metabolism Insulin is the hormone responsible for managing the amount of glucose in our blood. May Support Fat Loss Some studies have shown that through the action and effects on insulin activity, chromium may also aid weight loss. References PJ Havel. A scientific review: the role of chromium in insulin resistance. Diabetes Educ.