Le concierge du Territoire qui ouvre la bouche et ferme les portes. The Territorial Caretaker who opens his mouth and closes doors. Elle a un cercle bleu autour de la bouche There's a blue ring around her mouth , and - she's coming after me with a hammer Now she can spit with her mouth closed. Elle l'embrasse la bouche ouverte. She is kissing him with her mouth open. Le missionnaire prit son mouchoir et s'essuya la bouche. The missionary took his handkerchief and dabbed his mouth. If only the taste could have matched the nose.
These tablets are made to dissolve in the mouth. Je respire par la bouche vers le bas. I'm breathing out of my mouth in, like, a downward direction, blowing down. Little hard to do that with your mouth full of The upper teeth are exposed when the mouth is closed. Tasting sick in your mouth , like you've got hiccups but you haven't. Juste un frottis dans la bouche. If I could just swab the inside of your cheek.
This is the way to sing with your mouth closed. Ouvre la bouche. See examples translated by vent examples with alignment. See examples translated by flavour 55 examples with alignment. See examples translated by Mouth. At the end of fresh and well-balanced mouth. After having removed the inhaler from your mouth , gently breathe out. In the mouth it is extraordinarily complex and difficult.
An antimicrobial mouth rinse will reduce the bacteria in your mouth. The mouth has great expressiveness and is very well balanced. These tablets are made to dissolve in the mouth. His mouth is swollen and dirty with blood. La bouche est ventrale et protractile. The mouth is ventrally located and is protrusible. Taste: Well balanced in the mouth and persistent. The mouth is even less spectacular, although quite pleasant. The finely modelled mouth gives a hint of a smile.
Je respire par la bouche vers le bas. I'm breathing out of my mouth in, like, a downward direction, blowing down. Deux interfaces reproduisant une bouche humaine. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Need even more definitions? Just between us: it's complicated.
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