What does gsa compliant mean

With TAA compliance issues coming to the forefront of contractors' consciousness, you'll need to understand TAA and be able to certify that your products are TAA compliant. You may even be asked to indemnify contractors against damages arising from noncompliance. TAA-compliant solutions are noted with a special logo that can be found on the product's information page. This white paper is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.

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As the leading government contracts consultant, FEDSched provides an unrivaled level of expertise and guidance businesses can trust to navigate the intricacies of the GSA Schedule Contract and stand out in the federal market space. Sitemap Privacy Policy. Businesses, non-profits and educational institutions can obtain a GSA Schedule Contract to sell products and services to government customers.

The IOA can be a valuable educational resource, helping answer any questions you have about your contract and can direct you to appropriate resources. How to Prepare for an Assessment When it is time for an assessment, you will be contacted by an IOA by phone, e-mail or both. The assessment may take the form of a face to face meeting, or be performed virtually as determined by the IOA.

The IOA will identify what documentation you will need to have readily available and organized for the assessment to be completed efficiently and effectively. It is also important for all applicable personnel to be in attendance or available during the assessment. Doing so will allow the IOA to review and sample your sales data prior to the assessment, possibly reducing the amount of time necessary to complete the assessment process.

These processes could include, but are not limited to: Sales tracking system Trade Agreements Act compliance Basis of Award customer discount monitoring Scope of contract. Depending on the number of orders involved, the IOA may review a sample from your sales data. Both GSA and non-GSA orders will be reviewed in order to ensure that your sales tracking system is functioning to provide accurate and complete sales reporting for MAS contract sales.

Each GSA order will be reviewed to check for the following things: The correct GSA-approved pricing was extended to all GSA customers Any open market items provided as part of a contract order were properly identified to the customer All deliverables were provided within the contractually negotiated terms. Shortly after the completion of the contractor assessment with the IOA, the report is completed and made available simultaneously to both the contractor and the Contracting Officer.

The Assessment Report provides a "snapshot" of your firm's ability to meet important terms and conditions of your contract at the time of the contractor assessment.

Its purpose is to identify areas where you are successful as well as areas needing improvement. The Assessment Report is an internal informational tool used by the contractor as well as GSA to highlight areas of potential concern--it is not distributed externally.

The Assessment Report is designed to provide contractors with helpful feedback on how they are managing the many obligations that come with holding a Schedule contract. It deals strictly with performance against contract terms and conditions and is visible only within GSA and to the individual contractor. This unique feature allows two or more contractors to work together to meet agency requirements for orders that they might not qualify for independently.

CTAs can apply to several items within the same Schedule, or can be combined across two or more Schedules. Each CTA member benefits by having reportable sales for their individual contracts. Customers benefit from buying a total solution in one purchase rather than making separate purchases from two or more contractors. The TAA limits the country of origin for products sold through your schedule contract, in general, this means the following may be sold: Articles that are wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of the U.

For services, country of origin is determined by the country in which firm providing the services is established. Please refer to the TAA clause in your contract for complete details, including relevant definitions and the list of designated countries. Remember that it is the responsibility of each Schedule vendor to ensure that product information is accurately incorporated into the contract and displayed on GSA Advantage! Phone: Email: info winvale.

Categories Follow Us Subscribe. Back to all posts Subscribe. Ensure proper documentation, which includes supplier agreements as well as a letter of supply agreement. Correct documentation of the country of origin is vital, including origin markings, most current country of origin and the correct country of origin COO code.

Detailed inventory is a must, including sample products, product markings, and product matching. Maintenance , both internal and external: Companies have to be proactive with their MAS contract, by participating in activities such as product market sampling and training on a regular basis.


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